Upper schooling in Bali?


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
[/quote]Bali will never be defined by the West. Bali will always find what she needs that cannot be found here. So, back to your point Davo, I agree 100%. My point is to not expect many Balinese engineers unless of course the plan is for a nuclear power plant in Kuta.

Roy, I totally agree on your points about Bali, I wish for her never to change.

Yes, my opinions were to do with other parts of Indonesia.

I recently had 2 mechanical and 1 electrical visiting engineers from one of our sister plants in Jakarta to do a crash course on some new machinery they were about to get.
I found their knowledge to be well on par with any western engineers.

[/quote]No, I don’t see this. What I see is more of an emphasis in making education equally available to all children, at least at the primary, and hopefully secondary levels.

I think this should be the highest priority in Bali at the moment. Trying to get every child to have at least a primary education of a set and acceptable standard.

In my mind though, and it’s just my opinion, (although shared by many Balinese), Bali needs to wean itself from the economic reliance of tourism. To do this, the standards of education, and the availability of education has to be improved. Should those standards be “western” I think not. The “bar” should be raised on practical education and the learning of additional skills not taught in their kampung. That’s my view anyway.

This Roy, I think is the hardest of all to over come. As you say Bali is stuck economically in tourism. This means western money, (I think).
How can Bali move forward with 'practical education' as the catalyst.
Without western education there can be no competition with western money pouring in through the hotels. A very complex subject i think.

I do how ever agree that your scenario is perhaps the only way the Balinese people will become less reliant on tourism. Its just that it will be a very slow road.

Once again, a very complex thing. Hope my thoughts arn't to jumbled.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I found their knowledge to be well on par with any western engineers.

Davo, that says it all for me! All I want here is to keep the truth in perspective. Bali is not “perfect” nor is the rest of Indonesia, but I’ll take Bali any day over my home country, the US of A.

I guess those kinds of statements shocks the hell out of some folks...but just ask me if I care?

My role right now is to be the provider, but without any pressure from my wife, or her family. When I make money, she is happy...and when I don’t make money...she is still happy. Truth be known, I work harder, and make more money than ever just because I have no pressure! If I decide to spend a day in bed, watching some movies on TV, that’s no problem in my house.

In Bali, being a father just seems to come naturally...not even considering the role the kampung plays in raising kids which is awesome and so fantastic for the kids.

Here, in Bali, all those destructive pressures put on us in the West are absent. My own worst enemy is myself, and I am totally aware of that.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
All I am asking Jimbo, is that you make your points, comments, observations, and experiences clear. If you wish to comment on areas of Indonesia other than Bali, then I for one would appreciate what specific areas of Indonesia (other than Bali) you are commenting on. That’s all. OK? Fair enough?

Fair enough and I will do so. I would ask you however to stop assumimg any and all comments are about Bali and setting yourself up as the all knowing arbiter of all things Balinese. It grates on people Roy and if it is in your new more laid back style or your old adversarial style. It seems as if the word Bali is mentioned (or not in my case) that you have to jump in and defend it.

It has been ther many thousands of years and according to you fundementally does not change. Why not let others defend it for a change otherwise this will not be called the "Bali Expat Forum" but the "Roys Bali Forum" :)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
OK Jimbo, I am glad to hear that you agree it’s important to distinguish what areas of Indonesia other than Bali may be discussed from time to time.

I’m sorry if I appear to you or others as a “know it all” about Bali. I’ve never referred to myself in that manner, and in fact I really dislike the term “expert” preferring much more, the term, “serious student.” There is a great deal about Bali that I do not know, and in the future years allowed me, I likely still will not know.

That being said, I am not about to discount the fact that I have lived here, in a traditional village, married to a Balinese, and immersing myself in Balinese culture for going on eight years. Moreover, I am very involved with several Balinese organizations as a consultant including BIASA, (the Balinese Indonesia Art Sculptors Association) and the department of archeology, or BAPBCB. Apparently these organizations feel that my knowledge and experience is of value.

Jimbo, I am not an expat who spends most of my time with other expats...just the opposite in fact. Do I know a great deal about Bali, its history and its people and customs? YES I do and I am not about to shy away from that for any reason.

You write:

“It seems as if the word Bali is mentioned (or not in my case) that you have to jump in and defend it.”

YES, that is very true, and it will continue so long as I breathe air. Bali is my home, so what else do you expect? Am I passionate about Bali? You bet I am! I am not a tourist...no Balinese around where I live ever call me Tamu. Nor am I an expat in a kampung bule. I’ve “paid my dues” and I am a member of my village adat. Of course I am going to defend Bali, and that will persist right up to when it’s time to “light me up.” .