This should be fun to watch....


Jun 12, 2023
a) if one understands japanese culture this will reveal why japanese committed gross 'attrocities' to others that were caught out by their nation during the war. eg in australia a number of nihon prisoners of war left their australian guards and committed suicide because they thought they'd let their country down and weren't being punished as they should eg some of the aussies were offering them ciggies!
b) what causes agression/wars etc is because of the food one eats (pls dont argue with me i've studied diagnostic orthomolecular medicine for 7 years and have researched totally indepth for over 20 years about different food items along with their associated poisons eg toxic metals, growth chemicals, minerals in different veg that help remove toxicity and copper (big problem in the western world - did you know that every white western has copper overload and this is the cause of all new age disease and cancer? Your GP doesn't either!). that is how i can confirm that aboriginal elders didn't 'attack' each other as you say previously. there's a few books i can refer you to regarding this including a guy who lives not far from here who gave up his study in law to go live with north west aboriginals for a realtionship over 50 years. the aboriginal bush was too nutrient dense to become angry eg their bush tucker has a very deep rooted tap system (unlike our veggies that are horizontally rooted to keep them in the ground). i have a very close aboriginal BLUE BLOOD friend who was programmed and now is deprogramming himself. he is against, as i am, mixed races (particularly with a view to his own) for obvious reasons (i hope they are obvious!!). we are folded blue eyed, downes syndrome, damaged cell 31, broken cell 561 .... totally transmuted. i'm glad i've shed a few layers the last couple of decades surfing in the cleanest part of the indian ocean and living off the land. sadly, along the way, i've eaten man-made processed crap and had to have those aluminium-clad white (healthy as they tell us????) 'porcelain' filllings installed and removed. aluminium is the 'mental' mineral. it's major symptom is anger and aggression (if you want to know more of the symptoms i'll gladly provide!). yes, there is a fair amount of natural aluminium in the soil but the stuff we're dealing with that's processed is actually killing us (not just by wars but by suicide, stress, dementia, anxiety ... the list goes on). if the education system was corrected so that doctors had to study chemistry and understood what minerals and vitamins (our food supply and enivrnomental factors like dengue sprays) do to our bodies minds and souls then we'd have a chance for this planet to resurrect. sadly that won't happen in our transmutated state. i can only hope my dear blue blood friend andrew will take back australia (i am positive this will happen in the next 10 to 20 years but what he's gonna do with all the transmutation i'm unaware). then i will be happy to stay on this fair land. yes, i'm dreaming.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
a) if one understands japanese culture this will reveal why japanese committed gross 'attrocities' to others that were caught out by their nation during the war. eg in australia a number of nihon prisoners of war left their australian guards and committed suicide because they thought they'd let their country down and weren't being punished as they should eg some of the aussies were offering them ciggies!
b) what causes agression/wars etc is because of the food one eats (pls dont argue with me i've studied diagnostic orthomolecular medicine for 7 years and have researched totally indepth for over 20 years about different food items along with their associated poisons eg toxic metals, growth chemicals, minerals in different veg that help remove toxicity and copper (big problem in the western world - did you know that every white western has copper overload and this is the cause of all new age disease and cancer? Your GP doesn't either!). that is how i can confirm that aboriginal elders didn't 'attack' each other as you say previously. there's a few books i can refer you to regarding this including a guy who lives not far from here who gave up his study in law to go live with north west aboriginals for a realtionship over 50 years. the aboriginal bush was too nutrient dense to become angry eg their bush tucker has a very deep rooted tap system (unlike our veggies that are horizontally rooted to keep them in the ground). i have a very close aboriginal BLUE BLOOD friend who was programmed and now is deprogramming himself. he is against, as i am, mixed races (particularly with a view to his own) for obvious reasons (i hope they are obvious!!). we are folded blue eyed, downes syndrome, damaged cell 31, broken cell 561 .... totally transmuted. i'm glad i've shed a few layers the last couple of decades surfing in the cleanest part of the indian ocean and living off the land. sadly, along the way, i've eaten man-made processed crap and had to have those aluminium-clad white (healthy as they tell us????) 'porcelain' filllings installed and removed. aluminium is the 'mental' mineral. it's major symptom is anger and aggression (if you want to know more of the symptoms i'll gladly provide!). yes, there is a fair amount of natural aluminium in the soil but the stuff we're dealing with that's processed is actually killing us (not just by wars but by suicide, stress, dementia, anxiety ... the list goes on). if the education system was corrected so that doctors had to study chemistry and understood what minerals and vitamins (our food supply and enivrnomental factors like dengue sprays) do to our bodies minds and souls then we'd have a chance for this planet to resurrect. sadly that won't happen in our transmutated state. i can only hope my dear blue blood friend andrew will take back australia (i am positive this will happen in the next 10 to 20 years but what he's gonna do with all the transmutation i'm unaware). then i will be happy to stay on this fair land. yes, i'm dreaming.
This is one of the most intense post, I've seen on the forum! This post, goes in so many different directions, it made me read it twice! No Mixed races, Blue Bloods, Suicide over being offered a cigarette! Wow, this is so intense It makes me think of White Supremacy! Which is Scary! But then, it goes to eating healthy food! Which I agree with, along with Toxic dengue sprays, and Porcelain fillings, affecting our Health! I don't know about deep rooted vegetables, compared to horizontally rooted ones. That is new to me.
So this person says, they can't be argued with, sounds like something a Pompous A-Hole would say! I must be too much Transmuted, as He says, to grasp this absolute Rubbish! If there are people like this in the world, I can only say Relax, Have some Toxic Alcohol, or Smoke a Tasty Joint!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
b) what causes agression/wars etc is because of the food one eats (pls dont argue with me i've studied diagnostic orthomolecular medicine for 7 years and have researched totally indepth for over 20 years
Hahahaha, this is the kind of "argument",that I really love....
And it's complete B.S.
All the tribes / races / ethnicities all over the world have always been waging war since 1000's of years.
And God knows the all eat very different things.

