
  1. M

    tax consultant

    Does anyone know of a tax consultant (preferably from personal experience) in Bali that they can recommend? And does a person in this capacity work on behalf of his/her client's interest? This is asked because in the practice of a notaris that person (technically at least) is an impartial...
  2. Markit

    Female Genital Mutilation in Bali/Indonesia

    To my shame I was totally unaware of this barbaric practice in Indonesia so I'm posting this link to the article in the Jakpost and would kindly ask you all to read and spread it around and anyone that has the original link to the UNICEF study I would also be grateful to see it. FGM in...
  3. Markit

    Splitting off topic posts to a new thread

    I have often thought that it would be good if when a thread "goes off the rails" that the admin could place a "Notice Diversion" message in the offended thread and move that section of the discussion to a sort of drainage area where those that wanted to could discuss their fantasies further but...
  4. T

    Medical Insurance

    Hi Guys, I have done a brief search on the subject but all info is a few years old already . Looking for full cover Medical Insurance for a family of 3 for 1 year initially. I was assuming to get Travel insurance but I have heard that this is not the best mode of cover for varying reasons...
  5. N

    Helping Hand

    Hi all,here`s something for those of us who don't speak Bahasa Indonesia, Worth checking it out, Install the latest version of Google Translate on your smart phone, Then for example when say looking at a menu that is completely written in Indonesian,Pop out your phone,open translate,set...
  6. M

    propane (LPG) tank and regulator threads?

    Realizing that most LPG tanks and connection hoses are attached with small clamp screws, I need to hook up a Barbecue that has been made for use in the US and is measured in inches rather than centimeters. Does anyone know for certain if valves for LPG tanks and regulators would accept such a...
  7. N

    expat ownership of property

    Hi all,check out the Jakarta Post dated 6/28 /15,, There is an article about expat life time ownership of property here in indo,sorry guys I have no idea how to attach it on here,you will have to get the paper online or whatever,
  8. Markit

    Middle East Explained

    The only thing this has to do with Bali is that I read it while living here. If you are starting to get confused by who is doing what, why, where or how in the Middle East then one Daily Mail reader, known as Aubrey Bailey, has made it ‘Clear As Mud’ with the following: “Are you confused...
  9. S

    Poor Air Safety Record?
  10. M

    legality of motor bikes on the beach?

    Having heard from different ex-pats that motor bikes are not legally allowed to race on the beach it occurred to me to post here and learn if anyone has concrete information on the subject. Obviously in areas where beaches have dense populations it would be hazardous and not permitted, whereas...
  11. Joe Writeson

    With or without you - a trip to Bali ... eventually

    My latest article in this excellent magazine ... and yes this one is Bali related... With or Without You | Indonesia Expat
  12. M

    Bi-lingual notaris

    I know the issue I am about to broach has been covered in one aspect or another many times, but after much searching previous posts just can't find what I am seeking. My quest is for a bi-lingual notaris. A lawyer could do, but I may have to go to court and thus require a notaris. The problem...
  13. T

    Osteopath in Bali

    Hi, I'm physiothérapist in Paris and be ostéopath next year. I have my Spa Medical Center and I want to sell it to leave from here and invest in Bali, and open my own cabinet. Where can I find information about the way to create this kind of business there? Thx