Second home visa circular


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Dear 1. Director General Protocol and Consular Ministry Outside Country;
2. Head Office Region Ministry of Justice and HAM;
3. Head Office Immigration.
In –
The place
NUMBER IMI-0820.GR.01.01 YEAR 2022 ABOUT
1. General
a. That in framework follow up validity Regulation Government Number 48 Year 2021 about Change Third On Regulation Government Number 31 Year 2013 about Regulation Implementation Constitution Number 6 Year 2011 About Immigration, after do mitigation as well as evaluation to implementation on substance implementation Chapter 171D paragraph 1 which stipulates that the Immigration Guarantee is paid before Person Foreign enter to Region Indonesia has decided not yet could enforced regarding with exists adjustment technical which difficult implemented moment this.
b. To provide legal certainty and actively carry out the role immigration in Upgrade well-being Public through instrument law to use create climate investment which healthy, Upgrade power competitive and convenience try in development economy national which better.
c. In order to carry out Visa and Second Home Stay Permit services in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 Year 2021 Concerning Visas and Stay Permits and the implementation of Article 171D on Regulation Government Number 48 Year 2021 about Change Third On Regulation Government Number 31 Year 2013 about Regulation Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration as well as In order to prevent legal vacuum while waiting issuance of other provisions governing the matter in question as well as some other technical substances that need improvement, deemed necessary for make Letter Circular Director General Immigration About Implementation Visa And Residence Permit Second Home.
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2. Meaning and Purpose
a. Meaning
In order to provide convenience and certainty in granting Visa and Second
Home Stay Permit whether using a guarantor or without guarantor and
Immigration Guarantee provisions by replacing alternatives other
requirements as well as improvements to several other technical policies
which put forward principle selective as well principle benefit.
b. Purpose
For made instruction for executor function immigration on moment do
publishing process Visas and Permission Live Home Second.
3. Room Scope
The scope of this Circular Letter regulates the implementation of Visas and Stay
Permits Home Second and alternative requirements other as replacement
Guarantee Immigration in gift Visa and Permission Live Home Second as well as
policy improvement other technical.
4. Base Law
a. Constitution Number 6 Year 2011 about Immigration (Sheet Republic of
Indonesia of 2011 Number 52, Sheet Supplement Country Number 5216);
b. Constitution Republic Indonesia Number 30 Year 2014 About Administration
c. Constitution Number 11 Year 2020 about Create Work;
d. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48 Year 2021
about Third Amendment to Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013
concerning Regulation Implementation Constitution Number 6 Year 2011
about Immigration;
e. Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 29 Year 2021
about Visa and Stay Permit;
f. Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 41 of 2021
about Organization and System Work Ministry Law and Right Fundamental
g. Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 9/PMK.02/2022 concerning
Types and Tariffs On Types of Non-Tax Revenue Urgent Needs for Services
Immigration Which apply On Ministry Law and Right Fundamental Man.
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5. Fill Letter Circular
Mechanism for implementing Visa and Permit services Second Home as well an alternative to the Immigration Guarantee in the Minister of Law and Regulations Human Rights Number 29 of 2021 concerning Visas and Residence Permits Second arranged with things as follows :
In Letter Circular this which meant with :
1. Immigration is a matter of traffic of people entering or leaving the Territory Indonesia and its supervision in order to maintain the upholding of sovereignty country.
2. Visa Republic Indonesia which next called Visa is description written, good in a manner manuals nor electronic which given by official which authorized for do journey to Region Indonesia and Becomes base for granting a residence permit.
3. Permission Live is permission which given to people foreign by Official Immigration or foreign service officials either manually or electronically for is at in Indonesian Territory.
4. Second Home Limited Stay Visa, hereinafter referred to as Visa The Second Home is a Visa not in the framework of work given to Foreigners and/or their families living in Indonesia for 5 (five) year or 10 (ten) year after Fulfill condition certain.
5. Permission Live Limited Home Second which next called with itas Home The second is a limited stay permit not in the context of work that is given to foreigners and/or their families to live in Indonesian territory During 5 (five) year or 10 (ten) year after Fulfill condition certain.
6. Second Home Permanent Residence Permit, hereinafter referred to as Itap Rumah The second is the Permanent Stay Permit not in the context of work that is given to foreigners and/or their families to live in Indonesian territory During 5 (five) year or no limited after Fulfill condition certain.
7. Guarantor is people or corporation which responsible answer on existence and activity People Foreign During is at in Indonesian Territory.
8. Property is assets in the form of land and buildings as well as facilities and infrastructure which is an integral part of the land and/or building which intended ie land owned by and building which owned by people foreign in accordance with legislation.
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9. Proof of Fund is a number of funds or properties owned by foreigners and recognized as proof have immigration insurance.
10. Follower is people foreign which combine self with husband, wife, child, or people old holder Visa Home Second or Permission Live Home Second.
1. Application Limited Stay Second Home Visa and Stay Permit Second Home Visa and Permission Enter Return and their followers submitted by Foreigners or Guarantor to Officials Immigration appointed at the Directorate General of Immigration through an application with attach:
a. Passport Nationality which legitimate and still valid minimum 36 (three twenty six) month.
b. Photo colored latest with background behind red.
2. Besides provision as referred to in the figures 1, Foreigners or Guarantor also fill in data in a manner electronic as following :
a. Statement have fund at least equivalent Rp. 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah) or certificate ownership property in Indonesia on name Foreign as applicant.
b. Statement of having valid and official documents proving adherents have a family relationship as a wife/husband, child or parent of Foreigners as applicants for Second Home Visas and/or Stay Permits Home Second which translated in language Indonesia by translator sworn in Indonesia except in language English.
