
Feb 14, 2010
A PLANNED honeymoon in Bali that went sour sent a man into the arms of the law for carrying drugs and his bride into hysterics when he was caught, Metro Ahad reported.

Sources from the Bukit Aman narcotics unit told the paper that the 38-year-old suspect from Penang was nabbed by Indonesian authorities at the Ngurah Rai International Airport as soon as the couple arrived from the KL International Airport on Friday.

Enforcement officers were suspicious of a strange object that was detected when the man walked through the airport scanner. A subsequent body search showed a plastic package filled with a white powdery substance in the man's trouser pocket.

On further inspection, it was found that he was carrying 2.49gm of the synthetic ketamine drug that is popular among disco goers.

His wife became hysterical when her husband was nabbed and had to be calmed by sympathetic passengers at the airport.

The suspect later admitted he brought the drug from Penang to have more fun during his honeymoon, which the couple had planned for quite some time.

It is learned that the man will be charged in court soon for a drug offence that could see him spending at least 10 years in jail, the sources said.

A honeymoon to forget for Malaysian couple


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
What I find interesting about this is the statement "2.49gm of the synthetic ketamine drug" .

I'm willing to bet some serious Bintang that the Indo lawmakers aren't up on all the modern developments in pharmacopy and synthetic drug making.

Problem they have in Europe is that no sooner are these new drugs declared illegal then the recipe/chemical makeup of the drug is changed just enough to make it still work but also enough to take it outside of the remit of the "new" law - making it legal, again.

My point? Accepting all the above I just wonder at the wording in the Indo law making this arrest possible - call me an old cynic but I reckon any law written loosely enough to allow room to apply in this case is so loosely written that it can apply in almost any case.

That I find seriously scary!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Curious that they report 2.49 gram and not 2.5. What's going on here?

And since 2.5 gram is about 1/2 a teaspoon, it seems almost insignificant - at least on the surface. Then to find out it may result in 10 years - wow!


Mar 10, 2011
Indonesia & Germany
I thinks laws are screwed up everywhere since it is not about what is just - but how good your lawyer is! Or what the judge considers to be right....

If you look up legal and dig deeper and deeper into the meaning of you will see....

If you kill someone in my understanding it is murder - but in the world of law there are different degrees of murder and different definitions that don't involve the word murder! So there you get the different degrees of punishment.

It is against the law to smuggle drugs - and I guess they make no difference on how much it is.....

Look up legal (sorry I'm not allowed to post links yet - only after I post a few times
WTF is a few times???? 2, 12, 20 ?????)

Legal leads to - recognized by law rather than by equity
Equity leads to - the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality: the equity of Solomon.


Aug 29, 2010
and stealing chicken takes you 8 years in jail. :icon_lol:
you all know, there is no fixed law in indonesia.

btw, anyone seen the picture of the beheaded lesbian couple in aceh? they were chopped after being caught having sex.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
and stealing chicken takes you 8 years in jail. :icon_lol:
you all know, there is no fixed law in indonesia.

btw, anyone seen the picture of the beheaded lesbian couple in aceh? they were chopped after being caught having sex.

yeah, but that guy who stole a chicken was warn't before i.e. did spend 6 months for the first chicken, still on probation he dared to steal another chicken :icon_wink: :icon_lol: