Heya, I know this is meant for Bali but its regarding coming back to Australia. Me and my fiance are wanting to come to Australia, we were going to get married in Indonesia but after speaking with Aus Consulate they have informed us I have to convert to Islam, I thought this rule had gone but apparently it hasnt.

Im not willing to convert to Islam only because I couldnt follow the beliefs properly and I think it would be fairly insulting to his family and village if I didnt ever attend a mosque ceremony in Java etc, he has also agreed with this and is fine with this decision.

Recently I have found out I am pregnant and would be more comfortable being in Australia and having the possibility of moving back to Bali at a later stage.

Anyway, so we are applying for the prospect to Marry visa in australia which should be fine immigration has said because we have evidence of why we cant marry in indo/our relationship is real and stable. Jakarta says 7 months, Bali says 9 months for visa approval.

If anyone has ever applied for this visa do they know if it definaetly takes this time frame or is that the longest it would take?? I spoke to consulate and immigration they both responded with we are not sure because we look at the same info you do on the net.
I have done a defacto visa before and the information on the immigration department's website is kept well up to date. All of the information is there and if they say 7 months then that is probable timeframe. There are a lot of forms you need to complete, medical checkups etc. Fill everything out as honest and accurate as possible. They do check up on the information you provide. There is a checklist on one of the forms, that is a good guide to go by to make sure you have everything. Congratulations and best of luck!
I have done a defacto visa before and the information on the immigration department's website is kept well up to date. All of the information is there and if they say 7 months then that is probable timeframe. There are a lot of forms you need to complete, medical checkups etc. Fill everything out as honest and accurate as possible. They do check up on the information you provide. There is a checklist on one of the forms, that is a good guide to go by to make sure you have everything. Congratulations and best of luck!

Great thanks so much, did you have your application with an Indonesian?? was it successful?

We are getting all the medicals and security done before we submit the application, we have 12 submissions from aus/indo family/friends stating the relationship is real, photos, phone bills.. Give them a large novel to increase the chances pretty much

I did it quite a few years ago with a spouse visa out of Saigon, much of the paper work is the same. Immigration said 7-9 months it took just over 4 months, it all depends on there workload, I think they are doing more than one applicant at the time I had to get proof of residence in Aus, proof of income, proof of savings, previous relationships and any children, just about your life story. I know one thing, tell them the truth the whole truth, immigration computers are hooked into all othe government agencies and they do check you out much to my surprise. Having said that I did find my dealings with immig to be easy and they are very helpful. Good luck with your application.:icon_lol:

Just an add on, when talking with anyone from immigration I would suggest that you log the time, the person you spoke with and the gist of the conversation. If you can ask them for a copy of the conversation all the better. I have learnt that when you talk to them most of the conversation is logged onto your file on the immigration computer system for future reference if needed, so be truthful. Also when you talk to them only answer what they ask don 't go rabbiting on about everything, just straight direct answers to any questions, again good luck.:icon_razz:
Just an add on, when talking with anyone from immigration I would suggest that you log the time, the person you spoke with and the gist of the conversation. If you can ask them for a copy of the conversation all the better. I have learnt that when you talk to them most of the conversation is logged onto your file on the immigration computer system for future reference if needed, so be truthful. Also when you talk to them only answer what they ask don 't go rabbiting on about everything, just straight direct answers to any questions, again good luck.:icon_razz:

Thanks so much! sounds like I have SO far got it right hahaha Thank you its so nerve racking knowing that all of this depends upon a government department who just look at numbers I guess :(

Another thing make sure your application and all relevant papers are correct before you submit them, if you are in Bali go to the embassy and ask them to go through them with you, if in Perth do the same. If the papers are not correct and they have to ask for something later your application goes to the back of the pile. Look I know it's nerve wracking and in the beginning you don't hear any thing for month's but don't contact them until you have at least chewed your fingernails off. I think i waited about 3 month's and couldn't stand it any more. They were lovely to me and said the application was moving along ok and not to worry ha.... ha.. easy for them to say. I think they do care and want the best outcome for every one but they are just snowed under with work. I did find most of the immigration officers are woman so this may help you ....... you know the sister thing. Also only give them what they ask for don't load them up to much with extra paper work. Having said all that I wish you the best of luck and hope it all turns out good for. Maybe one day in Bali I can wet the babies head, Good luck
Soontobeexpat, I've copied and pasted this from another forum (with the permission of the author, who is a friend of mine and has been through this process)

You can...

