visa agent sanur

Thanks for the update,however the prices you were quoted make no sence,the higher price is more than double the lower price,and no guarantees, seems to me to be very easy for either company taking thousands of your dollars ,pick up your cat and then tell you sorry we got caught,now you have no cat and out thousands of dollars,for that money I would want a written guarantee,too many loose ends involved,also for that price you could charter a chopper in bali have him fly to the nearest point in java and fly back to bali with your cat,you are talking almost $5,000 here,definitely not worth the risk,seems like a scam to me,

The one for $5,000 isn't a scam. I have several independent reviews. The cost covers the boarding at Jakarta, all the importation paperwork and licences the 'payments' to the right people and then the transport costs. It is however not without risk and for me that's the concern.

Also starting a new chapter in my life in Bali by breaking a law does not sit comfortably.
The one for $5,000 isn't a scam. I have several independent reviews. The cost covers the boarding at Jakarta, all the importation paperwork and licences the 'payments' to the right people and then the transport costs. It is however not without risk and for me that's the concern.

Also starting a new chapter in my life in Bali by breaking a law does not sit comfortably.

Please, please do yourself a favour Metter.
Find a nice home for your cat wherever you live and keep in touch with the new parents.
If you are a cat/dog lover there are many strays here in Bali for you to select and take care of.
Joining an association that are trying to protect those animals will change your perception and ensure you made the right decision to leave your cat in comfort.
Sorry, but I can not understand anybody paying that kind of money to bring over a pet.....Sounds simply crazy to me.
Specially to bring it to a country where some people dont even make that in one year....
You see, one of "our" dogs in the Banyuwangi jungle just had several puppies. We gave them away except for 2 which I liked to keep, and give them a better live. So, without going in excesses I was going to buy them each a bowl, buy some dogfood etc....
Till I realized that it would be spending more money per month on the dogs only, than some of my g/f family have to eat per month....That would be really indecent in front of them, even if my aim is just to see the dogs happy, not to boast or show off. So I will just abstain from doing it.
I can easily think what could go on in their mind...
It is already sometime limit embarrassing have much more income than them by just sitting on my ass drinking Bintang while they are.working in the field from 05.00 am onwards...

I can also imagine what goes on in the mind of the people working for that quoted you, when they see what you are ready to spend on an animal.....

Sorry if slightly off topic, but I think there is a subject there that can not be ignored. .....
Not even thinking if the animal was a dog, and the employees muslims...
Sorry, but I can not understand anybody paying that kind of money to bring over a pet.....Sounds simply crazy to me.
Specially to bring it to a country where some people dont even make that in one year....

Thanks Bali Frog,

Personally I don't think that's relevant. Money wise I can easily afford $5k but I am frugal in many ways and keep track of my spending. I am sure however there are expats who drink more IDR in a week than a local person makes in several months, it's all relative.

I am however swayed by davita's arguments which do hit my conscience.
Thanks Bali Frog,

Personally I don't think that's relevant. Money wise I can easily afford $5k but I am frugal in many ways and keep track of my spending. I am sure however there are expats who drink more IDR in a week than a local person makes in several months, it's all relative.

I am however swayed by davita's arguments which do hit my conscience.

In a certain way you confirmed my thinking.

I would never answer " I can easily afford..etc..." or "its not relevant"

Sorry mate, sounds very "colonial" mentality to me...
In a certain way you confirmed my thinking.

I would never answer " I can easily afford..etc..." or "its not relevant"

Sorry mate, sounds very "colonial" mentality to me...

Not sure I get your reasoning but your entitled to your view.
He means you sound like an A hole boasting about what you can afford,

Ah I get it now. No offence was meant. I am certainly not rich but I value my cat highly and would prioritize him over other expenditure. Certainly not planning to lord it over local people or any one.
Ah I get it now. No offence was meant. I am certainly not rich but I value my cat highly and would prioritize him over other expenditure. Certainly not planning to lord it over local people or any one.
Not meaning to add any fuel to the fire that seems to be emerging despite an innocent choice of words, but how can anyone without a strong attachment for a particular animal judge and advise another?
Not meaning to add any fuel to the fire that seems to be emerging despite an innocent choice of words, but how can anyone without a strong attachment for a particular animal judge and advise another?

Thanks mugwump,

Yes I have a strong attachment to my cat. I appreciate now there may be people on this forum who are doing it tough. I certainly do consider myself more or less important than anyone and am sorry for the way others have interpreted my comments.
Thanks mugwump,

Yes I have a strong attachment to my cat. I appreciate now there may be people on this forum who are doing it tough. I certainly do consider myself more or less important than anyone and am sorry for the way others have interpreted my comments.
You mean "more or less important" or "NOT more or less important" ?

I like animals, but they have a place in this world and its not on top of the ladder....
Not sure you ever have lived overseas in a "developping" country, but good luck !
You mean "more or less important" or "NOT more or less important" ?

I like animals, but they have a place in this world and its not on top of the ladder....
Not sure you ever have lived overseas in a "developping" country, but good luck !