c. Ability Fulfill statement commitment as attached.
3. Follower excluded from obligation Fulfill provision as meant on number 2.
4. The process of issuing Second Home Visas, Second Home ITAS and Entry Permits Return done in a manner electronic through stages:
a. Submission application :
1) Foreigner account registration as a Second Home Visa applicant and ITAS Second Home Visa as well as follower.
2) Inputting Guarantor's data and/or Foreigner's personal data as applicant Visa Home Second and itas Home Second as well as follower.
3) Upload a valid Nationality Passport that is still valid at minimum 36 (thirty six) months and recent color photo with background behind red.
b. Payment PNBP Visa Home Second, itas Home Second, and Permission Enter Return.
c. Publishing Visa Home Second.
5. Itas Home Second at a time Permission Enter Return published in The place Inspection Immigration with period apply counted since days from the date the Entry Stamp was issued
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6. Second Home ITAS referred to in number 5, published in form of electronic mail and sent electronically to the Foreigner 's email Second Home ITAS holders as well as data on Foreign Nationals holding Home ITAS Both are sent to the Immigration Office whose working area includes the place of residence People Foreign through SIMKIM.
7. The Foreigner and Followers who have got the Second Home ITAS in The place Inspection Immigration, excluded from obligation submit application Permission Live Limited to Office Immigration in time maximum 30 (three twenty) day since the days from the date the Entry Stamp was issued
8. Period apply permission Follower no could exceed period apply permission Second Home Visa.
9. Extension Itas Second Home could given since itas Home Second Very long 5 (five) year published with provision whole period apply itas Second Home Both of them in Indonesia no more from 10 (ten) year.
10. The term of the Second Home ITAS cannot exceed the validity period of the Passport Nationality People Foreign.
11. Granting of Second Home Visa and Second Home ITAS is carried out accordingly regulation legislation.
1. The holder of a Second Home Stay Permit must report the original Proof of fund in the form of:
a. Letter description Bank/Proof Account on Bank Owned by Country; or
b. Certificate ownership property in Indonesia,
to Office Immigration which publish Permission Live Home Second in time Very long 90 (nine twenty) day since date publishing Permission Live Home Second.
2. Obligation as meant on number 1 excluded for Follower.
3. Holder Permission Second Home Visa must convey document followers which legitimate and official as proof have connection family which translated in Language Indonesia by translator sworn in Indonesia except in Language English in the form of:
a. Marriage certificate or marriage book, for husband or wife from the permit holder Second Home Visa, or
b. Birth certificate or family card stating that you are a foreigner is parent or child from holder Permission Second Home Visa,
to the Immigration Office issuing the Second Home Stay Permit in time Very long 90 (nine twenty) day since date publishing Permission Live Home Second.
4. In the event that the obligation as referred to in number 1 and/or 3 has been done, the Head of the Immigration Office will put a stamp of proof of reporting according to the format attached on passport holder Permission Live Home Second and Follower nearby with stamp/sticker permission his stay.
5. The Head of the Immigration Office is obliged to update the Foreigner's data Holders of Second Home Stay Permit and Followers on SIMKIM with scan document reporting proof of fund and/or document followers.
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6. In the event that the holder of the Second Home Stay Permit does not report as referred to in number 1 and/or 3, then the residence permit Second and/or Followers could canceled in accordance with regulation legislation.
1. Supervision Immigration to holder Itas/Itap Second Home done in accordance with the legislation.
2. In matter found guess violation to statement commitment, The Head of the Immigration Office can ask the holder of a Second Home Stay Permit for show account latest, letter description Bank latest, proof ownership property which legitimate in Indonesia or document follower.
3. In matter People Foreign holder Permission Second Home Visa violate statement of commitment, unable to show proof of funds or documents followers as referred to in number 2, Foreigner Residence Permit and Followers could canceled and imposed Action Administrative Immigration form Deportation.
4. Provision as meant on number 2 excluded to Follower.
1. Application Visa and/or Permission Live Home Both can filed with :
a. Without guarantor (People Foreign in a manner independent).
b. Guarantor in accordance statutory regulations which consists from :
1. Individual (inhabitant Indonesian citizen).
2. Corporation.
2. In the case of Guarantor for Foreign Nationals holding a Visa and/or Stay Permit Second House is a corporation that has a standard field classification effort as developer property, Guarantor must attach letter agreement from the Minister Law and Human Rights.
3. Letter agreement as meant on number 2 obtained with Submit a written application to the Head of the Immigration Office its working area includes property assets owned by the Guarantor. Head office Immigration forwards the said application to the Director General of Immigration with a copy to the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights cq. Head of Immigration Division. Then the Director General of Immigration continued application the to Minister Law and Right Human Rights.
4. Minister Law and Right Fundamental Man publish letter agreement at least contains information on the number of units of ownership of property assets the guarantor can be proof Of Funds .
5. Application written which filed guarantor as meant on number 3 signed by the head of the company and at least load :
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a. Data or document company.
b. Data or document asset property.
c. Amount units property which filed for proof Of fund .
1. Payment Rates PNBP Visa Home Second, itas Second Home and Permission Enter Returns can be paid outside the territory of Indonesia through payment portals PNBP.
2. In matter portals payment PNBP in a manner technical not yet possible carried out outside the territory of Indonesia, payment of Second Home Visa PNBP Rates Second, Second Home ITAS and Re-Entry Permits are carried out by the Guarantor in region Indonesia.
3. If the Second Home Stay Permit expires, then the Second Home Stay Permit Followers also end.
4. Itap extensions can be submitted as long as they meet the requirements based on laws and regulations with reference to the granting of Itap or Transfer Status itas Becomes Itap.
5. ITK status change to ITAS for ex-WNI foreigners which is not in order obtain Return Citizenship Republic Indonesia, no need attach proof description from Head Representative Republic Indonesia about lose citizenship Indonesia.
