First female US president


Well-Known Member
It would seem like the US is getting closer to its first female US president with Biden's selection of Kamala Harris as his VP. It seems like Biden is favorite to win the next election and many people seem to think he won't last the full term. As much as I hate to say it, Trump still seems to have an outside chance of getting re-elected.

It would seem like the US is getting closer to its first female US president with Biden's selection of Kamala Harris as his VP. It seems like Biden is favorite to win the next election and many people seem to think he won't last the full term. As much as I hate to say it, Trump still seems to have an outside chance of getting re-elected.

View attachment 3370

Yeah, I need to give Sleepy Creepy Joe a little credit. He somehow managed to select a running mate that (almost) put as many black Americans in jail as he did throughout his career. Not an easy task! Let's give him a round of applause :)
Can you elaborate?

I'd be happy to. :)

Prior to her run for political office, Kamala Harris has spent her career as the district attorney of Alameda County, San Francisco, and as the Attorney General (AKA "The Top Cop" of California).

1. For starters, she has publicly argued against the use of body cameras on police. As we know, body cameras are huge in eliminating corruption amongst dirty cops and she refused to support them.

2. She defended the 3 Strikes Law, a law that disproportionally incarcerated blacks and Latinos in California.

3. Kamala’s support of the death penalty, which is a modern-day form of lynching that has executed hundreds of innocent people, and also disproportionately affects Black people

4. Look up the case of Kevin Cooper. as Attorney General, Kamala Harris denied the release of DNA evidence that would have freed Cooper, instead of keeping him on death row. There was a New York Times piece I read on it a while back but I don't have the subscription so I can't find the exact article.

5. Back in 2011, lawyers under Attorney General Harris division pushed back against a law that would allow for early release and parole of inmates. Inmates in America provide very cheap labor. Hence, it is profitable to keep them locked up, working for cheap. Early release and parole would go against this horrible concept. Harris said she had no idea the lawyers were plotting such a thing and denied any involvement in the plot.

I could go on and on with more examples but I think you get the point. For people that cannot see Kamala Harris is so obviously pandering and trying to take advantage of a racially charged time in history, I urge them to check out her resume. Nothing she has done in her career seems beneficial to black America, yet she claims to be some sort of Martyr of Racial Justice. She even went so far to announce her presidential campaign on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Also, I find it incredibly ironic that the Democrats, who are the ones behind the BLM and "Defund the Police" protests elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, two dirty politicians with extensive law enforcement background, as the top two candidates. Don't even get me started on Joe Biden's law enforcement background. perhaps I'll write an essay on it one of these days :)

Sorry If I went on too long. Feel free to ask anything else. Happy to talk about this kinda stuff.
Don't even get me started on Joe Biden's law enforcement background. perhaps I'll write an essay on it one of these days :)


Thanks for the outline. But do get started on Jo Biden. And as a matter of interest, what is your background that drew you to this political enquiry?
I'd be happy to. :)

Prior to her run for political office, Kamala Harris has spent her career as the district attorney of Alameda County, San Francisco, and as the Attorney General (AKA "The Top Cop" of California).

1. For starters, she has publicly argued against the use of body cameras on police. As we know, body cameras are huge in eliminating corruption amongst dirty cops and she refused to support them.

2. She defended the 3 Strikes Law, a law that disproportionally incarcerated blacks and Latinos in California.

3. Kamala’s support of the death penalty, which is a modern-day form of lynching that has executed hundreds of innocent people, and also disproportionately affects Black people

4. Look up the case of Kevin Cooper. as Attorney General, Kamala Harris denied the release of DNA evidence that would have freed Cooper, instead of keeping him on death row. There was a New York Times piece I read on it a while back but I don't have the subscription so I can't find the exact article.

5. Back in 2011, lawyers under Attorney General Harris division pushed back against a law that would allow for early release and parole of inmates. Inmates in America provide very cheap labor. Hence, it is profitable to keep them locked up, working for cheap. Early release and parole would go against this horrible concept. Harris said she had no idea the lawyers were plotting such a thing and denied any involvement in the plot.