Forgive my dyslexia. As for putting animals on top of the ladder, it's my money and my ladder. I am entitled to order my priorities as I want. Have I lived in developing countries, yes but only a few months at a time rather than years. Sorry if you take offence at my views but they are mine to have.
The cat population where I live in Sanur is exploding, mainly because irresponsible/ignorant cat-owners don't keep them in at night.
They're free to roam all over the place and propagate.
Some of them keep breaking tiles off our roof, fall through ceilings and even breed up there.
If this scenario keeps going on, soon there will be more cats than dogs on Bali.
Change of name for Bali? Not the Island of the Gods, not the Island of the Dogs, but the Island of the Cats.

I read a news article recently on the Jakarta Post where one area is facing the same thing, big time.
There are people there rounding up stray cats several times a week.
And don't forget that even cats can carry rabies (not only dogs, monkeys, bats, etc).
Where will it end?

IMHO, the last thing that Bali needs is more cats (even wealthy ones).

IMHO, the last thing that Bali needs is more cats (even wealthy ones).


In Defense of my cat, he is not rich, he has no income and relies solely on me. He is also neutered and an indoor cat, he has never roamed free.

I am a very responsible cat owner but accept that cats allowed to reproduce without control are a social menace.
In Defense of my cat, he is not rich, he has no income and relies solely on me. He is also neutered and an indoor cat, he has never roamed free.
I am a very responsible cat owner but accept that cats allowed to reproduce without control are a social menace.
Metter...I'm not attacking your cat or saying that you're an irresponsible cat owner.
We both agree that out of control cats are a "social menace".
I wish that my immediate neighbours shared that view.
What about cat houses? How do you feel about that? Not that I want to change the subject to anything radical.
What about cat houses? How do you feel about that? Not that I want to change the subject to anything radical.
Tricky one, that.
Depends on the definition of a "cat".
There are many "cat ovens" here already.
Horrifies new tourists when they first see 'em because "cat" means paint in Indonesian, not kucing.
My daughter took her cat to London where she has now worked for some years. She is looking at returning to Aus in July and I daresay will pay whatever is necessary to return with the cat.

It seems the world is divided into cat people and non cat people. I can understand the passion of Metter and cat lovers but I am definitely not a cat person. I had a shop for 15 years in Townsville and my shop landlord neighbour, with whom I got on with very well, had a wife who doted on the strays that gathered every evening at the back of the shop as she fed them gourmet specialities. My landlord agreed that we should gather up the cats and turn them into dim sims although he dared not suggest that to his wife. Other adjacent shop people hated the cats as they would sit on the car bonnets and pee and the pee would go into the ventilation system and stink out the cars. What with cat poop and pee the smell was awful so instead of having the rear door open to get a breeze through the shop I had to keep it closed to stop the stink. The other abiding reality is that in Australia there are now millions of feral cats who cause incredible damage to wild life including endangered species.

That said I do hope, Metter, that you are able to bring your cat safely and you both live happily ever after.
If a pet has certified paperwork from the dept of agriculture where the animal resides that should be sufficient for the animal to travel.ok maybe a couple of weeks of quarantine after arrival just as an added precaution is fine,from what I read this is how it works when bringing a pet from another country into Indonesia,more specifically into Java,but I keep hearing that Bali is different,in other words what applies in any other part of RI doesnt apply in Bali,last time I checked Bali was and still is part of Ri,,so why the difference,,from what I see the way they deal with situations like this is by NOT dealing with it,Bali claims to be rabies free,if anyone believes that they they are more crazy than the authorities making such a stupid statement,,its easier to kill the animals,they even do the same with humans here,so what chance does an innocent little animal have,
Bali is NOT a rabies-free area of Indonesia and why there is a separate rule for Bali concerning importing/exporting cats and dogs to/from Bali....

Rabies, commonly known as rabid-dog disease, is still a serious threat worldwide with 55,000 deaths per year, more than 50% are in Asia. Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) states that currently 24 provinces in Indonesia are still Rabies endemic while the rest are Rabies free.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-UN) in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has conducted a Rabies prevention and control Program in Indonesia since 2011. The activities were focused on three islands namely Bali, Flores and Lambata in two (2) Provinces.'

BTW...Indonesia comprises 34 Provinces.

from Bali Discovery.....(2/4/2018).....
'Ketut Wijaya (50) has died in the North Bali from a suspected case of rabies.
Wijaya, a resident of Tejakula, expired at the Buleleng General Hospital on Thursday afternoon, February 1, 2018.
As reported by DenPost, doctors suspect rabies as the cause of the man’s death given his history of having been bitten by a dog and his symptoms at the time of admission of respiratory distress, an inability to swallow, nausea, hydrophobia and foaming from the mouth. The man also had evidence of a recent dog bite on his left leg.
Rabies, once clinical symptoms the disease present in a patient, is almost universally fatal.
Laboratory test are expected to confirm a final diagnosis and cause of death as rabies.
Health officials in Buleleng have renewed their call for anyone bitten by an animal to report as soon as possible to a hospital or local community health center.'

Our driver was recently bitten when on his motor bike and had to endure the vaccinations as they couldn't find the dog.
Last week our pregnant maid was bitten, but only a scratch, by a neighbor's dog. We were very concerned and wanted to go to hospital, but the dog had been she was OK and didn't need the painful shots.
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