
Apr 12, 2011
London (Bali in November)
Hi All, And hope you all had a Happy Easter where ever you are :icon_biggrin:

I know this may be a silly question with Bali being such a peaceful place....but does anyone know if there is a Gun Club or Shooting Range in Bali?

Thanks in advance


Sorry just did a more furrow search and found a heated topic about Guns in Bali in one thread so hope I dont cause offence by this thread, and I am not an arms dealer before anyone jumps on me....just Bali seems to have pretty much everything else :)

OK found one :-

Please feel free to ignore this thread :)
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Dec 6, 2008

Bali might appear on the surface to be peaceful. It is not more or less peaceful as other places on this planet.
The true conditions are usually well camouflaged.

A few days ago there was substantial fighting in Klungkung. The main road was guarded by the police and military and closed for 3 days.

And what happened in 1965?

One can also consult the book by Vickers about "Paradise invented".

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
hi idgas,
nice link, but trust me it's not the only club...there's at least one other club, but it's a bit of an elite-club...meaning not just pay and then anyone is accepted as a member. One has to be introduced by someone who has been a member for 5 years, and then it still isn't 100% sure that one qualifies for membership.
Members are also given the opportunity to buy there own guns,(handguns and rifles) both ammunition and guns can be taken home...

kanginkauh, are u sure both police and military guarding the road? it doesn't happen often these two parties work together...last week it was actually the one fighting the other, reason why : over a ticket a police officer gave to some soldier, who then called his friends back at base...wich not much later showed up in battle gear, and started kicking the living daylights out of the six or seven policeofficers present at the checkpoint for papers (STNK and such)...

btw, what happened almost 50 years ago in '65? just curious...


Dec 6, 2008
Yes indeed, regular police, Primob and TNI (Koramil) were guarding.

Re 1965 the estimate is that 500k to 1million people were killed/murdered in Indonesia. In Bali tens of thousand or more. Very bad in Negara and Klungkung.
Check the archives of leading newspapers. (G30S)

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
fred2, at first the 1965 really didn't register to me as relevant, but then it hit me after posting the question what to look for... And indeed now I am laughing, just so funny how it goes from, sincere question about a gunclub (wich we all know is like a sportclub back home), to bali not being peaceful, to the polisi and ofcourse the TNI, wich then leads to a small leap of half a century :icon_lol: to the fall of soekarno and rise of soeharto by killing a couple of hundred thousand people (wich in the west was seen as a big victory over communisme, cold war era and such) To think this can happen again, I doubt it...but 'never say never'....


Feb 8, 2011
It was not the killing I was laughing about :icon_rolleyes:

your way of linking a simple question to something that happened 50 years ago is what I was laughing about.

Gilbert, the year 1965 did not seem relevant to you? I guess Kanginkauh assumed that because you actually live in Indonesia that maybe you know something about Indonesia's (recent) history. 1000's of "communist sympathisers" were executed at the airport. More people were executed per-capita than anywhere else in Indonesia. The fact that the local Rajas still had power and were scared of losing it may have had something to do with it. Talk to the locals living in Seminyak about the bodies buried under some prominent establishments there.
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gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Gilbert, the year 1965 did not seem relevant to you? I guess Kanginkauh assumed that because you actually live in Indonesia that maybe you know something about Indonesia's (recent) history. 1000's of "communist sympathisers" were executed at the airport. More people were executed per-capita than anywhere else in Indonesia. The fact that the local Rajas still had power and were scared of losing it may have had something to do with it. Talk to the locals living in Seminyak about the bodies buried under some prominent establishments there.

wholly crap...:icon_rolleyes:...why is 1965 relevant to a question about a gunclub??
it's as relevant as to an question about a scuba-diving isn't it???
indeed me being 50-50 indonesian/dutch, trust me I know 'some' of Indonesia's history :icon_wink:...


New Member
Apr 1, 2011
australia/ kuta
any gun clubs or shooting ranges in bali

HI idgas, i have found the web site, but no address, do you know where they located, please
Hi All, And hope you all had a Happy Easter where ever you are :icon_biggrin:

I know this may be a silly question with Bali being such a peaceful place....but does anyone know if there is a Gun Club or Shooting Range in Bali?

Thanks in advance


Sorry just did a more furrow search and found a heated topic about Guns in Bali in one thread so hope I dont cause offence by this thread, and I am not an arms dealer before anyone jumps on me....just Bali seems to have pretty much everything else :)

OK found one :-

Please feel free to ignore this thread :)


Apr 12, 2011
London (Bali in November)
Wow I have just come back from a trip where I was offline and have just seen how this thread has developed!
It was an innocent question about any clubs in Bali for an Olympic sport, nothing to do with history (a very sad part of Indonesia's history it must be said though).

Thanks for the info Gilbert, and sorry for getting you involved in such a crazy thread that went off on a tangent.

And sorry if by asking this innocent question I upset anyone.

Have a great peaceful day all :icon_biggrin:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja. problemo Idgas. Threads sometimes have a mind of it's own, can go left-right, but eventually it comes back to the original question :icon_wink:
And if you want to shoot something else then airguns :icon_biggrin:,
you can send me a PM whenever.


New Member
Nov 18, 2014
Hi Gil,
Do you know the name or region of this more elite club?
I am ex-military and still work doing top end tasks in the middle east and Africa, having somewhere decent to keep the skills up when I'm back here would save me flying to 'nam or Thailand so often.


Hi All, And hope you all had a Happy Easter where ever you are :icon_biggrin:

I know this may be a silly question with Bali being such a peaceful place....but does anyone know if there is a Gun Club or Shooting Range in Bali?

Thanks in advance


Sorry just did a more furrow search and found a heated topic about Guns in Bali in one thread so hope I dont cause offence by this thread, and I am not an arms dealer before anyone jumps on me....just Bali seems to have pretty much everything else :)

OK found one :-

Please feel free to ignore this thread :)
It is called PERBAKIN - Google it!