I could go on and on with more examples but I think you get the point. For people that cannot see Kamala Harris is so obviously pandering and trying to take advantage of a racially charged time in history, I urge them to check out her resume. Nothing she has done in her career seems beneficial to black America, yet she claims to be some sort of Martyr of Racial Justice. She even went so far to announce her presidential campaign on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Also, I find it incredibly ironic that the Democrats, who are the ones behind the BLM and "Defund the Police" protests elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, two dirty politicians with extensive law enforcement background, as the top two candidates. Don't even get me started on Joe Biden's law enforcement background. perhaps I'll write an essay on it one of these days :)

Sorry If I went on too long. Feel free to ask anything else. Happy to talk about this kinda stuff.
You state “executed hundreds of innocent people “? Evidence please.

If you click the blue link that I provided up there, you will see the evidence.

The studies revealed in that report add to an overwhelming body of evidence that race plays a decisive role in the question of who lives and dies by execution in the USA. Race influences which cases are chosen for capital prosecution and which prosecutors are allowed to make those decisions. Likewise, race affects the makeup of the juries which determine the sentence. Racial effects have been shown not just in isolated instances, but in virtually every state for which disparities have been estimated and over an extensive period of time.

Now, am I saying every black man that gets the death penalty is innocent? Absolutely not. Some are guilty of their crimes but that's not the point. The point is Kamala Harris supported this archaic way of punishment during her tenure as Attorney General and as a result, many people were arrested and put on death role simply because the color of their skin.

Kamala Harris cannot fix the race issues in America but she could have done something about the death penalty and at least take a small step in the right direction to saving some innocent black lives.
Thanks for the outline. But do get started on Jo Biden. And as a matter of interest, what is your background that drew you to this political enquiry?

As for my background, I'm not really sure what you mean. A few years ago, I started getting in the habit of fact-checking the news and was shocked to find countless errors within the reports of what I previously thought were highly-reputable media sources. Since then, I'm taken it upon myself to do my own research as much as possible so I can try to get the real story. Not always, but more often than not, I find there is much more to the story than what the mainstream media says. I'm not sure when this transition from credible news to absolute bullshit started happening, but I think it's our duty as civilians to find the truth as much as possible.

Now, on to Joe Biden. Perhaps his most notable claim to fame in regards to "law enforcement" was a 1994 crime bill.

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, now known as the 1994 crime law, was the result of years of work by Biden, who oversaw the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time, and other Democrats. It was an attempt to address a big issue in America at the time: Crime, particularly violent crime, had been rising for decades, starting in the 1960s but continuing, on and off, through the 1990s (in part due to the crack cocaine epidemic).

The bill was advertised to be "tough on crime" but fast forward a few years and you'll see a different story. The bill expanded the federal government’s use of the death penalty, banned certain people from owning assault weapons, denied certain higher education rights to inmates, and included the “three-strike” provision for repeat offenders. It also contributed to the dramatic rise in the country’s prison population in the years that followed.

In 2020, At least two Democratic presidential candidates, California Sen. Kamala Harris (oddly enough, his new running mate) and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, have criticized Biden for shepherding a law that they say fueled mass incarceration. As the nation nearly doubled its prison population in the 1990s, blacks and Hispanics made up a growing fraction of men in jail.'

Even his buddy and former Democrat President Bill Clinton realized the bill was a huge mistake saying "I signed a bill that made the problem worse and I want to admit it.” Unfortunately, Biden has issued no such apology, but the policy manager for the Drug Policy Alliance, Michael Collins, commented: "Joe Biden should apologize—just as Bill Clinton did—for his role in mass incarceration, and he should champion systemic change.”

Kamala Harris used this as her main ammo against Biden in her campaign for president but now that she was chosen as his VP running mate, she seems to forget all about it.

Now let's go back to the 1980's where we again, see Biden leading the charge on the "tough on crime" mindset at the time.

Creating the new Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
As a senator from Delaware, he served as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees the Department of Justice and is responsible for implementing many of the disastrous policies that were passed during this time. In a 1982 New York Times article, Biden coined the term “drug czar” when he called for the federal government to create this new role.

The article says:
But Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., … who is a strong advocate of antinarcotics efforts, said today that he thought no program could work without a Cabinet-level "drug czar" in charge to coordinate the work of various agencies.
Just a few years later, Biden got his wish with the creation of the new Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), whose head is referred to as the “drug czar.” And with this new department came stricter policies for drug offenders and a hefty price tag for the American public. The ONDCP committed itself to keep certain substances illegal even if new credible information comes to light. The drug czar is even encouraged to take whatever action is necessary to keep this information from the American public.

