Experts for cheap flights from Europe/Austria to Denpasar?


Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
I don't see anyone really getting slated for opening old threads - it's more in the amusement that the people trained on FB haven't really grasped a real forum can go back to the ice ages.
Well, some are more sensitive than others. Jim in Holland felt he had been "slagged.".
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Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
Any idea what ever happened to him? Lived in Ubud if I'm not mistaken.
If you read some of his Blogs after he was kicked off here then realise he is a vindictive, bitter person who has a grudge with EVERYBODY, you included.
Add in Mimpimanis, Bert, Tintin, Jimbo and a few others to his hate filled vitriol.

Wouldn't be surprised if he is pushing up daisies somewhere and not from natural causes.

Shudder at the memory


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
If you read some of his Blogs after he was kicked off here then realise he is a vindictive, bitter person who has a grudge with EVERYBODY, you included.
Add in Mimpimanis, Bert, Tintin, Jimbo and a few others to his hate filled vitriol.

Wouldn't be surprised if he is pushing up daisies somewhere and not from natural causes.

Shudder at the memory
I'm quite proud to have been instrumental in him getting the push from the forum, but in all honestly Bert was looking for any reason to do it.

Hilarious man - wanted them to close the forum and give him all his posts (1000000000s) back. You literally couldn't fart here at any time of the day or night before he would give his "all-seeing" commentary on weight, consistency, likely chemical makeup and smell from 1 to 10.
Well, some are more sensitive than others. Jim in Holland felt he had been "slagged.".
View attachment 4139

Actually, I was responding in defense of AjnaInWater, as the first smart-ass commend directed towards him, but hey - by all means – be my guest, keyboard warrior. Have at me and do ya woist…

For a moment, let's be serious here. I mean, it's an airfare thread -- right? Fares change moment to moment, so is it something you can just look up using search? Maybe back off the cynical and jaded comments for a while and let new people ask valid questions?

Or if you lot would really just rather keep it as it is for your tight little group say so. People will lurk, take what they want and never contribute. Plenty of places to download information without giving a byte back... but hey, it's all up to you lot.

Will be interesting if I get to log in again after this comment.

("people trained on FB"... haven't been on FB for over a decade but it says more about the commenter than they might expect…)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Actually, I was responding in defense of AjnaInWater, as the first smart-ass commend directed towards him, but hey - by all means – be my guest, keyboard warrior. Have at me and do ya woist…

For a moment, let's be serious here. I mean, it's an airfare thread -- right? Fares change moment to moment, so is it something you can just look up using search? Maybe back off the cynical and jaded comments for a while and let new people ask valid questions?

Or if you lot would really just rather keep it as it is for your tight little group say so. People will lurk, take what they want and never contribute. Plenty of places to download information without giving a byte back... but hey, it's all up to you lot.

Will be interesting if I get to log in again after this comment.

("people trained on FB"... haven't been on FB for over a decade but it says more about the commenter than they might expect…)
You misunderstood the situation with this and possible other similar posts. Over the last 6 months to a year the forum has been 'attacked' by AI bots that are trying to cause activity on the forum for their, or their owner's, particular reasons. Hence the sarcastic/unfriendly tone of that and other similar postings. Once you been here a while you'll be able to recognise them too.

Having said, that and being one of the most unfriendly and caustic members of this intimate club I welcome you to fecking "man up" and grow a pair! Mate!
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