6. Rather status Permission Live Limited Home Second Becomes Permission Live Permanent Home Second could implemented with provision has Live in Indonesia at least- lack of 3 (three) year as holder Permission Live Limited Home Second.
7. Transition or change Permission Live which resulted change guarantor, must attach statement no object and ready divert guarantee from Guarantor previously.
8. Holders of Residence Permits for Elderly International Tourists can still be done services based on previous regulations until issuance decision Furthermore.
1. Since publication Letter Circular this, so Letter Circular Number I MI- 0740.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning Issuance of Visas and Limited Stay Permits Second House Date October 25, 2022 revoked and declared invalid again.
2. This Circular Letter will be continuously evaluated or corrected necessary if later day there is mistake.
3. Letter Circular this apply effective on date 21 December 2022.
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Thereby letter circular this for Becomes attention and implemented best- good.
Defined in Jakarta
on December 20, 2022
NIP 197105011993031001
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Attachment I
Circular of the Director General of Immigration Number : IMI-0820.GR.01.01 Year 2022
Date : 20 December 2022
Name : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Place/Date Born : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Nationality : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Occupation : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
No. Passport/valid : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Followers/Relations : 1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ..............................................................................................................
3. .................................................. .................................................. .......
Address in Indonesian : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Number Phone : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Email : ………………………………………..………………………………………
With this state that:
1. I agree to have a Proof of Fund in the form of an account owned and in my name I am at a State Owned Bank with a value of at least Rp. 2,000,000,000 (two billion rupiah) or Proof ownership property in Indonesia owned by on name I;
2. I ready report proof of fund as meant on number 1 to Office Immigration publisher Permission Live Home Second in time Very long 90 (Nine twenty) day since publishing Permission Live Home Second;
3. I do not transfer, assign and/or guarantee the Proof of Fund as meant on number 1 During I hold Permission Live Home Second with reason whatever;
4. I will report every change status civil, status Immigration, and change address I along Follower;
5. I ready for provide all cost which arise as consequence from existence as well as activity During in Indonesia until return I along Follower to Country origin I;
6. My followers and I will respect Pancasila and the Constitution of the State Republic
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Indonesia year 1945;
7. I and Follower no will spread understand, ideology, and teachings which contrary with pancasila, Constitution Base Country Republic Indonesia year
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1945 and regulation legislation;
8. That I and Follower will honor ethics, custom customs and harmony religious which apply in region Country Unity Republic Indonesia;
9. That I and Follower ready for participate look after order general in societal; and
10. I and Follower ready for obey all regulation and legislation in region Indonesia.
Thus I make this statement truthfully and if in the future description on it turns out no Correct, so I ready demanded in accordance with provision legislation.
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Full name : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Place, Date of Birth : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Nationality : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Occupation : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Passport number : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
date of Issues : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
date of Expired : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Companions : 1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ..............................................................................................................
3. .................................................. .................................................. .......
Address in Indonesia : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Phone Number : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Email : ………………………………………..………………………………………
hereby declare that:
1. I undertake to have a proof of fund in the form of an Accounts owned and on my name at a State-Owned Bank (in Indonesia) with a value of at least Rp. 2,000,000,000, (two billion rupiah) or proof of properties ownership in Indonesia owned and on name of me;
2. I am willing to report the proof of fund US referred to in number 1 to the Immigration office issuing the Second Home Stay Permit within a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days from the issuance of the Second home Stay Permits;
3. I do not transfer, divert, and/or make as collateral the Proof of Funds referred to in number 1 US long US I hold only one Second home Stay Permit for any reason;
4. I will report every change of civil status, immigration status, and change of my address along with my Companions;
5. I am willing to provide all costs incurred as a result of my presence and activities while in Indonesia until my returns with my companion to my home country;
6. My Companion and I will respect Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
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7. My Companion and I will not spread ideas, ideologies, and teachings that are contrary to pancasila, the 1945 constitution of the republic of Indonesia, and other laws and that my Companion and I will respect the ethics, customs, and religious harmony in the Unitary state of the republic of Indonesia;
8. That's my Companion and I are willing to participate in maintaining public order in society
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9. my companion and I are willing to comply with all laws and regulations in Indonesia.
Thus, I make this statement in truth, and if, in the futures, the above information turns out to b untrue, then I am willing to b charged under the provisions of the laws and regulations..
Set in Jakarta
On date 20 December 2022
Prof. Dr. WIDODO EKATJAHJANA, SH, M.Hum. NIP 197105011993031001
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Attachment II
Circular of the Director General of Immigration Number : IMI-0820.GR.01.01 Year 2022
Date : 20 December 2022
5 cm
fonts Ariel 12
Set in Jakarta
on date 20 December 2022
Prof. Dr. WIDODO EKATJAHJANA, SH, M.Hum. NIP 197105011993031001
2 cm
Has Been Report For Second Home Regulation
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
And most importantly for most of us here:

