
Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I’m not sure, but I’ll bet Michael Moore is having a field day with today’s events, or more to the point, the timing of them. It seems, as the news reports unfold, that there was no imminent attack scheduled today, or for that matter, in the next few days, or weeks, and that this group was under investigation and surveillance for several months...BUT there was an imminent threat to the Bush and Blair alliance of “politics of fear” after Joe Lieberman....a democrat senator from my home state of Connecticut, (for almost as long as I can remember), lost his party nomination in a party election yesterday.

Joe Lieberman, for those not up to snuff on him, was, and is a “die hard” supporter of the Bush war in Iraq. AND, most importantly, he was Al Gore’s running mate as Vice President in the last election!!!! He is the first senatorial “casualty” of the war in Iraq, and I suspect Michael Moore would say...”it’s about time.”

I can almost envision Bush’s call to Tony Blair late last night....”Tony, I’m getting behind on the fear factor...anything you can do?”

“Sure George. We can move up this investigation to bomb 10 British planes on their way to the states and scare the shit out of everyone.”

“Oh Tony, that’s great! We have to keep up this fear, or like Joe, we’ll all be dead.”

I highly suspect, despite all the bullshit that will come about how “imminent” or real this threat was, (remembering all the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq) that we have all been duped again. I thank God that the fine folks of my home state have seen through all this smoke and mirrors, and made their voices heard...which they have, not only in the Bush administration, but all over the world!

How does this affect Bali? It affects us greatly, especially as the politics of fear of terrorism prevails in the seat of government of the strongest nation on earth and its milk lapping cousins, Great Britain and Australia.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
If it affects travel, it obviously affects Bali. Like Roy, I am 100% skeptical about the timing, if not the facts. :shock: :shock: :shock:

But, as you can see from my sig.file, the situation is not news to me :wink:

Let's see the follow up... :!: :?:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
But, as you can see from my sig.file, the situation is not news to me

I only knew one operative in "the company" who liked to use "tintin" but he is a gold star on the wall of the reception area in Langly. :shock:

Of course....I'm just kidding.

Skeptical? Hell no! I'm not skeptical....I'm certain. Both Bush and Blair are lame ducks. The hell of all of this is what hunter....Veep Cheney included, (who can't even shoot straight) would ever think a lame duck could kill you?

God, am I glad I live in Bali!


Dec 29, 2005
Hamburg, Germany
Om Roy,
nobody know what´s really going on in England. It´s look like that we are in great hall and see on piece of "Dangerous Theatre" from two "great" Childern named Georgy and Tonny...
You can say that, how glad you are, to be in Ubud now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

Not that it is important, but a sig.file is what's written under a signature :) , i.e. my quotation by H.L. Mencken

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. "
H. L. Mencken

with which, after watching the world's circus of politics for years, I subscribe 100%.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sorry about that Daniel. I should have remembered my first father in law who was a bureau chief in the FBI talking about surveiling him during and right after WWII. He was suspected of being a communist. This was in Baltimore. Then came McCarthy, and everything really got crazy. It’s kind of like now in many ways with Homeland Security. Senator McCarthy would just love these days!

I'm "over and out." Time for bed.

Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002

I think you are being a bit dramatic comparing these days to Joe McCarthy, you have been reading too much or Michael moore literature. :) If Bush and Blaire wanted to use this information to better effect then they would have released it BEFORE Tuesdays elections not after, that way Joe would have won the election.


Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii
"I think you are being a bit dramatic comparing these days to Joe McCarthy, you have been reading too much or Michael moore literature. "

Talking points straight from the mouth of Sean Hannnity. How did you manage to avoid the obligatory invocation of the name "Clinton"?

Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
Hi Tony!

