Terrorwarning 4 Bali and Sulawesi

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Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Dear Judy,

While I understand you are enthousiastic about your "gifts", I don't appreciate that you call people backward.

I also hope, that your enthusiasm about a certain form of spirituality, doesn't result in frequent postings about this. While I respect people's convictions and beliefs, I don't allow it if people mostly relate to the daily ongoings of this forum by mentioning those convictions and beliefs.

This will result in conflict.


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Dear Bert:

I did not intend to offend anyone, specifically Balilife. Indeed, I simple was responding to his comment that I was attempting to gain attention!!!

Secondly, I do not inflict my spiritual attitudes or convictions on anyone.
Balilife infered that my intuitions were contrived, etc. I believe I simply was explaining my experience.

And lastly: Bali's culture and the Balinese people are atune to the spiritual side of life. They do not impose their attitudes on tourists nor do I. Balilife's comments were expressed in a very rude manner and if he does not believe in premonitions, intuition, so be it. He does not have to state in a derogitiory manner his philosophy regarding my experience.

As a monitor of this forum I would have expected you admonish his behavior regarding his response to me. Instead you decided it was more appropiate to criticise me. I thought this forum allowed individuals to state their experiences and beliefs as long as those attitudes were coesive attributes in relationship to the Balinese Culture. Obviously, I was wrong as pertaining to your comments.

When people move to Bali and never truly feel a connection with Bali's Ceremonies, traditions, and ways of life perhaps it is because they do not
share the same philosophy of life as the Balinese.

As you stated, I will not express my feelings, opinions in the future as you so requested.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Judy, I think you have a nice way of turning the blame onto me, and trying to make me look bad.

You accuse me of not allowing "individuals to state their experiences and beliefs as long as those attitudes were cohesive attributes in relationship to the Balinese Culture"

And you say that I requested you not to "express my feelings, opinions"

I feel a great deal of anger coming from you Judy, already for quite some time.

I have just one request, and I stated this in my previous post.

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