
Well-Known Member
Apple have just released it's latest toy, the "iPad". It seems to be a that is somewhere between an iPod and netbook - priced at around $500.

I could see it might be good to have if you travel frequently and don't want to carry around a note book computer. Downside is no USB.

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Apple have just released it's latest toy, the "iPad". It seems to be a that is somewhere between an iPod and netbook - priced at around $500.

I could see it might be good to have if you travel frequently and don't want to carry around a note book computer. Downside is no USB.

View attachment 395
Yes!! I have 3 right now on there way to Bali via UPS. Should arrive this Saturday. Anyone wanting to get their hands on and play let me know. Yfrog - w2y - Uploaded by johndean

Can't wait!
Why would you want one????/ I know it is the latest in gadget to have and I love paying through the nose to Apple :icon_mrgreen:

Yes the issue is alarming but 1st gen always has issues. I have 2 iPhone apps so need to rework UI for iPad, the simulators provided for dev are ok but nothing beats the real thing even if flawed, Apple will straighten it out & get it right second time around.

Has anyone seen the tablet from FusionGarage called the JooJoo? The small company out of Singapore has had a uphill battle (legal wrangling's with TechCrunch) but their product looks pretty cool. Trying now to get a few shipped here to play with.


All things Apple - I love them, worked for Apple for 15 years when the first Apple II came out and the first Macintosh - which could only play Mac Slots (poker machine game).

Apple certainly have come a long way. :icon_razz:
Apple certainly have come a long way. :icon_razz:

Apple is good at creating markets.

In the late 80's they led the way getting windows and a mouse pointer onto low cost computers.

In the 90's they lost their way a bit - the Newton (around 1993) was a handheld that failed - then Palm Pilots had some success.

The iPod, introduced in 2001, has led the way in getting people to move from buying CDs, to buying on-line from iTunes or similar.

The iPhone, introduced in 2007, has led the way by creaating a platform for independent software developers. Till then Nokia and Motorola ruled, and they offered a complex set of different models that made it hard for software developers to target and test for. (Really this is what Microsoft did with WIndows for PCs in the 90s. At that time developers of specialized software like data analysis, accounting or mapping, had to develop of MS Windows, and were not hurt too much if the ignored Macinstosh or Linux.)

So the iPad. It is basically a general purpose computer with long battery life, and without a "real" keyboard and without a mouse. It has a high resolution screen which is intended to be used by a single person. Obviously, e-books is one area where if may be preferred to an existing laptop - so maybe we are about to see a bigger boost to the e-book market than has been achieved by Amazon and the Kindle. But it may excel in other ways - perhaps a travel accessory showing maps and helping you locate things - obviously the iPhone can do this, but the more detailed screen may give the iPad an edge.

So I agree with those who think let's hold back and wait for the 2nd or 3rd generation - it will become clearer by then.
Enjoy the technology for where it is now....

So I agree with those who think let's hold back and wait for the 2nd or 3rd generation - it will become clearer by then.

With that logic you will always be waiting vs. enjoying the technology for what it can do now for you. I still have my 1st gen iPhone and it runs the most current available OS, only thing that sucks is the camera, but Apple still did not get this right on the 3g version (wife has one, sucks there to with no flash).

With the announcement from Apple yesterday of yet a "new" iPhone OS with over 100 improvements including multi-tasking I will have to upgrade my hardware. But I have enjoyed the nearly 3 years I have owned my 1st gen iPhone (especially brushed metal vs the crappy plastic of more recent versions) and sure glad I did not wait for the next generation iPhone, and for that matter iPad!

Enjoy sitting on the sideline, will be more then happy to share the +/- of enjoying the technology now!
To be honest, I think the iphone is very possibly outdoing the kindle already.
I have a Sony Ebook reader and my boyfriend just uses stanza on his itouch.
If his screen was just a bit larger, I would definitely prefer his to mine.
The Ebook reader, which is very similar to the kindal, is slow to load and uncomfortable
to hold. It also crashes quite a bit.
I like the fact with the ipod, you don't have to have the light on in bed at night!
To be honest, I think the iphone is very possibly outdoing the kindle already.

Until I downloaded Stanza to the iPhone and found Fictionwise for buying ebooks I wanted a Kindle so badly and could hardly wait for an international version. But now I'm enjoying the iPhone so much that I don't want to spend the money to buy the Kindle. I love my ebooks on the iPhone and using the phone for reading means I don't have to carry around another gadget, book, or booklight. My book is always with me on the phone.

I had to work around those horrible geographic restrictions with a US credit card and US address but now I'm set.