
New Member
Jan 20, 2014
Hi all,
I just spent a few wonderful days in the highlands around Bedugul. I travel cheap and checked out the homestays there. I did not find anything overly comfortable though and was hoping someone could suggest somewhere within walking distance to the Botanical Gardens.
I would also like to check out the possibility to rent a small place for a few months up there. House sitting a villa for the owners could be another option. I am single and in my late 50s and have a rental portfolio of my own at home. I will be back in Bedugul in May.
In regards to the homestays I checked out....There were three places on the road to the gardens. The one closest to the main road was a series of dark 'cells' with rising damp and musty smells. Way overpriced at 200k. The second was quite well appointed for the off-season price of 150k but right between the road and a smelly gully full of rubbish and rats. The third, about half way up the hill to the gardens was clean and quiet but the new management had no idea what to do and the rooms were not finished. There was no hand basin but there was a TV! Also the shower roses were installed over the toilets...a bit bizarre. It was still reasonable value at 150k.
For my May trip, I just need a bedroom and access to a bathroom with hot water.


New Member
Dec 16, 2013
On Bedugul travel guide is a listing on accomodation in the area from budget and up.


New Member
Jan 20, 2014
I wrote a lot of the wikitravel info and have checked everything I could find on the web. Its just so barren re accommodation there.