See you tomorrow


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
One sunny day in 2005 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The old man said, "Okay" and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U. S. Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I've told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand?" The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it."

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow." :p

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Re: RE: See you tomorrow

DrIvEr said:
matsaleh, can we drop this and please stick to subjects related to Bali as intended? :oops:
I fail to see how this does NOT relate to Bali.
Like it or not what happens with the US does have some effect on Bali as well as the rest of our planet.
I may go as far as to say that the comming US elections will have a GREAT effect on the people,environment and culture of Bali.
Nggih suksma...

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
did I say "america is in command of the world"?
I shudder to think this true. Yes I'm certain many americans, if not most of them; do.
I believe the gods command the world.

This life I was born american. Better than being born a poisonous mushroom, though I feel some of you would consider it not much better.
I am actually afraid, being an american, to express my political opinions in cyberspace.
I will say that last night, while I was watching our VP debate...there was one word that was said by VICE-president Cheney that struck me -Jakarta. And I don't think he was refering to kopi.
I am only moderatly insulted being refered to by my surname alone. I take it this was the intention...
Now, if I may excuse myself.
I'm off to micky D's to pray. &":~) < me w/ fries! THAT IS SO FUNNY!

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Two female Indonesian aid workers kidnapped in Iraq last week,had not the US "liberated" Iraq; would they have been in the situation that made them vulnerable to attack?
Bagus! to the Indonesian government for it's stand.
Will that stand deter the US from interference in world affairs?
I guess speaking freely does make me a bit paranoid... and that must have spilled over to you, Driver. I'm sure that you all know there are very few people named Made where I live. I have met only one in the US and he is Balinese and lives in Colorado.
Growing up I had to deal with mispronounciation and a father who never forgave my mother for naming me. I am proud of the name Made, though I often feel that I am not worthy; as I am not Balinese and I thought you felt this way also.
I apologise for wearing my skin so thin and no offense is taken.
Bert, I have been laughing all day because of the french fries! I think my next painting will be of a Bule family praying in the parking lot of a mc D's...


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
marko, i think many americans like to think that they do affect the rest of the world. the fact is many countries and people couldn't care less about the usa and what the do or don't do.

Doc, I can hardly believe my eyes, reading this from you. You have to be joking! To not consider the far reaching consequences upon the whole world that the undertakings of the American government has, is to live with blinders on, or to be quagmired in naivety or denial.

The fact is, in Bali, as well as all of Asia and SE Asia, more expatriate Americans have registered to vote than ever before, and most of them have already voted against Bush for just that reason…i.e. the very negative effects the Bush war on terror, and the manner in which it is being fought, has had upon this whole region, not to mention other foreign policy debacles.

The bombing in Jakarta against the Australian Embassy was in direct retaliation to the Aussies being part of the Bush coalition in Iraq.

Don’t kid yourself into thinking many countries and people could care less about the USA or what they do or don’t do. Just show up at Nuri’s Saturday AM at 8 and see how many Germans, Dutch, Australians, English and Americans will be there to watch the second Bush/Kerry debate. I’d love for you to tell them that, just to see the look on your face from their reactions.


HI all/
Let get one thing straight first Made (Marko) it was not just the US that liberated Iraq. The British also went to Iraq and for the best part did a better job than the Americans in controlling the area of Basra simply bt being the following;
a/ better trained in Gurilla warfare

b/ more respectful to the people of Iraq and less Gun Ho HERE WE GO !

The reason i have brought this up Made is it bloody annoys me that there are a good number of British Troops who have died in Iraq as well as Americans :x (God Bless them) Rgds Mark


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Mark, I think you completely misunderstood Made. He was not DEFENDING the US for invading Iraq, in fact he was making the point that if the US had NOT invaded Iraq then the two Indonesian workers would not have been kidnapped.

Furthermore, I fail to see your point on whether British troops - or any other troops for that matter - "did a better job" during the invasion.

What does this add to the subject under discussion and why the nasty invective?


Matsaleh i was not being nasty only telling the truth. You dont get the point i am making. Anyway as Driver has already stated iam not that interested in pursuing this discussion further. The discussion isnt benefiting anyone really is it. I mean everyone to there own Amercian politics and all if thats what interests yee all.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I still don't find US politics suitable to discuss in this forum. i've removed my previous posting in Edit and would suggest a lock on this string of posts Bert?

Well, Doc, this raises an interesting point. The latest news by the “news robot” on this forum is: “French NGO slams Israel over access to Gaza wounded.”

Shall we allow a robot to have more discretion over what is posted here on this forum than we participants?

Doc, it’s NOT about politics, rather it is about major world issues that affect us all. Nice to know that in Sweden you seem all cocooned in your nice warm beds, and indeed, enjoy it while you can. But for the rest of the world, what we see is globalization, meaning, we are all neighbors and have to learn to live with one another in ways that exceed nationalism.

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Can of nanny wormy?
Did not mean to offend British sensibilities.Nor, that of the people of Sweden.Expecially you Doc. Bali, musik, skating, age...we have much more in common I assume, than in the ways we differ.
My leanings regarding global politics aside, are not the Brits much better at this sort of thing all around? I mean being polite, civil, and more aware of the world around them?
Historically, the UK is much more practised in these affairs than we Yanks...for better or worse.
I do not wish to continue with this thread either, such discussion sometimes can be very hurtful, and cannot bring about any change in large scale.
I AM uncomfortable talking politics in such a forum. Even though I added petrol to the fire, I vote to maybe let's all have one last toss if we like... the fuel is there- the 'spark' :roll:(minta maaf) has been added. What do you say we give this topic a blazing sendoff?