I'm not sure why you are attacking me but feel free to set up a couple of strawmen to knock down. I don't know Sean Hannity but I did meet him once and thought he was pretty pompous. My friend Roy brought up Michael Moore so that is why I mentioned him. Joe L. was defeated by the netroots with being one of the leading one along with Kos. So what does Sean Hannity have to do with it? Do you think that all people that disagree with a conspiracy theory watch Fox news and obsess with Clinton. My opinion is that there is NO time that officials could release this information that wouldn't fall into someone's theory that Bush was behind it and released it to benefit Bush, neoconservatives, Haliburton,Rove, Israel, Saudi Arabia, big Oil etc. If you have a certain mindset, everything falls into the conspiracy, facts be damned.
IMHO, over the top claim from both sides has lessened the debate in the U.S. George Bush is HitlerMcChimpbabykiller and everyone who is against him is a U.S.haterfasciststoogemoonbat.
I think this building of hatred on both sides is bad for the country and the world.
So why are you attacking me for that stance?


Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii
No attack intended, Mr. Thorpe. Merely pointing out that your response to what some would call an extreme speculation was equally extreme from the opposite position without contibuting to the elevation of the debate. I, too am guilty in that regard yet have much to say on the subject. Alas, this is not the place for that sort of discussion as it has little to do with Bali.

That said, I would be most happy to engage in debate with you, either by way of PM or email.

Overthetop claims from both sides HAVE poisoned the debate and confused the issues just as certainly as the unwillingness to use critical thinking to reasonably assess and consider the arguments and claims of both positions, if nothing else, to rationally disprove them.


Nov 21, 2005
London, UK
just a quick post from London. They have arrested 24 people, frozen their assets and searched their houses but have found nothing so far.

Facts about all this seem a bit thin on the ground.

The police/security services have apparently known about this for months.

The alleged plotters are all arrested at home.

Not a bomb in sight anywhere or even an explanation of how one would be made.

A complete departure from the usual "no comment" in regard to ongoing investigations, instead press and TV splash.

The current laws allow anybody to be arrested if suspected of potential terrorism.

The event unfolds after a spat of declaration from several members of M. Blair cabinet, among them M. Reid, on how important it is to fight terrorism and in doing so one must accept constrained liberties.

After the event unfolds, M. Bush declares that we must fight "Islamic fascists"...

All this happening on the back of a war in Lebanon.

Another sad moment for all of us. Where has our freedom go? Will we be forced into a war most of us do not want?


Aug 9, 2004
Roy i couldnt believe it when i read your post. :shock: :shock:

Well i have to say it but you could be barking up the right tree when you give your view on yesterdays gfoings on. I was discussing the days proceedings with a friend at work and we both came to a similar conclusion as you did. Basically it would look very good for the government and MI5 and wouldnt do any harm for theit reputations which were in tatters after the summary execution of the poor young Brazilian man on the tube who thet shot in the head eight times leaving his head resembling a Tetleys Tea bag......shocking :shock: :shock:

I could go on but i am not about the bunglings that have been made by MI5 and the government but i am not as those of you who are clued up will get my drift. Roy as for you i was just joking about how nothing goes by you without you seeing it jokingly and then i read your post on the terrorist scare. :wink: :wink: Me and my friend were almost thinking along the same lines as the Bush man phoning 'yoh Tone' to make things happen. :D :D

Well sometimes i have to give credit where its due Roy and say great minds think alike. :wink:

Sparks out


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

Today 10 planes fell out of the sky due to bombs being exploding in hand luggage.

Breaking News Flash

Just an a election ploy says well know Balinese expert.

A business decision say world airlines.

A plot against muslim integrity says leading British Imam

Investgation against Human rights says Galloway

I was nervous flying yesterday says leading Saudi Expat.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes Sparky, and it seems that your own version of “homeland security” is having a tough time coming up with “the beef.” No worries though. I’m certain that sooner or later they will find out that one of those guys took a cooking course or worse yet, a chemistry class. :p


Jun 13, 2006
Denver, Colorado USA
Curiously enough, it's just been reported today in the U.S. media that the British and American governments had QUITE the dust-up concerning the timing of these arrests. To no one's surprise, the Brits wanted to wait, but the Yanks pressured them into doing it NOW NOW NOW.

The politics of fear, indeed... all topped off by Bush fanning the flames and babbling about "Islamic fascists." I swear, that man...