In 1984, Biden cosponsored the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. This legislation gave law enforcement the authority to seize money and property from those suspected of drug trafficking—without ever having to charge them with a crime. This resulted in the decades-long practice of civil asset forfeiture that has incentivized law enforcement to police for profit and steal from the same individuals they have sworn to protect

The Anti-Drug Abuse Act

Perhaps one of Biden's more insane creations is his involvement in the 100-to-1 sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine. As the country panicked over the “crack” epidemic, legislators set out to dole out harsher punishments to those found guilty of selling the substance.

The Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which was written at least partially by Biden, changed the law so that those caught with a mere five grams of crack cocaine were subject to the same mandatory minimum as those caught with 500 grams of powdered cocaine. The application of this law disproportionately harmed African-American communities and contributed to mass incarceration.

In 1998, Biden’s daughter Ashley was arrested for cannabis possession in Louisiana. While others arrested for the same offense faced sentences sometimes spanning decades, Ashley Biden was never convicted of any drug-related crime. In 2014, Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. Like his daughter, no charges were ever filed against Biden’s son.

I made sure all this info came from reputable sources, and not some alt-right conspiracy news sources like I'm sure many of you think is where I get my information. Given the information provided, it's clear to me that Biden has a checkered past and is at least worthy of a detailed investigation for corruption to some degree.

I just find the whole thing hilarious that Biden/Harris are running on this "Black Lives Matter" campaign when it's evident none of them have done anything influential for black lives in the past. If anything, they are partly responsible for making black communities more impoverished.

Now, I'm not a huge fan of Donald Trump either but I need to give credit where credit is due. Most people are not aware of the First Step Act, signed into law by President Trump in December of 2018. It is a major achievement in improving the criminal justice system, long overdue.

This law seeks to incentivize prison inmates to participate in training programs targeted at increasing opportunities once released. Participation can earn as many as 47 days per year knocked off their sentences. Inmates also earn lighter sentences while ensuring, after release, they will become a productive member of society.

This was a law that had very rare bipartisan support and has generally been seen as a success up until around 2020 when the democrat owned media went full on attack mode on Trump because it's an election year.

I could keep going on about Biden's mishaps. There are too many to type and I've got to get going but hopefully this provided some interesting facts for you to digest. Thanks for reading and sorry for the rant!
..................I'm not sure when this transition from credible news to absolute bullshit started happening, but I think it's our duty as civilians to find the truth as much as possible......

Distortion, misinformation and propaganda have always been part of the information production output. Before the internet, fact checking even a single item could involve hours of research through librararies and poring over months of back issues of newspapers or parliamentary records. With the introduction of search engines, typing in a few words produces many thousands of related references in seconds so fact checking can be done very quickly. Often the distortions, misinformation and propaganda can be exposed almost instantly. We now have an awareness capacity that was not previously available but it does leave us with a sense that the news and stories we are fed are now unreliable. It has ever been thus. But now we can instantly check for ourselves. Not that search engines are 100% reliable and can't be slanted but they provide a lot more information.

The fundamentals that shape so much of what is reported are entertainment value, cost/profit and influence from vested interests. Most news and current affairs teams begin their day by checking what are main stories being carried by rival outlets and making sure their outlets have adequate coverage. Then what are the possible stories to be chased that day? An insight into the entertainment criteria is shown in media language. A potential interviewee is assessed as possibly good or bad "talent". Those who have the "talent" to satisfy the demand for immediate, clearly presented bites are in the position to also shape what is or isn't news.

That the latest figures show this year another 38,000 died on the roads as was also the case last year and the previous year is not much of a story. An elephant falling out of a container and onto a following car killing the driver has terrific entertainment value. That it also blocked the freeway for hours makes it to the front page. If there is video footage this makes it the lead story with television news.

A hospital in a financial crisis may not get coverage. However, having blind parents to tearfully plead for help as their child will die because of a shortage of a particular medicine will give the story legs. I think you get my drift. And thank you JackStraw for the follow up.
Distortion, misinformation and propaganda have always been part of the information production output. Before the internet, fact checking even a single item could involve hours of research through librararies and poring over months of back issues of newspapers or parliamentary records. With the introduction of search engines, typing in a few words produces many thousands of related references in seconds so fact checking can be done very quickly. Often the distortions, misinformation and propaganda can be exposed almost instantly. We now have an awareness capacity that was not previously available but it does leave us with a sense that the news and stories we are fed are now unreliable. It has ever been thus. But now we can instantly check for ourselves. Not that search engines are 100% reliable and can't be slanted but they provide a lot more information.

