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  1. M

    Cempaga Hills??

    Thanks for the quick response and valuable information Ron, will send along to our friends.
  2. M

    Cempaga Hills??

    Per GoogleEarth Ronb seems correct.
  3. M

    Cempaga Hills??

    A friend is considering a land purchase in Cempaga Hills but a local is recommending against due to supposedly unfriendly villagers. Any insight would be appreciated.
  4. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    Thanks Spicyayam for the great infos. Thanks you all ! That's what I like, not too much of everything like in the south. BTW, by any chance anyone knows any American who lives there? I need to ask some infos from immigration to banking to tax. Thanks so much !
  5. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy? does sound weird..but better than nothing. Will try to visit them next summer. Thanks again!
  6. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    I consider that as a blessing. Otherwise we will have all the Jakarta people and Japanese Tourist ruining the serenity of the north. Prices will go nuts, and it will take two hours to go accross the road like in Legian.
  7. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    That's a great info Gilbert ! Thanks ! BTW, I've heard Panji is a one great place to live on the north too...
  8. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    Thanks for the input Spicyayam.... something to think about....
  9. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    Very true BKT !! That's why it is nice to have some good local friends who can inform you all of this thing...
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    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    good morning donfuego. I am not sure if I am the right person to give advice. There are plenty expats that live in Lovina Areas that might answer your question better. When we were looking for a land, we went to Kaliasem, Seririt, Anturan, Kalibukbuk, Tukad Mangga and even Kalipakse and...
  11. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    We bought 18 ARE in Kayuputih Lovina for the price of one ARE in Cangu. We are glad that we can one day build our house and pool and stll have lots of land for gardening and raising fish and chicken without having to see neighbor's roof and satelite tv. Our land is up high, so we have a cool...
  12. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    sorry...wrong thread..
  13. M

    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    Thanks Chrisco and Gilbert !! This is Maria, I went there in June and actually saw Java Island on one clear day. The sunset was amazing. Maybe because our land is way up high almost to Melake. The air is cool and clean. Love it there... If you don't mind, I wish to ask few questions about...
  14. M

    Security Company

    Glad you're safer! Polly, sorry to learn about your home invasion. Glad you and your family are still with us. Too bad it takes something like this to spur great ideas and actions. Remember too, loose lips sink ships especially in today's technological world.
  15. M

    Biogas - anyone tried it?

    Drink one for us! Thanks for the invite, as we always fancy beer! But, back to work for me tomorrow to pay for all of this dreaming. Enjoy your time in Bali! Hope its productive. We are too far (in New Mexico) to go often but usually go in early June every 2-3 yrs. We just keep hoping and...
  16. M

    More work for the Septic Sages

    Ah yes, duit.. Selamat Tahun Baru! Regarding trucks, duit makes anything happen. You wrot "normal size pipe into the got," more explanation please. 10cm 4" pipe or 2.5cm 1"? Exuse my ignorance, but what is a "got"? Gutter, canal. Bet the rice grows well. Smart use of Mother Nature's...
  17. M

    More work for the Septic Sages

    Replied on your biogas thread. Sounds as we are indeed in the same perahu.
  18. M

    Biogas - anyone tried it?

    Save on LPG? Interesting way to maybe save on elpiji. Might be sitting on a bigger bomb though, lol. However I doubt pressures are at all substantial. I don't care to farm pigs to have enough feedstock. Not sure two of us could get a cooker going enough to boil water. Need to read up on it some...
  19. M

    More work for the Septic Sages

    Hi Gil, We are about 4.2 km up from Lovina but immediately fronting the very narrow paved village road. So you think the suction truck is still iffy if ever required? Did you install bonafide septic tank and drain field at your place or different sewer solution?
  20. M

    More work for the Septic Sages

    We agree Thanks for the help Spicy, we agree it is important to know whether water is available and we had wrote it is at least immediately available from a community spring system but we also plan to catch rain and greywater. Your cite about the dryness up there can be a good thing as it...