
  1. S

    How much is that babi in the kampung?

    Anyone have current cost (estimate) of buying live pig for babi guling? Want to give host family a surprise when I visit. Somewhat selfish on my part, they made the best pork-belly sate last time.
  2. P

    New Gourmet Meat outlet in Sanur

    Porkies Gourmet Meats - the only pork meat processing Company in Indonesia with a traceable supply chain that is linked to a Community Partnership Program. Our Vision is to develop the Porkies Brand and Bali as the regional supply hub of natural pork products that are traceable and meet export...
  3. T

    Grand Lucky supermarket- any good?

    Hi All Can anyone recommend/ comment on what the Grand Lucky supermarket on Sunset Road is like? I have seen a few people say it is great and others say it is not worth the trip. Anyone been there can recommend it. Looking to find a decent supermarket that might not be as expensive...
  4. Rangi

    Australian man beaten in Ubud

    Australian man beaten in Ubud | Latest News From Bali | The Beat Daily Bloody hell this gave me a good laugh. The Hipsters of Canngu have a feud with the Hippies of Ubud. The witness Moon Shadow seems credible. The Hippies won on this day.
  5. Markit

    Food ****

    It strikes me this forum, Indonesia and life in general is getting way too serious what with executions and such like so I thought I'd just post what lunch looked like yesterday and maybe a breakfast shot or two also just to prove it aint all sucking up Bintang/Arak/Tuak. Feel free to add...
  6. P

    Immigration - UK style

    Question - Are there too many immigrants in ENGLAND? 17% said yes; 11% said no; 72% said: "I am not understanding the question please.".
  7. G

    Anyone for Biltong?

    Would anyone on this forum be interested in buying Biltong. 50 g packs, Rp.35 k per pack, 3 flavours - Original, Spicy and smoked. Goes really well with beer. High in energy, no sugar, no fat. Apologies to the Aussie meat pie and home-made wine posters!
  8. E

    Darwin shopping run for red wine + red meat?

    How much for this dusty 5 litre cask of californian red? 725000:icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised: Can't live without red wine and decent red meat (Aussie beef + lamb). Fed up with the overpriced crap here in Bali. I am thinking of flying to Darwin every 2 months...
  9. kiteman


    There are some very odd requests that appear on this fine forum and here is another!! Where can I find a major abattoir (for piggies) in Bali? (I have no doubt that some poor folk live far too close to one!)
  10. X

    Shopfront realestate agents

    Hi forum, this is my first post here and look forward to informative responses. I'm arriving in Bali mid July and will be checking out property options in the event I decide to move there. Are there shopfront estate agents? I've looked at online agents but would like to walk into a shop if I...
  11. davita

    Pork DNA in cadbury's chocolate

    Interesting report from Malaysia....Malaysian Muslims declare jihad on Cadbury over pork-laced chocolate — RT News Seems that some Cadbury chocolate bars made in Malaysia has porcine DNA, so a jihad on Cadbury's is contemplated. This is followed up in Indonesia by the RI FDA (BPOM) who are...
  12. T

    Renting a room ok

    Just been notified by I asked them if I could rent a place and rent out rooms,this is their reply. You can do with property what you like, that should not be a problem at all. So,no need to worry about the law going from that bit of info. Thanks balirentals.
  13. M


    Where can I buy decent meat and sausages without ridiculous prices, in the Sanur area?
  14. balinews

    Barbacoa popular with Aussies in Bali

    KEROBOKAN may be known for hospitality of a more punitive nature, but it’s fast becoming the hot restaurant end of Jalan Petitenget in booming Bali, especially for Australians. The latest go-to diner with Australian roots is Barbacao, four months old and packing them in for its Latin American...
  15. H

    whats up with Bali Deli?

    Hi, 2 weeks ago when in Bali Deli i noticed a few things... All pre-packaged imported meat non existent - all replaced with the local "mamas" stuff. Selection of carving meats the worst ive ever seen in the last 10 years Oranges and apples were the worst ive ever seen, withered and soft Fruit...
  16. Q

    where to buy a bbq grill

    Hi there, I'm wondering where I can buy a decent charcoal grill, would prefer one with a lid for smoking etc, where can I buy one? There are some at Carrefour for 200k but pretty bad quality and a bit small. Don't want to spend over a million either since I'll probably only use it for a...
  17. spicyayam

    Q&A tv show in Jakarta on Australia Network

    broadcasting now...
  18. Markit

    Danger: Social visa 211

    Please all be aware that this can happen - see picture and please note the 14 day validity along with the "Transit visa" stamp also with 14 day validity to go along with it. This was a "normal" Social Visa gotten by our trusty Mr. Malik in Singapore and was refused at Immigrazzi today with the...
  19. joji gulapetis

    Has anyone tried making biltong in Bali?

    Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help me out with this? Having tried biltong in Perth, (and liking it.... goes better with beer than cheese markit), I would be interested to know if anyone has tried making biltong in Bali. I have noticed in previous threads that someone is making salami, and...
  20. B

    Kambing versus Kambing Domba

    Hi All, I thought I would post on this very unimportant / insignificant subject, after I saw tin's post about Sate Kambing.. Kambing = Goat Kambing Domba = Sheep (lamb, hogget, mutton - ALL) I, like many Aussies am a lamb lover :wink: (not in the kiwi sense :D - just joking of course). I...