Mystery death


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
This has been in the news quite a bit in Australia.

The mysterious circumstances surrounding the sudden death of an Australian student in Bali have taken another tragic turn after it was revealed her lifeless body was reportedly not found for five days.

Perth student Niamh Finneran Loader is believed to have died on December 2 while visiting the popular Indonesian holiday destination to undergo “dental treatment”, according to a GoFundMe created to help her parents bring her body back home.

However, police did not take the 25-year-old's remains to hospital until December 7, according to Nine News, with her body feared to have gone undetected in her hotel bathroom for five days.



Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
Sad. Five days in the hotel room without house keeping checking the room?

Edit: Could be her body was not in the hotel room for five days but some other (still unknown) location as mentioned in the DM article:

"Indonesian forensic experts told Nine News they were stumped over why police did not take Ms Loader's remains to hospital until December 7 - five days after her body was found.

Dr Ida Bagus Puta Alit, head of forensics at Bali's Prof Ngoerah Hospital, told the TV network: 'We do not know where the body was before that, and why it was only taken to our hospital five days after the date of death.'"
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I feel like every few months there is a mysterious death in Bali like this that never gets solved. Very strange place sometimes
You do realize that LA (similar population size to Bali) had over 700 homicides in the past 12 months? Most of which remain unresolved.

I suspect the couple we have in Bali just surprise because of their rarity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
The circumstances do sound strange. She had a taxi booked to the airport. When she didn't check out why didn't the staff check her room? Other articles suggest the body was found after staff went to check the room to repair the AC.
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
You do realize that LA (similar population size to Bali) had over 700 homicides in the past 12 months? Most of which remain unresolved.

I suspect the couple we have in Bali just surprise because of their rarity.
That's a valid point. And who knows how many more of these cases happen in Bali that just never make the news?