

I have pidgeons shitting all over my gazebo, also on the walls and the pool surround, is there any way to get rid of them, they seem to fly in at night and sit and feed, leaving a real mess
Are you sure they are pigeons? We had a similar experience but it was bats. In the morning we would come out to this terrible mess. We tried leaving lights on but it was costly and annoying so we bought a sonic bat and rat (?) deterrent on Topidico for $200 and bingo no more mess in the morning. Brilliant.
Are you sure they are pigeons? We had a similar experience but it was bats. In the morning we would come out to this terrible mess. We tried leaving lights on but it was costly and annoying so we bought a sonic bat and rat (?) deterrent on Topidico for $200 and bingo no more mess in the morning. Brilliant.
Had bats problem here also on the upper terrace.
Light on at night did not help.

Installed some CD and a plastic bag (all waving in the wind) . This, and the owner trimming the adjacent trees in the ressort did the trick at 90%.

As we have cats in the house I didn't want to use a sonic device. Not sure how it could impact them ?

Had pidgeon problems in France and they are a nightmare to get rid of.
Had to install nails and a network of nylon (fishing) wire to complicate them landing.

Most efficient against them is a lead rifle (fusil a plomb) but then of course you risk being attacked by some dumb "animal friendly" NGO....
In Townsville, northern Queensland there was a wonderful variety of native bird life and I used to put out bird seed for rainbow lorrikeets, kookaburras, magpies, friar birds. honey eaters and the occasional sulphur crested cockatoos which would come to the bird tray outside on the back porch. Unfortunately pigeons would come like vacuum cleaners. I set up a trap on an adjacent car park roof and would catch pigeons then hold them under a tap to give them a good soaking and release them unharmed other than being frightened. It did act as a deterrent but a strange woman downstairs declared I was a bird racist and used to throw away my trap. Ultimately the pigeons began roosting under the eaves of my neighbours roof and they had an infestation of lice. I was then ordered by my landlords to stop feeding the birds. You could try the trap idea. A little box propped up at one end with a stick and a length of string. When the pidgeon enters to take the bread or whatever, pull the string. For some reason pigeons don't peck when you pick them up. Good luck.
Yes, we had a pigeon problem in Sanur (white colour ones). The birds messed up second floor veranda during the night. Shat on everything.
I bought what they call "jaring burung" and closed off the veranda area. Problem solved. There is a risk for smaller birds to be stuck in the net but if the net is vertical and stretched out I guess the birds will just bounce off. We never had anything trapped in the net. Alternative is what they call "krei bambu" or bamboo roller blinds that could also work.

For our large gazebo we had fruit bats leaving droppings every night: Aluminum foil did not work. Again sourced bird net. Stretched this bird net under all of the ceiling (above fan level). No more bats. Local Balinese villa owner came around and spotted the solution and instructed his handyman to install the same for his carport as he found his car covered with bat droppings every morning.
thank you for all he help, i left the fan on in the Gazebo last night, got up this morning to again lots of brown lumps and they look to have urinated all in the same place again, whatever it is, it seems to be feeding there in the same place all the time, i presume its pigeons, i dont think its bats as we had them under our balcony roof and because they were shitting on the furniture we put up a net and foil and they went away, but it was a different king of mess, this is pretty bad, i,m wondering if it is something else tonight, i will hang a wind chime and put down chilli powder, its a brown mess, lots of liquid. i will keep you informed, by the way,i tried the owls and the fan, it worked for a while,then did,nt.
Are you sure they are pigeons? We had a similar experience but it was bats. In the morning we would come out to this
thank you for all he help, i left the fan on in the Gazebo last night, got up this morning to again lots of brown lumps and they look to have urinated all in the same place again, whatever it is, it seems to be feeding there in the same place all the time, i presume its pigeons, i dont think its bats as we had them under our balcony roof and because they were shitting on the furniture we put up a net and foil and they went away, but it was a different king of mess, this is pretty bad, i,m wondering if it is something else tonight, i will hang a wind chime and put down chilli powder, its a brown mess, lots of liquid. i will keep you informed, by the way,i tried the owls and the fan, it worked for a while,then did,nt.
there was the same problem at this hotel, so the owner put up a bamboo pole with plastic waving in the wind and a hat on top. It worked! It was fruit bats too. Really it was a Vampire! We fixed the problem by hanging a beautiful virgin In the rafters. The vampire liked that and took her far away to his cave but brought her back for an exchange and said her blood didn't taste good. Too much garlic! So we found one that didn't eat garlic. They left and we never had that problem again.
terrible mess. We tried leaving lights on but it was costly and annoying so we bought a sonic bat and rat (?) deterrent on Topidico for $200 and bingo no more mess in the morning. Brilliant.
In Townsville, northern Queensland there was a wonderful variety of native bird life and I used to put out bird seed for rainbow lorrikeets, kookaburras, magpies, friar birds. honey eaters and the occasional sulphur crested cockatoos which would come to the bird tray outside on the back porch. Unfortunately pigeons would come like vacuum cleaners. I set up a trap on an adjacent car park roof and would catch pigeons then hold them under a tap to give them a good soaking and release them unharmed other than being frightened. It did act as a deterrent but a strange woman downstairs declared I was a bird racist and used to throw away my trap. Ultimately the pigeons began roosting under the eaves of my neighbours roof and they had an infestation of lice. I was then ordered by my landlords to stop feeding the birds. You could try the trap idea. A little box propped up at one end with a stick and a length of string. When the pidgeon enters to take the bread or whatever, pull the string. For some reason pigeons don't peck when you pick them up. Good luck.
That is funny Harryopal, you'd catch pigeons and hold them under water until they summited. Did you call them bad names while doing this? They are actually quite tasty. I tried eating them once on Lamma island near Hong Kong. Yummy!
That is funny Harryopal, you'd catch pigeons and hold them under water until they summited. Did you call them bad names while doing this? They are actually quite tasty. I tried eating them once on Lamma island near Hong Kong. Yummy!
Waterboarding pigeons? That will teach them.

I'm a bit surprised the kookaburras let the pigeons have their way:

Waterboarding pigeons? That will teach them.

I'm a bit surprised the kookaburras let the pigeons have their way:

This is funny as hell! Those birds are so tame around people. Can you send some to America? They would be a great addition. Because now, how gay your life must be is popular. Boys will be girls and girls will be boys, it's the mixed up world of shook up toys of my Lola. La la la Lola!
Any way, as you can see, I am losing my fooking marbles
It's bats. Pigeons don't fly at night. The bats are feeding on some nearby fruit trees so if you can remove the fruit your bat problem should disappear too.

You could always get a cat. They are almost equally as shitty and fecking smelly but they do scare the shit... wait, no, well they do.
Wear a necklace of garlic, and don't lose your silver bullet. I forgot no assault rifles allowed here. Get a silver cross and a knife. Make sure it's not nickel! Where is the Pope when we need him? Probably cruising in his vampire proof popemobile. Oay Vay! We are screwed