Maybe the poster (bot ?) should revise his own diet as the actual one is not tender with his brain ?


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Hahahaha, this is the kind of "argument",that I really love....
And it's complete B.S.
All the tribes / races / ethnicities all over the world have always been waging war since 1000's of years.
And God knows the all eat very different things.

Maybe the poster (bot ?) should revise his own diet as the actual one is not tender with his brain ?
Tempe anyone?
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
I have occasionally reported online on ProDenpasar portal the most egregious cases of illegal activities affecting my villa in south Denpasar (super noisy motorbikes, dumping trash outside my wall, burning trash engulfing the villa). Obviously I made sure it was in fact an illegal activity and also provided evidence (image, video). Action was always taken and to close out the issue online they provided photo evidence of having visited the "crime scene" and "roughed" up the local offenders.

At the end of the day I can confirm little or no effect. Last time my villa was engulfed in smoke (from burning trash not sawah) and I duly reported this -- the Desa authorities came over and told my wife (at home) that the locals were "tired" about my complaints and basically just waited for an opportunity to get back at me.

Expect double standards and rather nasty open threats when complaining about lawbreaking here.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Not wishing to take sides I would just point out that the reported "crimes" you list (super noisy motorbikes, dumping trash outside my wall, burning trash) are only considered such by foreigners. I mean the locals are perfectly happy to stand next to a burning pile of plastic waste next to (or inside) their compound chatting happily with their mates on super loud 50cc buzz saws.

When in Rome do as.......


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Not wishing to take sides I would just point out that the reported "crimes" you list (super noisy motorbikes, dumping trash outside my wall, burning trash) are only considered such by foreigners. I mean the locals are perfectly happy to stand next to a burning pile of plastic waste next to (or inside) their compound chatting happily with their mates on super loud 50cc buzz saws.

When in Rome do as.......
Stupid is, As Stupid Does!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
I have occasionally reported online on ProDenpasar portal the most egregious cases of illegal activities affecting my villa in south Denpasar (super noisy motorbikes, dumping trash outside my wall, burning trash engulfing the villa). Obviously I made sure it was in fact an illegal activity and also provided evidence (image, video). Action was always taken and to close out the issue online they provided photo evidence of having visited the "crime scene" and "roughed" up the local offenders.

At the end of the day I can confirm little or no effect. Last time my villa was engulfed in smoke (from burning trash not sawah) and I duly reported this -- the Desa authorities came over and told my wife (at home) that the locals were "tired" about my complaints and basically just waited for an opportunity to get back at me.

