Passion Fruit, Maracuya (Markisa)


Well-Known Member
Sorry if you were expecting something more "passionate" but I am really looking for some advice in growing the purple passion fruit (Indo - Markisa).

I love them and would also like to make a Purgola (bower) out of them. I'm sure they pretty much grow without much work on my part but any tips for getting the best and quickest out of them would be appreciated.

Any pet recipes (cocktails, deserts, etc.) also appreciated.
I plants from seeds and their slowly growing.
But I try also from a " piece" of the plant and is growing
I find also the giant yellow one (so beautiful).

Till not flowers but I read that are great.

So difficult and expensive find fruit plants....

Thanks for replying David. I've planted some seeds and I'm waiting for them to come up. You say "giant yellow one" you must mean the fruit? I've heard of yellow Maracuya but have yet to see any here in Bali. Where did you get it (plant or seed). They are supposed to be even tastier than the purple ones.
We have the giant ones growing like weeds in our garden. They are good for juices and as a sauce for deserts, but no where the same as the small ones that you can crack open and eat on the spot. So yes the giant ones grow in Bali. The small one I planted was covered and smothered by the larger one.
Good to know, I planted the purple ones because they tasted best. Was thinking of mixing the types but will now demure.