NUMBER IMI-0820.GR.01.01 YEAR 2022
Effective 21st December 2022
Revokes previous circular NUMBER IMI-0740.GR.01.01 YEAR 2022


8. Holders of Residence Permits for Elderly International Tourists can still receive services based on the previous regulations until a further decision is issued.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017

"Meanwhile, Napitupulu said that so far there has been no application for a second home visa for Bali. Because of this, no foreigner has issued a second home visa at Ngurah Rai Airport yet."


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali

"Meanwhile, Napitupulu said that so far there has been no application for a second home visa for Bali. Because of this, no foreigner has issued a second home visa at Ngurah Rai Airport yet."
Napitupulu stated that on 27 December, 2022, less that a week after the official launch of 2nd Home Visa (see article below from Antara News of the same date).

I have since seen evidence from several people who have successfully applied and received 2nd Home Visa in Bali.

Antara News - 2nd Home Visa


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Napitupulu stated that on 27 December, 2022, less that a week after the official launch of 2nd Home Visa (see article below from Antara News of the same date).

I have since seen evidence from several people who have successfully applied and received 2nd Home Visa in Bali.

Antara News - 2nd Home Visa
Sorry, I don't read / speak Indonesian.
Any clue which nationalities the lucky applicants are ?


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Sorry, I don't read / speak Indonesian.
Any clue which nationalities the lucky applicants are ?

I don't know their nationalities. I have only seen screenshots of their approved visas with the names/nationality/passport details blacked out.


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