The fundamentals that shape so much of what is reported are entertainment value, cost/profit and influence from vested interests. Most news and current affairs teams begin their day by checking what are main stories being carried by rival outlets and making sure their outlets have adequate coverage. Then what are the possible stories to be chased that day? An insight into the entertainment criteria is shown in media language. A potential interviewee is assessed as possibly good or bad "talent". Those who have the "talent" to satisfy the demand for immediate, clearly presented bites are in the position to also shape what is or isn't news.

That the latest figures show this year another 38,000 died on the roads as was also the case last year and the previous year is not much of a story. An elephant falling out of a container and onto a following car killing the driver has terrific entertainment value. That it also blocked the freeway for hours makes it to the front page. If there is video footage this makes it the lead story with television news.

A hospital in a financial crisis may not get coverage. However, having blind parents to tearfully plead for help as their child will die because of a shortage of a particular medicine will give the story legs. I think you get my drift. And thank you JackStraw for the follow up.

Yes exactly. You hit the nail right on the head mate. The news is becoming increasingly synonymous with entertainment because that's what sells. These days if you fail to read the news, you're misinformed. But if you read it too much, you're overexposed to the particular narrative of that media outlet. So what's the solution? That's a great question I don't know the answer to.

In my opinion, journalists have a moral obligation to report the facts and the truth without any bullshit surrounding it. Of course, I don't believe that will ever happen but I can dream.
I'd be happy to. :)

Prior to her run for political office, Kamala Harris has spent her career as the district attorney of Alameda County, San Francisco, and as the Attorney General (AKA "The Top Cop" of California).

1. For starters, she has publicly argued against the use of body cameras on police. As we know, body cameras are huge in eliminating corruption amongst dirty cops and she refused to support them.

2. She defended the 3 Strikes Law, a law that disproportionally incarcerated blacks and Latinos in California.

3. Kamala’s support of the death penalty, which is a modern-day form of lynching that has executed hundreds of innocent people, and also disproportionately affects Black people

4. Look up the case of Kevin Cooper. as Attorney General, Kamala Harris denied the release of DNA evidence that would have freed Cooper, instead of keeping him on death row. There was a New York Times piece I read on it a while back but I don't have the subscription so I can't find the exact article.

5. Back in 2011, lawyers under Attorney General Harris division pushed back against a law that would allow for early release and parole of inmates. Inmates in America provide very cheap labor. Hence, it is profitable to keep them locked up, working for cheap. Early release and parole would go against this horrible concept. Harris said she had no idea the lawyers were plotting such a thing and denied any involvement in the plot.

I could go on and on with more examples but I think you get the point. For people that cannot see Kamala Harris is so obviously pandering and trying to take advantage of a racially charged time in history, I urge them to check out her resume. Nothing she has done in her career seems beneficial to black America, yet she claims to be some sort of Martyr of Racial Justice. She even went so far to announce her presidential campaign on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Also, I find it incredibly ironic that the Democrats, who are the ones behind the BLM and "Defund the Police" protests elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, two dirty politicians with extensive law enforcement background, as the top two candidates. Don't even get me started on Joe Biden's law enforcement background. perhaps I'll write an essay on it one of these days :)

Sorry If I went on too long. Feel free to ask anything else. Happy to talk about this kinda stuff.
Kamala Harris is among the slimiest of politicians that makes her less likable as well. While Biden may have thought he would bolster his intersectionality credentials by picking the Democrats’ Great Black-Asian Female Hope as his VP, it seems he merely ended up shooting himself in the foot, alienating many of the black voters he intended to win???
It would seem our once informative, interesting and funny Blog has been infected by Trump supporters who write, cut and paste vast tracts of unverified propaganda in the hope of deflecting the our attention from the buffoon that now infects the White House.
There was a time when political opinions were never discussed on these pages, let's hope that after November 3 we can return to the Blog it once was
Fire at will.
It would seem our once informative, interesting and funny Blog has been infected by Trump supporters who write, cut and paste vast tracts of unverified propaganda in the hope of deflecting the our attention from the buffoon that now infects the White House.
There was a time when political opinions were never discussed on these pages, let's hope that after November 3 we can return to the Blog it once was
Fire at will.

