Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
Every day is Fathers Day

I must be one of the luckiest Dads on Earth, I lost the use of my legs and in return found my son.

Like millions of other parents I had been through the whole scenario several times, trying to balance working to the best of my abilities to give my family a superior quality of life against never being there for birthday parties, school presentations, football matches, grazed knees and a hundred other events so important to a child. How do you explain to a five year old that if Daddy doesn’t go to work we can’t pay our bills, buy food or put gas in the car, what do five year olds care about income tax, insurance premiums and mortgage repayments when there’s sandcastles to built and Lego robots to be assembled, all you can do is try and be there when you can.

However, I was certainly guilty of being work obsessed then stupidly wasting my limited leisure time in the pub, looking back why I wanted to work all day with a group of blokes and then socialize with them afterwards I’ll never know, but that’s what I did.

When I was in the house, my children were kept out of my way ‘Daddy’s tired’ ‘Daddy’s been working hard’ ‘Daddy wants to watch the football’ Mum and the housemaids ensured when I was home …..I was ‘home alone’ I could not even tell you what year my children were in at school, but the housemaids probably could.

I was running my own company and the main contractor we worked for had just went bust, I was grossly overweight, in very poor health, stressed and heading for a heart attack when my body said ‘enough’

I was feeling hyper, my blood pressure was well into the danger zone, my joints and lower back were a constant source of discomfort, I went to bed early one night not feeling too good and woke up in Intensive Care twelve days later with tubes sticking out of every orifice. The prognosis was not good, advanced osteoarthritis, fibrositis, blood cell imbalance, liver damage to list the main items, my system was in recess and the doctors had implied I might not come out of the coma I had been in, my family and friends had been gathered around expecting me to die, I didn’t. Both my knees were locked and my left ankle and foot were twisted down-over, the results of several seizures, even the tiniest movement was agony

Seven months of treatment, blood transfusions, therapy and medication and I was finally released from hospital unable to sit stand or walk 50kgs lighter and feeling surprisingly healthy. My company had folded, my health insurance had run out and financially things were not good but something ‘good’ did happen whilst I was in hospital. We were restricted from using electrical devices, mobile phones, laptops etc. so to while away the long hours of treatment my son and I played cards and board games. Good old fashioned snakes and ladders, checkers, monopoly etc. I bought a large pack of good quality colouring pencils and we drew out new games on A3 paper. My son started modifying the classics with Plants vs Zombies monopoly and Angry Birds draughts, we played cards, ‘Uno’ ‘Fish’ ‘Snap’ and ‘Rummy’, and when I got home from hospital we continued.

Now it was my turn to be waiting for my son to come home from ‘work’ or school in his case, I counted the minutes until he was home. Luckily for me he was more than happy to sit for hour after hour not just playing games but reading and writing as well. I had started writing out my travel memoirs in hospital and now my son wanted to copy what I was doing and write ‘stories’ as well.

With no restrictions like reality and life to draw on, his imagination is totally unfettered, his vocabulary for a nine year old is amazing and his stories can cover five hundred years in an instant. His take on the Marie Celeste ghost ship includes scenes from the movie Titanic, history and legends…well Robin Hood and his Merry Men escaped the Sheriff of Nottingham time and time again on …..Jet-skis, science…Thomas Jefferson invented electricity to make his air-conditioner work….there’s more…a lot more.

Twelve months on and his enthusiasm hasn’t abated in the slightest and we still sit for hours listening to the radio, playing games, drawing, reading and writing, he has thought up and drawn cartoon characters Krispy Skream….a Donut with huge shark like teeth that ‘goes around attacking fat kids’ Red Hot Chilli that jumps into peoples food and makes it peppery ‘then they have to run to the toilet’. His skill and artistry with Lego bricks far surpasses mine and I am demoted to ‘brick sorter’ ….so much for my previous title ‘Offshore Construction Manager’

My nine year old son is my constant companion, inspiration and best mate in the whole world. He is big for his age, fit and very strong, he has physically helped me get from being a bed-bound invalid into a wheelchair, onto crutches and finally walking alone, albeit unsteadily……a true reversal of roles if ever there was one.

I am embarking on a new life and a new career, built around my physical limitations, I have just self-published my first book based on travels and work in East Java, the first of a series. Financially times are hard but my son never complains, we get by and when I say ‘things will get better’ he believes me implicitly and unconditionally.

He is like any other normal nine year old and certainly has his 'moments' especially where his teenage sister is concerned, but these are easily overlooked.

I know it won’t last, the day will come when there are far more interesting things for him to do in that big wide world out there than helping his old man, until then I will savour every moment. I am so, so lucky, I have been given the gift of my son’s love and friendship.

Dads, don’t wait until you are ‘Knock knock knockin’ on Heaven’s Door’ before discovering what really matters in this life…..time for your children …..and your children’s time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Welcome to the forum there Joe and hope you get better.

Having been without the use of my legs on several occasions due to being shitfaced I can only say recovery was long and painful and you have my fullest sympathy.

Can also advise from personal experience the best way to get right up on those legs again is to start chasing small brown women around the pool - works best if they are carrying ice-cold Bintang.

In your case just tell them not to get caught.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I hope I'm not upping on Joe's story..... which I find a delight...even given his unfortunate circumstance. Rather, to add to it from another perspective.

I did not know, nor care, about my father much. I left home in Scotland at age 15 and never returned. Today, I'm older than my father when he died and similar thoughts as Joe has suggested sometimes enter my mind.
I had read a poem so I modified it to write the following...hope you all understand...this is pure catharsis.

A Working Man…My Dad

My Dad; verbally abused his machine as the drill bit off-centre. His arms, freckled with metal scarf, glistened with sweat. He talked loud, even while smoking his cigarette. Lithe above his lathe he slowly milled out the cylinder to a given, exact bore……..It was wartime!
My Dad; pencil-stub on his ear, spurned ink, micro-metered in thous’ scrawled on torn fag-packets, and worked a slide rule. Dad had dockets for his job description, but machine oil caused transparency.
Time-served, my Dad, branching from door handles and shell casings to parts fitted to Concorde and robotic machinery making expensive automobiles he could never own. Slightly hard of hearing from the din of the shop, forefingers described arcs and cutting angles. Milky white and messy from coolants and lubricants, he never forgot to ply the broom. Mild-mannered, steely, but not like mild steel, which rusts.
In ‘Red Square Pub’ beer-swilling shop-steward Dad swapped stories of work-stoppage rights; Stalin, Marx, Lenin and the Daily Worker. He demanded socialism be ‘the peoples’ government.
My Dad; retired but still making a go at shoe-repairing, denying his obvious failed business acumen and annoying his son by constantly asking for stewed tea, with an upright spoon, and a fag.
Let’s see if a spoon can stand in the tea of his son’s chamfered life.
Dad, after 2 world wars and ‘the depression’, is immortal; even as he hobbled, with an amputated leg, past the door open to His blue sky.

Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
My Dad was one of the last 'Boy Sailors' who was posted on the North Atlantic Convoys at the end of WW2, I have only ever seen two pictures of him in uniform. One at Portsmouth or somewhere similar, him and two mates Jolly Jack Tars ashore, caps tilted at a jaunty non regulation angle, cigarettes dangling from the corner of their mouths gurning for the camera...the second only a few months later...a skinny young man with a haunted look and dark sleep-deprived bruises under both eyes...eyes that had sen too much at such an early age...he never ever spoke of his war service and took his memories, remembered or shunned... to the grave...RIP Dad
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Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
Good afternoon Niskala, my first book is finished and called 'From Jarrow to Java (on a beer scooter)' there is a preview and a list of chapters at -

Available in all formats.

Thanks for the inquiry.


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Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
Welcome to the forum there Joe and hope you get better.

Having been without the use of my legs on several occasions due to being shitfaced I can only say recovery was long and painful and you have my fullest sympathy.

Can also advise from personal experience the best way to get right up on those legs again is to start chasing small brown women around the pool - works best if they are carrying ice-cold Bintang.

In your case just tell them not to get caught.

Thanks Markit...not going to get better...although like yourself no doubt ...I can still appear to function whilst 'legless'...the chasing small brown women around the pool thing is not wife is Madurese and on nodding terms with most herbs and mushrooms...and their effects...a young lady in our office on a project once made it known she would not be adverse to a bit of 'alternative entertainment' bowl of me wife's special 'Sop Sayuran' and she had the Eartha Kitts for a fortnight...but it was funny it never seemed to effect anyone else....