Terrorwarning 4 Bali and Sulawesi

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Jan 4, 2007
The Australian govermant was warining about new bombterror in bali and Sulawesi..it is also in the german news and news agency REUTERS

Australien rät von Indonesien-Reisen ab-"Sehr hohe Terrorgefahr"
So Jul 8, 2007 11:37 MESZ

I hope it will not be happen


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
When I saw this post it made me cringe. Just a few days ago I flashed on those damm so called terrorists...wondering whether they were going to attempt another attack in Bali since I had a number of flashes within a week span of time. Lets all pray each and every person in Bali is vigilant.

Praying with all our might that the Gods protect Bali and Silawasi from evil doings today, tomorrow, and always. :wink: :wink:


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Seems their plan is working- on the news- postings on the net - Bert, PLZ, DELETE THIS CRAP POST>>>> Judy what the heck are you "FLASHING" The thought of that makes me cringe. :lol:

peter turner

New Member
Jun 3, 2007
i agree entirely with froggy delete this string it entirely adds up to the publicity that these ba***rds thrive upon !!


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
settle down judy.. those flashes may just be from the magic mushrooms :) hehe



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Let's not any of us bury our heads in the sand.

Bali remains a prime target for further terrorist attacks.

Nobody knows where or when, apart from the idiots planning this, probably right now.

It's just a matter of time. Unfortunately.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Maybe they're remembering the Munich Olympics.
Maybe the Australian government is losing the plot (if it has one).

Watch out - they might issue a travel advisory warning for Antartica soon!


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Sanurian, while I agree.. Perhaps look at it this way.. Australia is a target, the US is a target, the UK is a target.. I'd say the 'intent' for attacks in these countries is just as high if not higher than in bali.. Of course these phsycos would rather cause as much damage as possible, and their most effective means of doing so is on these countries homesoil, just like 9/11, madrid and london.. The only thing prolonging that from happening (again, and likely at some point in Aus, god forbid) is unfortunately perhaps some slightly more effective law enforcement and intelligence services than what they have in indo.. But how long can that prevent an attack when these idiots are willing to kill themselves? Given that, I'd suggest its likely just as dangerous to be standing in a train station in sydney, or a bus station in melbourne, murray street in perth, times square in ny or the strip in vegas as it is to be in a bar in kuta.. Just my thoughts..



Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
I just spoke to my neighbour who works at the Australian consulate. It's a routine reissue of the same old warning. They have no new information.

iven that, I'd suggest its likely just as dangerous to be standing in a train station in sydney, or a bus station in melbourne, murray street in perth, times square in ny or the strip in vegas as it is to be in a bar in kuta.. Just my thoughts..

and according to Nationmaster you are almost twice as likely to die violently in Australia as RI. Jakarta should put out a travel advisory for Australia


Dec 6, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
I hate all the attention these misguided terrorist get as well, by the very definition of the word "terrorist" they have already succeeded in causing terror in many. Because we cannot ignore such threats they will always succeed whether they attack or not... I pray of course that they do not!

What is it again that they want again? Honestly I lose track yet we are targeted for things we don't even know we do wrong. Its one thing one week and another the next. Obviously we cannot give in to terrorist demands as it will only increase terrorism in the future but there must be a way to address at least some of these issues without people resorting to terrorism in the first place. Fighting terrorism is a must but it does nothing to address the issues. Finding a way to prevent future terrorism but when it concerns the Middle East I lose all hope that will ever happen! As harsh as it sounds, not dealing with the Middle East at ALL is probably the best thing for "us"... maybe not for them in some cases but definitely for everyone else. What are we doing there in the first place? Is it only for money and power that we are there to begin with? If it is (which of course it is) then that's pretty sad that we should all suffer for those greedy bureaucrats who look to make a buck in the Middle East!

By the way I'm just rambling here out of frustration, I don't know any of the answers and especially not when it comes to the Middle East. What I do know is that we are not terrorized in Bali and across the world because of the Middle East which I don't believe we no business being there in the first place. Sure, I agree that we need to protect our own people by fighting those who attack us but why put us in that position in the first place?



