Prospective expats requesting coffee/meet info seek during July visit


New Member
Feb 3, 2019
Hello! :)
Just to get started - I want to say hi to everyone and ask straight out (!)... and hopefully it's okay to make this request so husband and I are travelling to Bali in July this year to explore a move there. There is so much information (and misinformation) out there we feel like our heads are spinning. Because we both do better taking on info face to face, we'd like to arrange to meet up with some experienced expats, so we can get a firmer handle on what is required for us to move to Bali. Is it possible anyone is willing to do this?

With thanks and regards, Donna


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
I suspect it would enhance the responses if you gave a bit of detail as in.... where you are presently living. Age. Children. Are you looking for employment? Why Bali?
You may already have explored the various threads already posted across the years and across many subjects.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Hi Donna and welcome here.
So-your heads are spinning? (That's 'normal', or will be.)
Like harryopal said above, a little more 'detail' would help.
  1. Have you been to Bali before?
  2. Why now? and why here?
In my case, I've been here 23+ years already and know quite a few other expats.
Getting them altogether in the same place at the same time is difficult (if not impossible).
However, when you get here, you're welcome to come and visit me, talk face-to-face, and we can take it from there.
One other question:
Where will you be staying when you arrive in July?
I'm in Sanur.


New Member
Feb 3, 2019
Hi Donna and welcome here.
So-your heads are spinning? (That's 'normal', or will be.)
Like harryopal said above, a little more 'detail' would help.
  1. Have you been to Bali before?
  2. Why now? and why here?
In my case, I've been here 23+ years already and know quite a few other expats.
Getting them altogether in the same place at the same time is difficult (if not impossible).
However, when you get here, you're welcome to come and visit me, talk face-to-face, and we can take it from there.
One other question:
Where will you be staying when you arrive in July?
I'm in Sanur.
Hi, Harry & Johnny
Many thanks for your responses.
Ian has been to Bali a few times. My very first time was in December 2018, and I stayed in Ubud. The idea (of living there) started as a random little fantasy in my mind but by the time I returned, had developed into a more serious consideration. I was careful to test myself to see if it was actually the holiday idea I was more in love with....but it was a very Shirley Valentine epiphany in that the attraction genuinely goes beyond holiday yearning - it just felt like home, I felt in touch with myself, I embraced everything about it.
Ian was also enthusiastic (he is retirement age, I'm not)...this is when our research journey began (little did we know!)
Why now? We are tired of asking ourselves 'is this it?', as each day feels like groundhog day. Why Bali? The people. The buzzing/alive feeling combined with peace/quiet as you need it. The food. The experiences. A different kind of life - quality of life. That's what we want.
We'll be staying in Ubud again, at De Munut. So pleased you are open to a visit, Johnny - much appreciated.
Warm regards and thanks, Donna


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
One of the things you may have to wrestle with is how to part yourself from all the accumulated treasures built up over the years. If you search the various threads you will find that quite a few people have asked about forwarding a container load of goods. The general response to this is that it is extremely complicated and expensive. I took on board the recommendation of bringing what I could in suitcases which can then come through customs as you arrive and without problems. Living not so far away in Townsville Australia we had several trips and finished shifting about 300 kilos of stuff.
Lots to think about but life is an adventure.


Staff member
Feb 12, 2010
The forum has had a few meetups in the past. I would suggest to @Hadley or anyone else who wants to organize one, to pick a date with a few months advance notice and a location, in a bar or restaurant that can accommodate a group of people. And just see who turns up. I can make an announcement here on the forum.

Sanur seems a fairly accessible place for many.
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Active Member
Dec 31, 2018
I'm in between Perth and Bali a lot still, I tried to organise a meetup previously but had trouble getting enough numbers to warrant it, but definitely interested and Sanur is only 30 minutes from me.

One thing I will say I stay in Bali because I fell in love again and my life in Australia is a mess because of ex and divorce stuff, be aware that when I first went there I was seduced by all those romantic notions in my mind about what it's like, Bali certainly has many challenges if you are used to living in western, I would recommend a few longer stays before you decide to move altogether,


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
A group of us in Ubud meet on Friday arvos for food and drinks. Usually we know by Monday what the venue will be for the coming Friday. So if you are planning a few nights in Ubud, include a Friday and contact me close to that time.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2018
Hi ronb, do you mean a group from the forum? I am back in Bali just a few weeks and have car and driver. Would bringing my Indo mrs be problem? Interested to see if something comes of this as I don't really have any bule friends here


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Some of our group follow balipod, others don't - just a bunch of expats from Australia, US, Canada etc who get together. Let me know which Friday you are aiming for and I will keep you in the loop.