Race Riots in Perth


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
As I understand it, there are quite a number of Balinese that live in or near Perth, the center of some very nasty racial based riots over the past few days, targeting hapless folks from the ME.

The news footage is very intense, (not to mention how the OZ police use their batons). Anyway, my question is, has anyone heard from any Balinese living in that area, and how are they holding up?


Nov 28, 2005
As I understand, it was just one incident in Perth.
Unfortunately more bully/ riot/ thug / neanderthal mentality has also caused unrest in Cronulla, Sydney.


New Member
May 30, 2005
There's nothing here in Perth. Some kids threw some eggs at a house.... shows you how overhyped it is in the media.

With the "race riots" over east, that's been blown way out of proportion too. Virtually noone was injured for a "riot". What was more serious was the rampage the local Lebanese gangs went on that night, stabbing three people, including one in the bank while he tried to protect 3 girls they said they'd rape. They also smashed up dozens of cars.

The problems there have been a long time coming. They're caused by the Lebanese Muslim gangs there.

Normally people wouldn't care if theyre either Lebanese or Muslim, but when they're beating up Aussies for being Australian and not "Leb", and spitting on/raping girls because they're "Aussie whores" because they're not in traditional Muslim dress, then it's very relevant.

People see that riot as proof that Australians are racist or some such crap, but there were Asian people, etc, in that crowd. Everyone is sick of the behaviour of these gangs.

So yeah... the problem is much deeper than some simple racist behaviour by a group of drunk redneck Aussies.

I saw a good post on another forum... I'll reprint it here...


New Member
May 30, 2005
From nero_design at http://www.fark.com in it's entirety

I Live in Sydney:
These Lebanese gangs began to form cohesive groups in the 1980s and by the 1990s they had become deeply entrenched with a mob mentality in themselves. They dealt in guns and drugs at the top of their pinnacle and they spread fear and violence wherever they ventured. I’ve personally seen them bash completely innocent people, throw boiling water on waitresses, hold women down and burn them with cigars and shoot at rivals in the middle of crownded downtown suburban malls. The following statement is NOT a generalisation: Every newspaper in Sydney on every day of every month of every year describes rapes, gang rapes, beatings robbing, looting, car theft and all manner of violent crime being perpetrated by “men of Middle Eastern Appearance/Lebanese Appearance”. The fear on the streets when these thugs get behind the wheels of their hotted up strret cars and roll into town to congregate each weekend is genuine. A single word exchanged between yourself and another will result in over a dozen of his friends descending on the scene (via cell phone communication) and the savage beatdown that ensues may or may not be deserved. Previously they would just stab and shoot each other. Not so any more.

In the last 20 years, their macho self image has seen them over-run entire 10km wide suburbs (and even businesses) in a determined effort to gain control of various nightclubs and areas of social interest to themselves such as 24 hour restaurants.

Of late, these gangs have spread from enclaves populated almost solely with people of their own ethnic persuasion. Their treatment of people who are Cuacasian in appearance (most especially women) is utterly deplorable. My blonde wife arrived here from Canada just 4 years ago and lives in fear of the Lebanese. They spit on her in the streets because she has fair hair and in their cultural stupidity, this apparently means she’s a “slut”. They approach her when she’s shopping and make lewed comments but if she rejects them or tells them to mind their manners they become intimidating and dangerous. Eventually, Caucasians began to dispise the assaults, beatings, rapes, gang rapes, violence and anti-social behaviour of these louts. It was clear from the media and police descriptions since 1986 that the attackers in almost all instances were predominantly Lebanese. The Lebanese community leaders said nothing. Police laws were slowly watered down. Society here has started to unravel.

In the last 5 years, these gangs have begun to export their hatred to the beaches and not just to Cronulla. Quiet and ideal beachside towns such as Terrigal and The Entrance are now besieged each and every New Year with roving gangs of Lebanese from Sydney with rape, beatings and Anarchy being their only goal and intent. They arrive in huge groups of 50 to 100 or more ‘for their own protection’. Then they set upon anyone of Caucasian appearance regardless of age. Children loose teeth, elderly are even sometimes killed during bag snatching having been dragged behind cars etc.