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
:lol: Hey Guys; When I say, "I HAD A FLASH" MEANS OF THE MIND NOT OF THE BODY. Old saying from southern Calif. I'm lucky never had hot flashes only when I was a wee girl about 13 through early 20's. I'm certain guys you have heard the world PMS. tHOSE OF ITALIAN EXTRACTION TEND TO BE AFFLICTED IN THAT REGARD. NATURAL HERBS AND CHIRO. HELPED CURE ME OF THOSE SHORT PERIODS OF INSANITY THAT TIME OF THE MONTH. NATURALLY I STILL AM ECCENTRIC.

BUTTTT, NEVER TOOK ACID, MUSHROOMS, MESCALENE, OR ANY OTHER HALLUCINOENS. Simply living in the United States is enough of a bad bad dream at the moment so I would not want to exagerate my brain freeze caused by Bush, Chaney, and the like. Just want to get home to Bali.

And for your FYI guys, had the same kind of flashes two months prior to 9/11. Oh yeah, no where is safe, including New York, Madrid, London, Israel, Los Angeles, Seattle, Bali,,,, any AND all points north, south, east, and west.

As the priests of Bali said after their attacks, we must pray, mediate, for balance, harmony, and peace.

flash judy not flash gordon


Mar 8, 2005
Flash Judy, Yes collective positive/wellthinking, such as prayer has been proven effective. but what we all really should do is STOP being afraid. Without fear there would`nt be any terrorist`s would it.`

Oh yeah, no where is safe, including New York, Madrid, London, Israel, Los Angeles, Seattle, Bali,,,, any AND all points north, south, east, and west.

And what is this bullshit??? all these places are SAFE, but I gues your defenition of safe is abit different then mine. good luck with your fear..


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Matahari: Whats this bullshit....What are you talking about??? I am not fearful at all. I'm simply saying when the United States, Europe, Australia, etc. give travel warnings simple be more aware; one should not be filled with fear. Quite the contrary!!! Being postive, go where ever, yet be consciousely aware at all times. For instance, on 9/ll I cancelled my flight from Boston to Los Angeles. Why, not out of fear, only listening to my inner voice. Was not sure why I should not fly across country but decided better I travel cross country by car. Did fear save me from flying into the towers in New York, or did my inner awareness. Hmmmm I believe awareness not fear. At that time their was not one Iotta of any so called warnings from the United States government. Soooo, I did I discern it would be better to drive cross country rather than fly. Intuition!!!! Economically it made no sense, however, in the end it saved my life. Therefore, awareness, inner voice is the key. Oh yeah I also was in New York City at 3:00am on 9/ll going to Manhattan. My inner voice said forget about it, something very heavy is going to happen. Again, I thought what the hell is this. Why am I feeling this way. I turned around and got the hell out of there. At 8:45am it happened. Now, I can truly say one should not be afraid, simply listen to the voice within. It can pay off.

When its our time to go, we will check out of here.


Mar 8, 2005
True, the intuition is somewhat a sixth sense and a tool that all humans possess and it can indeed be a lifesaver in many situations. Intuition is our unconsious telling us what is likely to happen in any given situation, the trick is ofcourse to be able to see the signs and act on it. Glad to hear that you have sucha good contact with your intuition. But still there is way to much fear in the world. partly or mostly created by goverments, corporations, systems and other greedy factors. And I think that a statement such as yours
Oh yeah, no where is safe, including New York, Madrid, London, Israel, Los Angeles, Seattle, Bali,,,, any AND all points north, south, east, and west.
has very little to do with awereness. It falls more into the fearspreding catagory. But what a heck, that`s from my standpoint, and I`m sure it looks different from where you are at.

Anyway, sorry about the rude tone in my earlier post. :roll:


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Hey there judy, while I respect your right to believe you had a preminition about 9/11 on one hand, on the other hand it really rubs me up the wrong way.. What a load of nonsense really.. What you are claiming is not intuition, but rather some kinda phsycic ability.. Intuition would require a relative basis of reason or justification.. I've heard a few people go on like this (about preminitions, etc), to be perfectly blunt, I think it's all a bit of an attention seeking act.