1. Apply for a tourist visa and marry when he is here.
State on application your relationship & how long you would like him here & why etc.
He may get knocked back, 1 month, 3 months or if you are lucky a multiple re-entry for 12 months.
If he gets the latter he still must leave after 3 months but can re-enter again
He cannot work on this visa.
Once married during this time apply for the Spouse Visa.
This visa requires money, and a lot of documentation, medicals, police clearance etc before it is granted.
He must be out of the country at the time this visa is granted
If granted this will give him 2 years temporary residency.
He can work in Australia
After 2 years he can apply for permanency

2. Apply for the Fiance Visa first.
You need stat decs, medical, interview, forms, documentation as per spouse visa.
May take up to 5+ months to process if all relevant documents are submitted.
Has to be offshore when granted.
Once granted & he arrives in Australia you have to marry within 9 months.
He can work while here.

After marriage you apply for the spouse visa.
This gives him 2 years temporary residence.

After 2 years you apply for Permanent Residency (more forms etc again).
This gives them 5 years before they have have the choice of becoming an Australian citizen or get return resident visa.

Which visa you choose will reflect which way you choose to go.
Either way it is a lengthy, costly process with time apart from each other (unless you are financially able to do frequent trips to Bali)

Sometimes it is also a good idea to just have them visit first & then return.
That way he can see if he will like living here, even if only for a couple of years)
Job prospects in Australia can also be dismal/wages low depending on their skills, English speaking skills, location etc.

If you ring the Immigration department they are generally helpful and will answer your questions.

To get you started there is some info at the link below for tourist visa, fiance & spouse ..& links to the immigration website.
Looks daunting, but if you work through step by step after you decide which way you wish to go, are organised & thorough, it should be ok.

Look under:

You can also hire a Migration agent for the process which will make it a bit easier, but will cost quite a bit overall

My friend also added this in a postscript this morning via email:

Better they do go straight to the Immigration website as well if applying for a fiance visa.
Does not sound like they will get a defacto as to apply for this you must be living together for 12 (or 18mths) fulltime & be able to prove it.
Wait time from start to finish with collecting info etc may well be up to 9 months.

She also needs to be aware of how anal Immigration is with all the info she needs to submit (I have a full lever arch file for the fiance visa).
Need phone records, joint accounts, letter, email. cards to each other 3 or more stat decs...& the list goes on.
It's nothing like a tourist visa

If not using an agent make sure the file is in order/sections corresponding to the areas they ask for.
Hope this helps.
Soontobeexpat, I've copied and pasted this from another forum (with the permission of the author, who is a friend of mine and has been through this process)

My friend also added this in a postscript this morning via email:

Hope this helps.

Thank you to you and your friend for taking the time to post this information!!!
My husband has just been given his permanent residence. We applied for a proposed spouse visa. He came for 9 months and worked. 1 month before we went back to Indonesia and go married. On our return we then applied for the Spouse Visa and it was approved within a week.

We were told 6 months in Jakarta it actually took 4 months. Just have everything they ask for and it will go smoothly.
Is this the same boyfriend who had the "sister from hell " who ripped you off a few months ago? Sorry to be negative here, but immigration will investigate your boyfriend before granting visa. A few years ago, my now wife and i applied for tempory spouse visa ie we were already married in Jkt. My wife, working and owning a home had a visit from the officials and questions asked etc. They do not just grant visas willy nilly. Also what will he do in Australia? Will he work? Has he any skills? :icon_rolleyes: Will he just become another dependent on the dole? Australia already has thousands of those clammering to get in now, cos u are pregnant and wont be able to support him. They will ask these questions.
I would be more concerned about the health of yourself and your unborn baby, living in Bali on questionable conditions...banchungs, prostiutes etc. You say you still have a fair bit of money left, get back home and look after the health of your baby, a proper doctor etc.
Having said all that, good luck
Is this the same boyfriend who had the "sister from hell " who ripped you off a few months ago? Sorry to be negative here, but immigration will investigate your boyfriend before granting visa. A few years ago, my now wife and i applied for tempory spouse visa ie we were already married in Jkt. My wife, working and owning a home had a visit from the officials and questions asked etc. They do not just grant visas willy nilly. Also what will he do in Australia? Will he work? Has he any skills? :icon_rolleyes: Will he just become another dependent on the dole? Australia already has thousands of those clammering to get in now, cos u are pregnant and wont be able to support him. They will ask these questions.
I would be more concerned about the health of yourself and your unborn baby, living in Bali on questionable conditions...banchungs, prostiutes etc. You say you still have a fair bit of money left, get back home and look after the health of your baby, a proper doctor etc.
Having said all that, good luck

It sure is!!! The sister is back in the corner where she should be though.