I'm not a Trump supporter first of all. Secondly, what's wrong with a little political discussion? It's all in good fun. If you are offended by it then simply don't participate. It's as easy as that.

Lastly, what exactly do you think is unverified propaganda? Everything I posted was from mainstream media sources and government websites. you can check them all in the links provided. These are just raw facts and not propaganda at all but I understand why you're triggered since you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and anything that even hints at the fact that he may not be such a bad guy, after all, makes you people go ballistic.
I'm not a Trump supporter first of all. Secondly, what's wrong with a little political discussion? It's all in good fun. If you are offended by it then simply don't participate. It's as easy as that.

Lastly, what exactly do you think is unverified propaganda? Everything I posted was from mainstream media sources and government websites. you can check them all in the links provided. These are just raw facts and not propaganda at all but I understand why you're triggered since you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and anything that even hints at the fact that he may not be such a bad guy, after all, makes you people go ballistic.
I'm not a Trump supporter first of all. Secondly, what's wrong with a little political discussion? It's all in good fun. If you are offended by it then simply don't participate. It's as easy as that.

Lastly, what exactly do you think is unverified propaganda? Everything I posted was from mainstream media sources and government websites. you can check them all in the links provided. These are just raw facts and not propaganda at all but I understand why you're triggered since you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and anything that even hints at the fact that he may not be such a bad guy, after all, makes you people go ballistic.
I have that virus also, Tds ,at least its not covid :oops::eek:
I am not a Trump supporter either. The alternative though is also a pretty scary option. I am surprised out of all of those Democrat candidates how Biden won.

If you were to live in the USA you would understand this situation better. Not completely, just better - imagine if you were middle aged, in a good job, with a mortgage and children at school, OK? Everyday you drive to work passing more and more homeless people by the side of the road, and you are confronted by a press that hails bad news and dire consequences coupled with deadly gun threats for yourself and your children AT SCHOOL! At some stage you come to the realization you are about one paycheck away from a similar fate.

Trust me, it's terrifying.

All you can do is pray and hope that nothing changes. No brave "New Green Deal" or Universal Income (UI) or major ructions in ANYTHING. You and all of the middle class have seen how fast poverty and no healthcare comes up. It's happened to your friends and colleges at work.

So what/who do you vote for?
It would seem like the US is getting closer to its first female US president with Biden's selection of Kamala Harris as his VP. It seems like Biden is favorite to win the next election and many people seem to think he won't last the full term. As much as I hate to say it, Trump still seems to have an outside chance of getting re-elected.

View attachment 3370
If sleepy pedo joe and camella in what a DISASTER FOR USA..
She is a MAD radical Socialist commie ...hardly black.
Donald Trump has done a HUGE amount of GOOD ...considering the DISGUSTING SHIT THE DEMONRATS HAVE BLASTED HIM WITH OVER 3.5 YEARS....
The Demonrsts have caused most of the violence to CONTINUE ..because of the DEMONRAT GOVERNORS and MAYORS ...They should be Jailed for allowing it to Continue and They will be when Donald gets BACK IN..they are SACRIFICING THE PEOPLE ..TO MAKE DONALD LOOK BAD..
Obviously i am a Donald supporter...I WANT TO SEE.
Sleepy Slimey joe and pseudo black commie criminal Camel..cast out to history.
If sleepy pedo joe and camella in what a DISASTER FOR USA..
She is a MAD radical Socialist commie ...hardly black.
Donald Trump has done a HUGE amount of GOOD ...considering the DISGUSTING SHIT THE DEMONRATS HAVE BLASTED HIM WITH OVER 3.5 YEARS....
The Demonrsts have caused most of the violence to CONTINUE ..because of the DEMONRAT GOVERNORS and MAYORS ...They should be Jailed for allowing it to Continue and They will be when Donald gets BACK IN..they are SACRIFICING THE PEOPLE ..TO MAKE DONALD LOOK BAD..
Obviously i am a Donald supporter...I WANT TO SEE.
Sleepy Slimey joe and pseudo black commie criminal Camel..cast out to history.
Clearly we have a few radical "crackers" on here now ,all we need is the conspiracy theorists to make a full set o_O:eek:
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