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  1. C

    What are you doing there?

    What weird things we are bragging about! Maurits can speak about a million languages, Ziggy has the blackest cat in the world. And I can throw a boomarang and catch it with my feet! No kidding.
  2. C

    The next best place?

    Hi Margriet. Hey, if you want to work in Bali you should check out al the schools here first. There are plenty. I work in a National Plus school, which is a school that wishes it was an international school, but isn't. (at least, that's what this one wishes.) anyhow, there are other schools...
  3. C

    Hello to all................

    Hi margriet No, my job is still going! My contract ends in August next year. But I'm getting a month's holiday over Christmas so tomorrow i'm taking off to Lombok. Not sure what I said to confuse you! Cassienne
  4. C

    What are you doing there?

    hi Lydia I live in Denpasar and teach English anf chemistry. And believe me, not all of Bali is bankrupt. The families who send their kids to my school (where you have to pay a lot of money for the privilige to atend) turn up after school to pick up their kids in beautiful brand new big shiny...
  5. C

    Hello to all................

    Hi Gerry A warm welcome to this forum. I hope you enjoy your stay in Bali, and who knows, you might love it so much that you just can't ever leave. A word of advice though....might be a plan to stay away from Denpasar. Sorry if I'm offending anyone for whom Denpasar is a well loved home, but I...
  6. C

    Trip to Flores

    Hey Although I hate that rich people can just buy an island, take it over, and not let people travel there.....I hate to say that I realy wouldn't mind my own gorgeous tropical island where I can live in paradise, without people always trying to sell me things...... :oops: Sorry I haven't...
  7. C

    Expatriate Children on Bali

    RE: What about your kids? Lucky you, Roy! I get asked that question constantly! Along with a whole bunch of others! Hey, I was wondering though, which school do your kids go to? Although I doubt it, I'm now thinking maybe they go to mine! That would be interesting to think of me teaching your...
  8. C

    Trip to Flores

    Hey Roy So where do you get all your info on Bali? All from books? Just wondering, cause you seem ultra-informed on every single thing. Cass
  9. C

    Trip to Flores

    :lol: Okay, Roy, I'll bow to your superior knowledge of ikat. My humble opinion was formed from what I'd been told by an Australian guy who lived there for four years, and the people of Flores themselves. Cass
  10. C

    Trip to Flores

    Trip to Flores - Part 2 Okay guys, here's Part 2 So we left Bajawa, with its rugged peaks and spectacular sunsets, for Riung, which promised quiet white sanded beaches and incredible snorkling. The bus trip was just as squashed as before, but at least we were jammed in between girls this...
  11. C

    I am in Bali!

    I got it over the internet while I was still in NZ, I think the site was Another good site is Dave's ESL Cafe. Good luck girl, but there aren't many jobs listed for Bali, mine was the frst one I saw. You'd be better to obtain a list of all the schools in Bali...
  12. C

    Trip to Flores

    I"m glad to hear that people are enjoying my tales! I will finish the story, and hopefully post some pictures, but right now I'm off to Sanur for the weekend. See you later, Cass
  13. C

    Trip to Flores

    I’ve just had the bestest holiday! It was Idul Fitri so we got weeks’ holiday and I went to Flores with another teacher. Flores is amazing, all rugged hills beautiful sunsets. We had the bumpiest flight ever on the way over, and when we arrived we got off the planes at the heat hit us like a...
  14. C

    The Casual Swim...

    I have been swimming in almost every piece of water I've been to, and I've had no problems so far. So if you don't mind thinking what *could* be in the water, you should be fine. Oh, and the rain storms....excellent for swimming in. I'm not kidding, it's like swimming on the ground. We had an...
  15. C

    I am in Bali!

    Thanks for all the replies! It's nice to know people care about how things are going here. Specially at the moment when I'm at the end of my rope. But I had my last class today (tomorrow I'm going on a field trip to an elephant park. The funny thing is, no one seems to know if there's elephants...
  16. C

    I am in Bali!

    Fine thanks, Jen, I've just been super busy. Tests, tests, tests to write and I always go away for the weekends. Last weekend I went to Uluwatu, which is simply beautiful. I loved the beach with its white sand and gorgeous rocks. And the surfers were amazing! I wantd to try surfing, but...
  17. C

    Yoga and meditation

    Hey guys I'm also looking for someone to teach me yoga. I'm in Denpasar, and I've alrady studied Ashtanga yoga. Is that the kind they mainly do here? I think it's the one that the Hindu's are into, so it's probably the most common one in Bali. Anyhow, i'd really like to find good guru! Cassienne
  18. C

    I am Resigning From This Forum

    Wow! All craziness going on here. I leave this forum for two days and Roy has left and come back and there's a millions posts on "fugly" but in the end nothing has changed! And glad it's so :) Roy, if you had left, who would be there to wind people up? :lol: Just kidding. Greeting to the...
  19. C

    I am in Bali!

    :lol: don't worry's my typing skills that are at fault, not my grammar! Also it's becase I'm typing at high speed to fit as much into the short time as possible. I'm off to Mata Hari now, on one of those crazy Ojaks to buy a whole heaps of stuff for my room, and then I'm going to...
  20. C

    I am in Bali!

    Hey guys! Thanks for the welcome! It's just like Bali - friendly and helpful. :) Explosive melapropisms? I'll suggest it to the DOS. This school's pretty crazy, they might just go for it :lol: I'm living at the school, in a nice big room among some other teachers. It has a beautiful view...