He has skills and also has a job waiting for him in australia for when he comes as a chef which is garunteed.
Im certainly not living in questionable conditions - what my neighbors may or may not do as a career has no impact on my life. I live in a 2 story bungalow with me and my partner. People within the compound/housing area/complex do the not to good jobs. That would be like saying because your neighbors are on the dole/state housing/drug users you would be unable to bring your spouse to Australia. Or that you were living in questionable conditions.

I understand your skeptical and really I do appreciate you raising concerns with this, if no one raises any concerns then I go into it with rose coloured glasses :) Thank you.
It sure is!!! The sister is back in the corner where she should be though.

He has skills and also has a job waiting for him in australia for when he comes as a chef which is garunteed.
Im certainly not living in questionable conditions - what my neighbors may or may not do as a career has no impact on my life. I live in a 2 story bungalow with me and my partner. People within the compound/housing area/complex do the not to good jobs. That would be like saying because your neighbors are on the dole/state housing/drug users you would be unable to bring your spouse to Australia. Or that you were living in questionable conditions.

I understand your skeptical and really I do appreciate you raising concerns with this, if no one raises any concerns then I go into it with rose coloured glasses :) Thank you.
Ok soontobemum, fair enough, but you do need to be aware about your baby, prebirth checks etc.
And believe me, the oz authorities wil investigate your partner!

Sorry about a lateish response, but I thought it might put your mind at ease if I added my 2 cents worth. My wife Javanese) came to Australia on a prospective marriage visa, got her provisional spouse visa (in about 30 minutes, I might add!!!) and about 9 months ago got her permanent residency. All I can say is you will probably sweat bullets and sh*t razor blades throughout the process but if everything is legitimate (as in character and relationship), you will have no problems whatsoever. My wifes fiance visa took 5 months to process and that included probably a month of wasted time getting a couple of 'surat pernyataan' (basically an Indo stat dec) completed for a couple of issues that required her to travel backwards and forwards from Java to Bali to our notaris (as our local Javanese notaris' had no idea what we were on about).

I guess when submitting your application include everything that may be of relevance, but don't waffle, if that makes sense. When I/we submitted my wifes application the lady at AVAC complimented us on the most thorough yet succinct application she had seen (granted, we had been going together for a good couple of years or more so had quite a lot of evidence). Include as much tangible evidence as you can, as an example, the police reports I recieved when checking in with the cops to report I was staying in our Kos in Bali, the same reports when we stayed in Java etc etc. Another good idea, I believe, is to ensure that you have photo's of your stat deccers with yourself and your partner. Another good idea is photos of your family with his family (also great as keepsake!).

Be mindful when doing the medical that BIMC (who are perhaps the only ones nowdays who can do Aussie visa medicals???) will not give you the test results directly, but are compelled to forward them directly to Jakarta. I think normally they would ask you to do the medical after your application had been submitted but to streamline the process a little we completed the medical the day before we submitted the application. That way they more or less recieved both the application and the medical at the same time. Also, anything written in Indonesian (e.g. Akte Lahir, KTP, Kartu Keluarga etc) should theoretically be translated into English by an accredited translator. I've since heard that it really doesn't matter too much (as your case officer is likely to be Indonesian anyway) but if you wan't to cover your arse it isn't that expensive in the grand scheme of things to get these done anyway.

Probably the best piece of advice I can give you is just be honest. Do not even consider thinking about fabricating evidence or contriving stories to try and boost your story as they are too smart for that and seen it all before. We had a couple of 'issues' (nothing seriously bad, just shoddy Indonesian record keeping and some typically bizarre local behaviour) that we thought might complicate our chances but in the end there was no problem at all.

Indonesian partners seem to be the flavour of the month in my neck of the woods and I know of about 5 blokes who have fairly recently got their ladies out here with no problems. Things must be a bit lax at the moment because I think the longest any of them took to be granted their visa's was 3 months and most of them had been involved in quite short relationships and I'd imagine their applications would have been sparse at best. At the end of the day, just do what you gotta do (I'd recommend that large volumes of Bintang dull the pain a little but seeing as you are with child perhaps thats not such a good idea...).

Feel free to PM me if you want any specific info on any issue. It was a wonderful man on this very forum named Allan (who is sadly long gone) who helped me so very much with our application and maintaining my sanity and now it is my turn to repay the favour.

It's not as hard as it seems :)

My husband came to Australia on a fiance visa, from when we lodged it to when it was granted was only 7 weeks... It seems like it is impossible, but stick with it :) The main thing is 'evidence' you are a real couple. Being pregnant should be great evidence! You have 12 stat decs from friends and family? I only used 2. I don't think you really need to go over the top as long as it proves the point.

It will end up being over $2000 AUD in fees for fiance and spouse visa!

Remember, the Aus Government will give you $5000 if you have your baby here, (over 6 month period)

Good luck!!