Expect double standards and rather nasty open threats when complaining about lawbreaking here.
If you want to live in the middle of rural locals, what do you expect ?

Them to change their behaviour because you arrived ?


Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
If you want to live in the middle of rural locals, what do you expect ?

Them to change their behaviour because you arrived ?
Well, South Denpasar is not "in the middle of rural locals" but your point is valid. We must always remember we are guests in this island. I have a buddy living up in Lovina. Been here over 30 years, speaks bahasa Bali fluently, converted to Hinduism, goes to all the upacara, etc. He's as local as you can get but simply because he is white, he is still treated like the "bule" and not shown proper respect or offered similar rights as the locals. That's just how it is here.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
He's as local as you can get but simply because he is white, he is still treated like the "bule" and not shown proper respect or offered similar rights as the locals. That's just how it is here.
You don't have to even be foreign to be treated like shit by the locals - ever seen the contempt they hold the Javanese in?

Or how about openly laughing at fat or handicapped people?

They think nothing of doing monkey gestures and noises in front of Papuans.

Basically they are all about as unpolished as you can get and I love em. Except for all that praying - which they tend to leave to the women.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Well, South Denpasar is not "in the middle of rural locals" but your point is valid. We must always remember we are guests in this island. I have a buddy living up in Lovina. Been here over 30 years, speaks bahasa Bali fluently, converted to Hinduism, goes to all the upacara, etc. He's as local as you can get but simply because he is white, he is still treated like the "bule" and not shown proper respect or offered similar rights as the locals. That's just how it is here.
Again, not guests but "immigrants"

Your friend's example shows that there is no point doing everything he did (except maybe the language), as it won't make a difference.

And as @Markit said, look at the way the locals think themselves as superior to Javanese.... what can a bule expect ?

My regular driver, local, once I told him "be carefull, you can not park here"
His answer "Don't worry Papa, I am Balinese"
Says it all !


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Again, not guests but "immigrants"

Your friend's example shows that there is no point doing everything he did (except maybe the language), as it won't make a difference.

And as @Markit said, look at the way the locals think themselves as superior to Javanese.... what can a bule expect ?

My regular driver, local, once I told him "be carefull, you can not park here"
His answer "Don't worry Papa, I am Balinese"
Says it all !
Correct me if I'm wrong, I always heard that a person cannot ( convert) to Hinduism? Muslim possible, Cat Stevens! I have a lot of Hindu women converting to Islam, but what Hindu Men? Markit was right about all he said!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, I always heard that a person cannot ( convert) to Hinduism? Muslim possible, Cat Stevens! I have a lot of Hindu women converting to Islam, but what Hindu Men? Markit was right about all he said!
Can. My Missus' son (hindou) married 2 years ago a muslim girl, she converted to hinduism without problem.
This was in Banuywangi area.
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Conversion! Not conversation. It is a capital offence in these countries: Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Oops! Small print! What a Sad story, about something that is supposed to Bring People closer to Their Gods! If you believe in a God they like, your OK, but if want to believe in another one, They want to kill you! Isn't religion so wonderful!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Just passing thru and saw the Aluminum King's post. Is it me or is this forum getting stranger and stranger by the week?

Used to be people had long and indepth discussions about "normal" Balinese life but maybe that's changed too?

I do note that the rest of the world seems to have caught a serious dose of "way fecking weirdo shite" too so prob not very surprising that it's reflected here?

I originally came to Bali because it was so exotic. Looking at the rest of the world now Bali is becoming more and more normal and the rest is beginning to scare me o_O
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Just passing thru and saw the Aluminum King's post. Is it me or is this forum getting stranger and stranger by the week?

Used to be people had long and indepth discussions about "normal" Balinese life but maybe that's changed too?

I do note that the rest of the world seems to have caught a serious dose of "way fecking weirdo shite" too so prob not very surprising that it's reflected here?

I originally came to Bali because it was so exotic. Looking at the rest of the world now Bali is becoming more and more normal and the rest is beginning to scare me o_O
I would love to hear what your or someone else's perspective is, about what you, or others have on, as you say a "normal" Balinese life? I have known different families here over the years, since I've come and gone from Bali, so I have my experiences, but would love to hear other peoples thoughts about this subject too!