But whilst I utterly deplore the incidents last weekend (where Caucasians banded together in a group of 5000 before running a drunken rampage to hunt and beat Lebanese people within the district), I am not at all surprised to see people respond in kind to the intimidation of the thugs and louts from the Sydney Lebanese community. Those fools, who have for decades thumbed their noses at the rest of Sydney and Australian society, have sadly unleashed a barrage of pent-up hatred upon themselves. Sure: the perpetrators of the beach incident were mob-mentality at it’s worst and this was in itself terrible and morally wrong, but for the Lebanese who were not there on the day to arm themselves with guns and knives and drive out across the city and to the beaches and destroy hundreds of innocent people’s cars and homes shows quite clearly just how dangerous and self centered these particular gang members are(and since they band together and co-ordinate their attacks via phone, that’s what I’ll call them).

Are Australians racist? As a whole, no. But just like elements of any society, we have our own fair share of idiots. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the idiots who have perpetrated the incidents of recent days were Lebanses… most of them born here too. Many of them are Christian Lebanese… including the gang members.

You wonder why people in the Surf Culture had had enough? It was documented here that the Muslim Lebanese were blocking access to certain parts of the beaches here, most notably the bathing pools because (and I quote) “they wished to prohibit access to the pools by non-muslims since their women would bathe in the pools dressed in the Hajib (muslim dress) and that non-muslims were not permitted to see them in this way nor share the water with them”.

Recently, a Caucasian victim of spinal injury was told he couldn’t use the therapy pool for some days because the Muslim women were currently using it and it was not permitted for them to share the therapy pool (in the hospital) with a man or a non-muslim. As a result, we confronted the only moman in the pool whilst still strapped in his wheel chair to tell her he had the right to use the pool just as she did. He was evacuated from the hospital that night because as the director told him “The security guards here are all Muslim, and they’re going to try to kill you tonight because you spoke down to one of their women”.

We have the ghastly gang-rapes here in Sydney which were infliced on young 16 year old school girls by several specific gangs (take a guess at their Ethnicicity). The perpetrators claimed last week before the courts that they should not be punished or jailed since in “their culture, all women who speak to men are sluts and even if they say “no”, it doesn’t matter since men of their culture can demand of them what they will”. The accused are also claiming that “since watching television in prison, they now realise that rape is not polite and that things are different in Australia”

So I can sit and write endless examples of what I have seen, witnessed, experienced, read, viewed on television and talked to others about… but in the end, it still comes out sounding racist. It’s not. People know the fundamental differences between right and wrong. These gangs are populated with thugs, bullys, rapists, murderers and cowards. Most of them have been sent home to Lebanon to partake in National Service with the Lebanese Army as required by their racial background.

My best friend is Lebanese. We both went to a Catholic College together and love this country. He would like to kill every last one of these scumbags for ruining the name of the Lebanese Community. And so would a lot of Australian Caucasians who are ‘fed up to the back teeth with all this’.

Lebanese People in Sydney: Lovely People, great food.
Lebanese Gangs in Sydney: Need to be utterly destroyed.
Caucasians in Sydney: Generally dumbasses, mostly harmless.
Caucasian Gangs in Sydney: Small in number, live by codes

Caucasian Gang “The Bra Boys” (named after Maroubra Beach)saved the lives of Police Last night from the Lebanese gangs in Sydney. The Bra Boys HATE the Police. This should show just how out of control the lebanese gangs have gotten. Asians and Tongans were amongst the mob of 5000 that ran through the streets the other day… That’s doesn’t sound very racist now. Does it? These guys were also sick of this crap and wanted to defy the Lebanese gangs (who incidentally didn’t show their faces at all until sundown… and even then turned up in 65 cars with guns knives and balaclavas over their heads).

I’ve been threatened with guns and knives in several cinemas here when telling Lebanese gang members to turn of their mobile phones, I’ve had shots fired at me for not giving way to a Lebanese carload at a roundabout intersection even if I have right of way, I’ve had my car broken into and my home robbed by Lebanese gangs, I’ve had my wife threatened and harassed on countless occasions by them whilst shopping, I’ve had friends bashed by them, friend’s businesses overrun by them and workmates have been stabbed and mugged by them across the road. Yesterday I saw a Lebanese lout (ethnic persuasion noted via Licence plate which read “LEBO69″ with the lebanese flag on the back window) get out of his car at traffic at lunchtime and punch an elderly Causasian driver in the car behind him.

Three of my workmates had their cars utterly destroyed yesterday… and they’re Americans who are working here for the next 6 months! The Police are understaffed and fear the gangs. The Police won’t even respond to some suituations out of fear to their own safety.

//Sick of it all.
//Wife and family sick of it all.
//Friends (including Lebanese friends) sick of it all.

//Taking unpleasant precautions this year.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jake writes:

There's nothing here in Perth. Some kids threw some eggs at a house.... shows you how overhyped it is in the media.

HUH? So all that footage I watched on CNN at 11:20 this AM...in Bali, was just a movie set, or what?

