My Family resided, in Indonesia, (many, many years ago,) through my Father's employment; &, it has been my life-long dream to return to Bali, to live. I was hoping to do so, by teaching English, (as a second language) commencing next year, (2013.)
I've begun researching, online; for approprate courses, & associated material, etc - in-order to undertake the required study, during second semester, this year, (2012) - but, have discovered that the more information I locate, the further confused I am becoming.
I am hoping that you might be aware of individuals - successfully teaching, (or who have taught) English, (as a second language) in Bali - &, who might be willing to communicate their experiences. Such assistance would be invaluable; &, I would definitely appreciate guidance that would assist me toward my goal ...... this is the first endeavour that I have ever undertaken alone; &, I admit it's somewhat daunting.
Thanking you for your time,
Marie Zaccaria.