Man proposes, God disposes


I am reminded of this adage, Man proposes, God disposes, after reading this morning about an enormous cock up in Sydney with traffic planning. $3.9 billion has been spent on a new tunnel system approaching Sydney Harbour Bridge and Circular Key. The project was opened last week with a great, self congratulatory claim about how this wonderful asset was going to result in a fantastic improvement in traffic flow. Instead it has led to impossible traffic jams and one person stating their 15…

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Russia Ready to Offer Indonesia Nuclear Power Plants
According to reporting from Tempo, Russia’s state-owned nuclear company, Rosatom, has announced in Russian...
Stanford University to Help Develop Sustainability Research Center in IKN
According to reporting from Antara News, the Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) and Stanford University’s...
памятник вертикальный на могилу
  Добрый день господа! Вопрос об изготовление ритуальных памятников, не терпит спешки. В основном надгробия...
Volcanic Ash Cloud from Anak Krakatau Reaches 1,000-metres High
Lampung’s Mount Anak Krakatau in the Sunda Strait experienced another eruption and ejected volcanic ash...
Villa Experience
GD, how was your Villa experience, overall? I had a quick squizz on the internet after you mentioned...