Does an egg throwing event cause your PM, John Howard to come out and make a public statement...."we have no racial issues in Australia?"

That's a hell of a way to make an omelet Jake!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Quoting myself,

HUH? So all that footage I watched on CNN at 11:20 this AM...in Bali, was just a movie set, or what?

That's the way it was reported...as from Perth, and I can agree that specific point...i.e. being in Perth itself could well be wrong.


Nov 28, 2005
quote: So yeah... the problem is much deeper than some simple racist behaviour by a group of drunk redneck Aussies. unquote

Nothing simple here, seems to be real racism coming from many races and cultures.

As a matter of interest, what is "cultural stupidity"


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Re: RE: Race Riots in Perth

Roy said:
Quoting myself,

HUH? So all that footage I watched on CNN at 11:20 this AM...in Bali, was just a movie set, or what?
That's the way it was reported...as from Perth, and I can agree that specific point...i.e. being in Perth itself could well be wrong.
Maybe it was reported in Bali that the riots were in Perth, but I can assure you Roy, it's all happening here in Sydney, not too far from my home... and it's not over yet.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
OK, Bolli and Jake...you both seem to be describing an almost surreal world, one which is about to be taken over by Lebanese immigrants. With all do respects, how did that happen?

How did the Australian police tolerate, and not take on these issues of boiling water being thrown on waitresses, holding women down, and burning them with cigars, etc, etc...more, and way too much to repeat? How was this tolerated? Why was it tolerated?

You are both telling a story that is NOT being carried by the networks, and I’m not talking about Australian news, I’m talking CNN and BBC which is all over the world, every day, in anyone’s home that cares to pay for satellite TV.

Help me out here. I always agree that a coin has two sides, but geeez, it doesn’t seem to me right now that either side of this coin even came from the same planet.


Nov 28, 2005
Actually Roy, I am not telling any story. The posts Jake put up I have not seen before and I must admit I'm not entirely enamoured of the post from

nero_design at http://www.fark.com

I think this will emerge on world news, I'm surprised it hasn't been picked up and yet the Perth incident was. :?:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
OK, no problem. Can anyone tell us what REALLY is going on?

Mats writes:

Maybe it was reported in Bali that the riots were in Perth, but I can assure you Roy, it's all happening here in Sydney, not too far from my home... and it's not over yet.

Mats, it ain't the way it was reported in Bali, its the way it is reported on the international BBC and CNN network. I watched it this AM, a little after 11AM when that Anderson Cooper ran his 360 program...which very sadly replace my favorite program, Newsnight with Aaron Brown. It comes out of CNN headquarters in Atlanta, and was aired, for two hours (due to the upcoming Iraq elections, world wide). In my view, Cooper needs to pop a whole lot more prozac then is on his current prescription bottle. But, that's another issue.

If there is more than “meets the eye” with all of this, then for certain, you guys in OZ need to hire a “spin master” as it doesn’t look good for you the way “the problem” is being relayed on the world networks. And Mats, when you add, “and it's not over yet” then all the more important to get both sides out there...nes pas?


New Member
May 30, 2005
Well, it makes better news for a bunch of redneck racist Aussies to be beating on some random ethnic minority, so it doesn't suprise me.

BTW, I don't know what they're reporting in Bali, but there was only a few eggs thrown at some house in Perth... the riot was in Sydney.

For instance, they probably won't tell that some Aussies were protecting the people that were being attacked by shielding them with their bodies.

Of the 5000 or so that went to that protest, I've heard from people that were there that about 50-100 got really drunk and caused the trouble.

Here's another post from TheDokta, also from Fark.com


This entire situation is primarily the result of the disgraceful behaviour of a subset of of the Lebanese community. The Lebanese know this subset of their community and *hate* it, because it gives the rest of them a (very) bad name.

A few things about the current situation worth remembering:

* The straw that broke the camel's back was another episode of the ongoing verbal abuse of women[0] and the cowardly attack of a _lifesaver_[1] by Lebanese youths. It wasn't some once-off occurrence.

* Up until the Daily Telegraph (one of the local right-wing trashy newspapers) published certain information, this sitaution almost certainly would have been nothing more than a few dozen blokes in a punch-up at the beach.

* The "5000 people" in a "riot" - who proportionately are about 0.1% of Sydney's population, and about 0.02% of Australia's population - were largely just walking around being lound, drunk and obnoxious. The actual violence was perpetrated by maybe 50 to 100 people. This event also represent a single "response" to years and years of disgraceful behaviour - I don't condone it, but relatively speaking it was an extraordinary incident, unlike the consistent behaviour of the Lebanese gangs.

