
New Member
Oct 30, 2012
I am a small business owner (revenue approx $850k pa) in Adelaide, Australia and a regular visitor to Bali.

Our business (dance studio) will be undergoing an internal redevelopment in late 2013/early 2014.

Being passionate about good design (but less capable at actually designing!) I would love to tap the incredible interior design talent I see in Bali.
Venues such as Potatohead, restaurants in Seminyak and even some small clothing boutiques just have incredible interior design that we don't see in Australia.

From speaking to expats whilst in Bali, I gather the talent is due to the number of foreign designers based in Bali combined with very talented local (and comparatively cheap) labour. As one designer said to me 'In Bali, I can afford to have something built, and then discarded if it doesn't work'

The plan of attack is to
- Speak to Bali based designers whilst in Bali over the Xmas/New Years break. Witness their completed projects.
- Choose 1 designer (or perhaps two), and fly them to Adelaide. They would prepare a proposal. (Hopefully minimal visa issues as designer in from western country) Proposals would be evaluated and chosen
- Designer to liaise with Australian draftsman to insure fit-out complies with Australian building standards
- Interior fit-out constructed in Bali by designer
- Shipped by container to Australia. 1-2 months provided to deal with customs issues
- Designer+right hand man to come to Australia to work with local contractors to install fit-out. (Possible difficulties in getting Indonesian right-hand-man short stay working visa)

Budget is around $100k for a 400msq dance studio

You can all help me by:
- Providing names of designers I should speak to
- Ideas on where to find good designers
- Comment on any potential issues that you can foresee.

I know it is an ambitious project. However I always like pushing the boundaries and so far my successes have outnumbered my failures. Let's hope it stays that way :)

Thanks for your help.



Nov 28, 2011
Hi Seb,
Maybe start researching
  1. the large format coffee table glossy photo books, many published by Periplus.
  2. there are a few interior design mags they often feature something known as 'Bali Style" they usually mention the designer's name
  3. google modern interior design Bali, or even achitects Bali
  4. you've already spoken to a designer... why not ask him?

Sorry this isn't a list of designers' names, addresses etc... but it's all a matter of taste & I doubt many people here use interior designers but do most of it themselves (expect them to be expensive working on an overseas project)
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New Member
Oct 30, 2012
Hi Seb,
Maybe start researching
  1. the large format coffee table glossy photo books, many published by Periplus.
  2. there are a few interior design mags they often feature something known as 'Bali Style" they usually mention the designer's name
  3. google modern interior design Bali, or even achitects Bali
  4. you've already spoken to a designer... why not ask him?

Sorry this isn't a list of designers' names, addresses etc... but it's all a matter of taste & I doubt many people here use interior designers but do most of it themselves (expect them to be expensive working on an overseas project)

Thanks SHoggard. I'm in Bali now, and I'm finding that walking around and getting shop/restaurant owner's details works OK.
Unfortunately a lot of the 'Bali Design' stuff is very residential/hotel related, and less shop/bar fit-out, which is what we're aiming for.

If you get any ideas, let me know.
