
Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Watched it and not sure if it's from living in Indonesia or just my time of life but I'm getting very cautious about believing things others want me to. This is a good documentary but it's very, very one sided. Whether this is because the subjects of the show have earned this level of hatred or whether there are other agendas (running for president?) going on? Yes I know the book came out last year but it was obvious who was going to be running for the Dems even then.

Also I don't think it's fair to subject those that have submitted to our requirements for a capitalist led election process to negative judgment for playing along and scumming for money where ever it can be found.

If people don't want this to happen then they should run it like the Brits do - 6 weeks, equal exposure for all candidates and that's it.

Frankly as long as Hilary isn't caught on film eating babies live she should be supported.


Jun 4, 2015
Interesting to watch,and like Markit said its very one sided,will it make a difference on election day,i very much doubt it,


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
Please tell me just once why Australians are so fascinated by American politics? Granted this year's production is the worst in memory, and the US is a large and significant nation, but it is a complete pain in the ass to enter a bar only to escape the heat and slake my thirst and as soon as my accent is recognized have to explain the intricacies of not only US politics but foreign policy decisions for the last 50 years.
I wouldn't do it to you if the shoe were on the other foot, and who in the hell thinks that because I am an American I agree with everything done by my government?
Frankly, I am damned proud to be an American and certainly not an apologist, but this bull**** gets old. For once think about how many times Americans have sacrificed the lives of their service personnel against some pretty evil adversaries much to the benefit of others and then turned around and rebuilt the economies of their former foes.
Thanks for allowing me to vent my spleen a bit and let you view things through other's eyes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Please tell me just once why Australians are so fascinated by American politics?

Because it is fascinating. Australian politics is dull in comparison. I think also because Australia just follows whatever the US does, people are interested in the outcome.


Jun 4, 2015
To say that Australia follows what happens in the Usa is somehow incorrect,we have had only one leader of our country for the past 7 1/2 years ,and if im not mistaken Australia has had 5 in the last five years,so someones calculations don't quite match up,

And given the fact that Australia changes leadership so often makes its politics interesting to us Americans,

Perhaps its a good example of the old saying ,,,another mans grass always seems greener ?


Feb 1, 2014
Please tell me just once why Australians are so fascinated by American politics? Granted this year's production is the worst in memory, and the US is a large and significant nation, but it is a complete pain in the ass to enter a bar only to escape the heat and slake my thirst and as soon as my accent is recognized have to explain the intricacies of not only US politics but foreign policy decisions for the last 50 years.
I wouldn't do it to you if the shoe were on the other foot, and who in the hell thinks that because I am an American I agree with everything done by my government?
Frankly, I am damned proud to be an American and certainly not an apologist, but this bull**** gets old. For once think about how many times Americans have sacrificed the lives of their service personnel against some pretty evil adversaries much to the benefit of others and then turned around and rebuilt the economies of their former foes.
Thanks for allowing me to vent my spleen a bit and let you view things through other's eyes.

It is good you are proud of your country and so you should be.
It would be a great country if you stopped invading other countries just for a few years and unnecessarily costing your soldiers life's as well as costing your fellow taxpayers lots and lots of money.
It would be a really really great country if you stopped spending money in your wars and maybe looked after your poor and sick .
Try free medical its pretty fair and while your government is at it why don't you get rid of guns.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
It is good you are proud of your country and so you should be.
It would be a great country if you stopped invading other countries just for a few years and unnecessarily costing your soldiers life's as well as costing your fellow taxpayers lots and lots of money.
It would be a really really great country if you stopped spending money in your wars and maybe looked after your poor and sick .
Try free medical its pretty fair and while your government is at it why don't you get rid of guns.

I recall the Australian military was involved in Korea in 1950-53; Vietnam for 10 years from 1962; then Indonesia in 1965; Afghanistan in 2002 and Iraq from 2003-2009.
Must have cost Australians lots of money to invade those places which had NO direct threat to their country.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Everyone knows all about America just like everyone that's been to Bali a couple of times knows all about Indonesia.

It's not just the Ozzys that are obsessed with US politics/life/guns/everything but the rest of the world is too.


They've all spent the last forever watching US tv and think they've now have some sort of stake in what goes on there since they've seen every episode of "The West Wing", "Sopranos" and "Breaking Bad".

Guys mind your own fecking business and make sure your house is in order cause America sure don't give a rats ass what you think since they hardly give a **** what people that pay taxes there want.


Feb 1, 2014
Everyone knows all about America just like everyone that's been to Bali a couple of times knows all about Indonesia.

It's not just the Ozzys that are obsessed with US politics/life/guns/everything but the rest of the world is too.


They've all spent the last forever watching US tv and think they've now have some sort of stake in what goes on there since they've seen every episode of "The West Wing", "Sopranos" and "Breaking Bad".

Guys mind your own fecking business and make sure your house is in order cause America sure don't give a rats ass what you think since they hardly give a **** what people that pay taxes there want.

Are you also going to vote in the US elections (great choices)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Just finished watching Hillary's acceptance speech and I was astounded...imo Americans watching will be equally impressed. Epic speech which I predict will propel her to the White House. If I were a USA citizen I'd be a Republican but would vote for Clinton, as I think many disappointed Republicans will be voting.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
Just finished watching Hillary's acceptance speech and I was astounded...imo Americans watching will be equally impressed. Epic speech which I predict will propel her to the White House. If I were a USA citizen I'd be a Republican but would vote for Clinton, as I think many disappointed Republicans will be voting.
Perhaps you have once watched Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs? Do remember the voice of the wicked witch? It came hauntingly back to me as I listened (but briefly) to Hillary screech.....but I will vote for her; however reluctantly.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
This has got a lot of press Michael Moores prediction

5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win | MICHAEL MOORE

A good read geedee...thanks for posting.
Although I'm no fan of MM he has some interesting points and he does know the USA electorate. Funny he sees Donald and Boris as having similarities.....me too....they were both born in New York.

"What happened in the UK with Brexit is going to happen here. Elmer Gantry shows up looking like Boris Johnson and just says whatever **** he can make up to convince the masses that this is their chance! To stick to ALL of them, all who wrecked their American Dream! And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!"