* The followup response(es) from the Lebanese gangs caused a lot more damage and hurt a lot more people - and I've got no doubt there'll be more to come. I won't be surprised in the slightest if there's at least one drive-by in the Shire where a bunch of innocent bystanders either get severely injured or killed.

* This isn't a case of "whitey against darky", this is a case of "Lebanese gangs vs Australians". The non-Lebanese "gangs" involved - as with the crowd of people who were in Cronulla - *isn't just Anglo-Saxons*, it's the greeks, the italians, the asians, the islanders - a multiracial group. The most interesting thing about the whole situation (particularly to me, since I'm not a Sydney local and haven't grown up with it) is that *everyone* hates "The Lebs". The other ethnic/cultural/racial groups that have immigrated to Australia are much more integrated into Australia society - they see themselves as "Australian".

The root problem here is a subset of the Lebanese community who has no interest in integrating into Australian society. Not only that, but their behaviour is completely opposed to ever doing so - abusing women for wearing bikinis on the beach, gang raping "aussie sluts", identifying pretty much every other cultural/ethnic/racial group as "aussies", regularly using violence and intimidation, etc.

Normally I loath the term "unAustralian" as patriotic bullshiat, but I feel it applies perfectly here - these people may have been born here, but they certainly don't believe they are Australian, or that Australian culture is something they want to be associated with.

PS: pstudent12, on the off chance you aren't just trolling (and badly at that), you have NFI about any of the issues you've attempted to raise in this thread (what little of it wasn't racist epithets against Australians), and it's plainly obvious that you have no interest in being educated.

[0] The Lebanese gangs are notorious for their primitive attitudes towards "aussie" women. Ie: women who aren't strict muslims (even being a Lebanese woman won't help you if you're "aussie" - dye your hair, don't wear full muslim dress, etc).

[1] For non-Australians. "Lifesavers" are a volunteer organisation of individuals trained in rescue & resuscitation who patrol major beaches all over the country to prevent and respond to drownings, jellyfish stings, etc. (They're also a kind of lolly/sweet/candy, but that's obviously not what's being discussed :) ).


I think this weekend you'll start to see shootings, etc. The Lebanese gangs are apparently gearing up for a big showdown on Sunday, so there will be more to come soon.

This was a long time coming, but you won't see that in the media. What you'll see is racist Aussies. But that's not the problem. The problem is with the beatings, rapings, etc of these gangs, and the locals are just sick of it. Something had to happen under those circumstances eventually.


New Member
May 30, 2005
An example of the sort of crimes we're talking abou, from the Sydney Morning Herald

Racist rapes: Finally the truth comes out
y Miranda Devine
July 14 2002
The Sun-Herald

So now we know the facts, straight from the Supreme Court, that a group of Lebanese Muslim gang rapists from south-western Sydney hunted their victims on the basis of their ethnicity and subjected them to hours of degrading, dehumanising torture. The young women, and girls as young as 14, were "sluts" and "Aussie pigs", the rapists said. So now that some of the perpetrators are in jail, will those people who cried racism and media "sensationalism" hang their heads in shame? Hardly.

The journalists, academics, legal brains and politicians who tried to claim last August that the gang rapes of south-western Sydney were just a run-of-the-mill police blotter story being beaten up by racists, scaremongers and political opportunists don't ever want to acknowledge the truth about that ugly episode in Australian history. They don't want to acknowledge the fear and tension that ran through a part of Sydney they rarely visit and can never understand.

This newspaper was the first to report the story, which had been common knowledge in police and media circles, and it has never censored the race element.

Even last week, with the conviction of two brothers for their part in the gang rape of Miss D, who was 16 when she was held at gunpoint in a Greenacre park, there were media outlets that downplayed the story and air-brushed race from it.

Yet the victims have been crying out for the truth to be told. In court on Friday, one victim gave another a card on which she had written

"Truth is Justice".

In August, when Judge Megan Latham handed out laughably lenient sentences to three men in one gang rape case, which were later more than doubled on appeal, she made a special point of debunking the race link: "There is no evidence before me of any racial element in the commission of these offences," she said. "There is nothing said or done by the offenders which provides the slightest basis for imputing to them some discrimination in terms of the nationality of their victims."

Except that later one of the victims complained her victim impact statement had been "censored" of any "ethnic" references by prosecutors intent on a plea bargain. She was convinced she was raped because of her ethnicity. "You deserve it because you're an Australian," the rapists told her during the five-hour attack.

