Mixed Marriages


May 9, 2006
los angeles
I think that the more one learns to cross cultures and understand the other persons culture the more succsesful their marriage could be. Some people just don't do it well for what ever reason. In my opinion that helps to dispell alot of misconceptions about the other person. Then we arrive at the 'person' you are married to and their personalities and how they are shaped by Family,society,freinds etc. We are not all that different in that regard...


Jan 27, 2004
Hi dug, welcome to the forum! By the way, don't worry about Oom Roy & Pak Jimbo bickering, they're always at it! :lol: :lol:

Just harmless banter...... right boys? :roll:


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Did I make it clear from the beginning that this was my own personal subjective view? Did I state it was based on my worldwide experiences over 30 years? Did I make it clear it was not about Bali or even south east asia? Did I say it encompassed the whole gamut of expat men. No?

Thought so. I will continue with type 3

Type 3 could have been a type 1 or 2 and has perhaps migrated to this stage. He starts to get and feel older. He is proberbly lonely even if he has friends. His family (if he has one) is far away. He is tired of the same old drinking routine before he collapses every night only to start the rut all over again.

He begins to want something different. Some warmth and companionship. He is however getting on a bit, certainly passed the youthful stage. Maybe his hairis going, a pot starting to appear from all the boozing. Maybe his self confidence goes. But wait, this is a third world country. He is a rich expatriate and can have his hearts desire.

So let us look how he will fulfill the dreams. He can meet girls from his office (certainly possible but they tend to be more attacted to the younger better looking types). He can meet them in restaurants, by local friends etc but wait these are more difficult. Why? Well these are good girls and they have families, brother, fathers, all who do not want a mixed culture marriage. Still its certainly possible if a little difficult to go this way. Becoming part of the culture is one way but it takes a long time and maybe sex is not so easy and he is older and does not want to go through that courting scenario so much.

Maybe the girl gets taunted by boys of her own culture for being younger, maybe gets called names like prostitute or sly and laughing glances. You know what I mean Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.

OK. What else can he do. Where can he meet girls for the companionship (and sex) he desperately wants. Well there are bars, disco's and nightclubs of course but also girlfiends of his friends girfriend.

The girls that frequent such places can be many types. Some are out and out prostitutes, some just looking for a good time with someone who has money in their pocket (maybe to give to their own boyfriend). Some are looking for an english teacher or maybe marriage. The reasons are many.

At first he is flattered by attention. He is on the dance floor showing all his moves from 20 years ago and feels young again. That beautiful young thing is available tonight she tells him. Can she come home with him. Well no need to go into a long story here but later he realises that a present is in order. She leaves next day. The week end comes around again and he goes back to the (wherever) and finds her with another guy. No problems because that small one over there is giving him the eye. This scenario continues for a while and he thinks he is gods gift to women.

He goes home on leave (he is still married) but finds the exitement is no longer there. He cannot wait to get back to his life over there.

As time passes he tires of the constant changes. Sex is not quite the same and the presents are taking their toll of his bank balance. He needs something else....but what? Then he goes to a new place and meets some one. She looks like a dream but is not like the others. She talks like a decent girl. Tired of the scene they go out for a meal. Wow! she laughs at his jokes and talks deeply on matters other than the trivial. They arrange to meet again and do simple things like walking and talking, going to the pictures etc. He asks about her family and tell her about his. They discuss his marriage and his children. She says she want children too. She is not put off by his wife. After some time their relationship deepens.

He begins to fall in love and wonders how he can make this all last after his contract finishes. He tells her of his love and she responds the same. They begin to make plans but reality and his wife and children come up again and again. He promises to divorce his wife and take her to his home in europe. This becomes his task when he next goes on leave.

He arrives home and at first says nothing, reality kicks in and he see's what harm he will do but also he knows that what is here is not enough for him. After days of pondering he plucks up the courage to tell his wife that he needs more than she can give him. They talk amid tearful scenes about the children (or not). She asks him if there is anyone else. He tells her (whatever he feels). In his mind he now just wants to leave and start the proceedings for divorce.

He leaves home because it is too painful to stay and watch the hurt he has caused. He uses the remainder of this time to start to organise the divorce and see's lawyers etc. Has a few beers with the former best friends and pours his heart and justification out whilst getting maudlin.

Leave over, he returns to his expatriate life feeling good and looking forward to seeing his girlfriend again. He hides the hurt he has given to his family from himself.

Arrives at the airport whre she is waiting for him.......to be cont.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

I think I understand you but I ask you to understand me also. For me its about respect. I give mine to everybody in the forum and especially to you. Saying that you are "direct" does not excuse this respect and drives people away from the forum.

No one in the world has the right to tell anyone that their opinions are "Bullshit". Disagree by all means, debate your point of view, sure. Do that with me and I will maybe change my mind or yours or we will agree to disagree.

I will not however let any disrespect me even if they believe they have not done so.

I am not nor never will be some one who harbours a grudge and I accept your explanation for what it is and we will get back to where we were before.

Thanks for listening.


