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  1. A

    GPS device -- where to get one

    No problem balidavo, good to see we can have a debate with a sense of humour. I was just trying to point out that there are other manufacturers besides Garmin. You are probably right there about it being cheaper overseas, and i agree it's a big advantage when coming to Indo to have the local...
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    GPS device -- where to get one

    Settle down, Dave! I merely took a cue from your post where you just made stuff up, like... places "LIKE" singapore , Really ??? and all those other "ETC" places too? , Really ??? , I dont know how you ever got to find the time to travel to "ALL" those places to test out that claim..., and...
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    GPS device -- where to get one

    Don't know about that. I have a TomTom, have used it in 3 continents and lots more countries. Whenever I need to i just download the map and save it to the SD card. Currently I have the S.E. Asia map on it and it works flawlessly for here in Bali. It picks up all the roads and gangs, points...
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    Meat and Fish Thread

    It depends how many weights they tape to the bottom of the scales :highly_amused:
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    Want to come to Bali for 6 or 7 months... How to get the visa started?

    A ticket out of Bali is not required by Bali customs when entering. I have been in and out a few times and they have never asked. But the airline on your way in may require it - depends on the airline. Jetstar and AirAsia do, Cathay don't. As Fred said, the ticket out can be for a time way...
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    Concrete - Protecting your structure..

    and yet... So which is it?? hehe, sorry, couldn't resist :icon_mrgreen:
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    64 days... and counting

    $14 per kg excess baggage is, well, excessive. Don't go with Qantas, try another airline that doesn't rip you off as much with baggage fees. Eg. Jetstar from Syd to Bali charges $33 for your standard 20kg allowance, $60 for 30kg and $70 for 40kg. From Darwin it's $28, $50 and $60. I brought...
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    [B]Know of a Driver & cleaner/ cook/ nanny ???[/B]

    Pretty much every balinese with a car doubles as a driver. Most speak english, some better than others. Just go for a wander down the main street of Sanur and you'll be sure to find a dozen "transport?" guys ready to be your driver.
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    Foreigners targeted in Bali crime spree

    Very well said. They should hang a big board showing this message above the customs counters at the airport arrivals. Every person in line on the way in can then ponder it for a little while.
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    Advice for long term stay - The perfect place

    See if your mobile internet device (usually a USB modem dongle) has a socket for an external antenna. In areas of poor mobile coverage, then get an antenna and hook it up and this will boost your signal somewhat. You're obviously going to need a signal to start with for this to be of much use...
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    Second hand book shops

    If it's just an ebook reader you're after then the Kindle would be the answer. If you need all the other bells and whistles too then an iPad is an option. But they aren't just a "little" more expensive, around 5x as much.
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    Butchers & Bakers in or around Sanur ???

    Bintang meat is very bad, i agree. We bought a couple of steaks once, cooked it up all nice like, tried to eat it but had to throw it. You couldn't chew through it. Tried it again another time on the off chance it was just bad luck, same thing. Never again. What is that stuff they put in...
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    International driving license?

    Fair enough, the reasoning is understandable. It's all about bule money on this island. And every single local is of course dirt poor. :apathy: But the premise or logic behind it is flawed. The suggestion that is actually about as clear as mud. And where the reasoning is that the word...
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    International driving license?

    It's an International Driving Permit, not licence. The licence to drive is the one you hold in your home country. The permit that this thread is about is just a translation document. It's not a licence at all. And whether you have this translation document or not, just like we all know, if...
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    The True Meaning of the Term - Developing World, poor old Indonesia

    Ohh right, roo shagger. As in kanga. Gotchya. I didn't have a clue what he was on about with "rushaggers" every other post. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_biggrin:
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    Here Comes Another One!

    hehehe, sassyoz has such a quirky sense of humour. On the money too. :icon_e_smile:
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    First application of social visa in singapore : need info and Agent

    Pretty sure the OP didn't mention he had a wife, but instead a girlfriend. So i guess most of this advice is therefore wrong.:icon_exclaim: As for the fotos, do you really need all those funky sizes and so many of them just for the S'pore Indo embassy? Didn't think so.
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    Work in Bali

    SassyOz is correct, though. Since you want to stay for "a couple of months" just get a 60 day tourist visa before you leave your country and forget the alternatives (VOA/extension hassle; overseas SosBud/sponsor/extension hassle)
  19. A

    Second hand book shops

    Thanks ronb, much appreciated. I am hoping to get one in the next few weeks and then load up on ebooks from here in Bali. I'll bone up about the different formats and converters that you've mentioned and then take the plunge. Last option is i can always ask someone back in Oz to purchase from...