It's just so inconvenient of the victims to insist on telling the truth.

"I looked in his eyes. I had never seen such indifference," one 18-year-old victim, codenamed Miss C, told the court, remembering one of the 14 men who called her "Aussie pig", gang raped her 25 times over a six-hour period in Bankstown and Chullora, and then turned a hose on her. "I'm going to f*** you Leb style," he said.

Fourteen gang rapists have been convicted, or pleaded guilty, thanks to the courage of seven victims who testified for days in court as their tormentors smirked nearby, the men's families threatened them and defence lawyers suggested they had enjoyed the rapes.

"They're very brave, very strong and very courageous young women," said Salvation Army Major Joyce Harmer, who held the hands of many of the victims through the trials. "They knew this was something they had to do."

There were encouraging signs by the end of the week that some Muslim community leaders were talking of "Muslims accepting responsibility that they may have failed to do things that would have prevented these things from happening", as Amjad Mehboob, chief executive for the Federation of Islamic Councils, told ABC Radio on Friday.

Keysar Trad, vice-president of the Lebanese Muslim Association, said: "It is certainly a disgrace to our community that people who were born to a Muslim family would commit such heinous crimes." But he went on to say it was "rather unfair" that the rapists' ethnicity had been reported "because these boys themselves have completely disaffiliated themselves from their culture or their religion".

Yes, it is unfair that the vast bulk of law-abiding Lebanese Muslim boys and men should be smeared by association. But their temporary discomfort may be necessary so that the powerful social tool of shame is applied to the families and communities that nurtured the rapists, gave them succour and brought them up with such a hatred of Australia's dominant culture and contempt for its women that they think of an 18-year-old girl, dressed for a job interview in her best suit, sitting on a train reading a book, as a slut.

These were racist crimes. They were hate crimes. The rapists chose their victims on the basis of race. That fact is crucial to this story. If the perpetrators had been Anglo-Celtic Australians, the furore would have been enormous. No newspaper would have left out that fact and you can bet the guilt and shame would have been spread far and wide.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jake writes,

BTW, I don't know what they're reporting in Bali, but there was only a few eggs thrown at some house in Perth... the riot was in Sydney.

Jake, as I said to Mats, this isn't a case of what "they are reporting in Bali." OK? This is what IS being reported on CNN and BBC worldwide. Leave Bali out of it....it has nothing to do with this. If I was sitting in Portland Maine, with a nice fire going in the fireplace, and rover sleeping at my feet...I'd be seeing the exact same coverage. Same goes if I was holed up in a room in the Bagdad Hilton. Same news, same coverage, same "analysis" of the news.


New Member
May 30, 2005
It's okay Roy... I wasn't having a go at Bali media. I meant I genuinely didn't know.

I've been following the world news. I know how it's being reported. That doesn't suprise me because that is also how it is largely portrayed here.

That rampage the Lebanese gangs went on that night barely rated a mention here. Even though they stabbed three people and damaged far more property than that "riot".

Unfortunately our sensationalist media has picked it up as an "Aussies gone bad" type of story. Since those articles syndicated to Associated Press, etc, it doesn't suprise me that it is reported that way... it's reported like that too. Unfortunately in our crazily PC world it's racist to call a spade a spade. These are Lebanese Muslim gangs. So it doesn't get touched.

But the people in the area aren't fooled. They know how it is, whatever the national media reports. It's from them that you'll get the real story.

So don't expect a different story from the media. Although no Lebanese will be killed, and although they keep stabbing (and probably shooting soon) the Aussies, I expect that's the only story the media will play.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Please, understand something about me. Some of my best mates, the closest of friends one could have in life, are from Australia. If I had stayed in the states, there is no way I would have ever met these closest of friends that I think of more as brothers and sisters than anything else.

There isn't a gram of racism among any of them. And several are some of the most dedicated humanists I know. Being close, we talk, and we talk, and we talk...on much more deeper issues than ever to be discussed here. We each know that racism was a part of the culture from which we grew up, and there is little point in denying it.

I’m not going to point fingers, as I come from the one country that defines racism. As my first point made clear, my only real interest is if the Balinese living in these areas of OZ are OK and not being singled out, misunderstood, or having to deal with the utter stupidity of raw racist ideology. That’s it.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sorry Raf, but I prefer to get my latest BBC news on the hour, EVERY hour, and in English. It takes way toooooo long for the translations on their web site. :D


May 11, 2005
Intresting topic. I don't know much about what's going on down-under and havn't seen any news covering this issue yet. Nevertheless an intresting read. thanks guys ;)