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Matahari: Thanks for the apology. I agree wholeheartedly with you about governments, corporations, systems and other greed factors spewing fear around the world. I take back what I said regarding New York, Madrid, etc. Sometimes I speak off the cuff and do not articulate properly my thoughts on a particular subject. Better to think before I speak!!!! What I meant to say is: Bali is no less safe than ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH. Therefore, I hope the tourist industry continues to rebound from a few years ago. That is what I meant to say.

Lastly, my intuition, six sense, extra sensory preception, what ever one wants to call it is within all human beings. Oh yeah, psychic ability, (BALI LIFE) WHATEVER. hAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR HORMONES LATELY..... " I RUB YOU THE WRONG WAY". GIVE ME A BREAK. Everyone has psychic ability if one is born human. ha ha Nothing special. Obviously you have not studied metaphysics from the BHAGAVAD GITA --I PRESUME YOU HAVE HEARD OF VEDIC PHILOSOPHY????????? Obviously not from your response.

"What you are claiming is not intuition, but rather some kinda phsycic(you have spelled psychic incorrectly) ability..Intuition would require a relative basis of reason or justification...I've heard a few people go on like this(about preminitions,(you spelled premonitions incorrectly),etc), to be perfectly blunt, I think it's all a bit of an attention seeking act".

Well now Balilife. Your knowledge of the word "intuition" appears to be of an equivoque nature indeed. Have you ever looked in the dictionary as to the definition of the word, INTUITION????? I venture to say, I don't believe so or else you have forgotten the meaning of the word.

INTUITION===The power or facullty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference. quick and ready insight, a flash of insight. source of definition...Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary.

Therefore, their is not difference in the meaning of the word psychic, premonition. I did however, have three warning signs before I decide to drive versus cancel my flight from Boston to Los Angeles. So perhaps one could interpret those physical incidences as warning signs which caused me to reflect on what was God, the cosmos, angels, trying to tell me... However, in New York, was simply a feeling of the ground shaking violently while I was crossing the bridge into Manhattan. Animals have a six sense of knowing when a fire is coming to the forest or an earthquake is coming. I feel I was being warned some how twice. Not to take the flight that day and not to go to downtown Manhattan on 9/ll although at 3:00am we intended to watch the sun rise in the twin towers(my daughters friends who grew up in Manhattan) said they have an incredible breakfast up on the 35th floor I believe) and the veiw was spectacular.) So Agung and I were saved twice in one 24hour period.

If you do not believe in intuition, etc. I do not think you will last very long in Bali. Your attitude is completely to illogical and backward. Even my brother, sisters, parents, and grandparents, cousins, believe in premonitions, intuition, whatever you care to use as the descriptive word of choice. Where are you from anyway. My dear father, bless his soul, Whenever he thought someone was way out of line...way off base.... would chuckle, laugh and twinkle those bright blue eyes of his and say, "WHY DO YOU HAVE A STICK UP YOUR ASS". He never meant those word viciously, simply saying, why are you being a block head, you were given a brain begin to use it and quit being negative in your thinking about people.

I have been intuitive my entire life since childhood. In fact, my father, mother, sisters, and brothers used to call me the family psychic at an early age three to be exact. At the age of three I warned my father about his employee and tenant. I ended up being correct. Now how in Gods green earth did I know this man was going to be a robber and check out without paying his rent to my dad. I picked up on his vibration. That is the only way I believe I could have felt something sinister about the guy blah blah blah.

I have been told by many people to write a book regarding this that and other things. In the past Balilife I was to ultra-sensitive about what 'OTHER PEOPLE THOUGHT". However, of late, I am realizing, one must be TRUE TO ONESELF. YOU CAN PLEASE SOME OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME AND NOT MOST OF THE PEOPLE MOST OF THE TIME.

Whatever......I have had many insights in my life and most of the time do not listen. I have a hard head. But your comment really made me realize how important it is to be oneself. If people redicule you.....so be it.

I have helped to save many peoples lives with my inborn gift..family, friends, and clients over the years so that is all that matters.

Thank you Bali Life for making me finally WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.



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