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
My Hubby & I both had different pacars in the past.. bUt never once we became a couple, Gede prefers to spend his time with his family & we spend every weekend doing family things with the girls..
We dont have time to go out during the week as we both work fulltime & with 2 kids it's quite draining... But that's how we choose to live.
I know of some mixed marriages which are close to breaking point, but I think that's beacuse one or the other has their own ideals, wants, needs etc & doesnt cpount the partner in as a factor or discuss what they want as a couple together, rather both make choices but only for themselves... But I have also seen Western/Western relationships fail too.

Gede found it difficult initially when he moved to OZ, until he had a permanent job his own car, we bought a home, he got his Harley & we were pregnant again... Only once he saw what he had & did achieve did he settle in & now he constantly cancels trips back tO bali & wont return without us...

Communication is the key & to be able to give up things for the other person & know they'd do the same for you...

Gede & I are best friends & life was hard when waiting for visa's but we have made it & I know we will be together until the end!


Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, Washington
Pak Jimbo,

Your story number 3 is truly happen. I have met many of boeing engineers now in their 60's has young wife half of their age who they married during their contract with IPTN Bandung.

Personally we know one of the ex-wife story, which is simmilar to your story #3. They divorced, but he died of lung cancer not long after their divorce was final and not even 6 months after he married the girl friend.

Is that the risk of being away from family for a period of time?
I do not know for sure, may be you can share the experience. I believe you have a lot of experience about being away fm yr family.

But hey, who can stand the flirt from the young girls especially when you are on yr 50's and away from home :)



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
The smile in her (green, blue, brown) eyes as she stood in the airport reinforced his decision to divorce his

wife and marry the stunnibg beauty with the gorgeous (black, brown, blonde, redhead) hair in front of him.

First thing was to get back to the accommodation and make love, after all he had not seen her in over a month.

On the way back from the airport he tells her all he has done and they begin to talk about the marriage plans. Time to talk to the family.

They knew of course about their daughter with this western man but had yet to meet him. A plan was made for the meeting at which all the wedding details would be arranged for the elaborate ceremonies that would be involved. Oh yes and the very important payment of the dowry.

(Poetic license is required here for the divorce to have gone through and impediments removed.)

The meeting with the family takes place. He is suprised to see so many people but his bride to be explains that the family custom is to have all the family involved included elder uncles, brothers and cousins all who must ensure that the bride to be will be happy in here new life.

It is explained to him that the culture and customs require a bride price to be paid (or given depending where it is). Because of the girls education and the vast sums of money that have been spent and because they are losing a helper in the house or fields or secretarial services the family have set this at:

5 cows
4 sheep
2 cart loads of yams
5 sacks of rice
Cloth of gold

or $5000 dollars or so or that is what he will receive. (depending once again where he is)

His first thought is that this is a rip off but after talking with his wife to be it is explained that this is the custom and local boys also go through this as well as the $5000 required for the wedding ceromonies and celebrations. That night as he goes to bed he thinks Ummmmmmm.

Love prevails and he decides she is worth it. Tells fellow expats that they are invited to the wedding and the preparations begin to be made. A stag night is called for and the following Friday it is arranged to go and boogie one last time. Great night out with his expat mates ensues. He also invites her brothers who are more than happy to accompany him. They start off with a a good meal and lots of wine. Her brothers do not like the food but are happy with the wine and then the beer.

He is having a good time but finds it hard work with her brothers because of language problems. Still they are drinking a lot and there are many smiles going around. Hey guys this is a stag night someone shouts and we must go to a nightclub or bar or anyplace really where there are women. Of they all go but her brothers are drunk and getting somewhat loud and boisterous. At the nightclub they do not want to let the brothers in because of their behaviour and a fracas occurs. The police are called but after a present or three changes hands the brothers are bungled into a cab and go home to sleep it off. The expats head into the club for a dance and a fancy ot two.

He is seeing things through rose tinted glasses now. One of his past paramours is there and comes across to talk to him. She persuades him to have a dance for old times sake and they head for the dark and hot dance floor. Her young and nubile body is doing its thing and the desire he felt before wells up. Its my last night of freedom he thinks so what the hell he will be faithful for the rest of his life.

To be cont. The Wedding.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
The day of the wedding arrives.. He goes to the appointed place but his expat mates are still hung over

and have not arrived. He is greeted by his future brother in laws and hands them a wedding day gift as is

the custom (he has been told). They tell him that he has to get dressed in local regailia for the ceremony.

This he does with a wry sense of amusement thinking that he looks like a dogs dinner especially with the

feathers in his balding hair.

The men of the household come to fetch him and take him to the appointed place. Many people greet him

on the way and he notices a lot of giggles from the younger people. He catches a smattering of talk and

hears the words for westerner many times. He thinks how strange all this is compared to his first marriage.

He thinks of his stag night and feels some measure of remorse promising himself it will not happem again.

He worries about the unprotected sex but consoles himself that he was with her many times before and

there was no problems.

He enters the wedding palace and see's his bride looking radiant in her native costume. She looks

brilliant he thinks in the cloth of gold ($500 per square metre) he bought for this day. Her make up he finds

a bit overpowering but still it enhances the look of the area. The marriage takes place according to the

local law and custom with all the pomp and ceremony the family can muster. There seems to me

hundreds of people there and when he looks at the big table groaning under the weight of all that food he

knows that the money he has spent has been used for the party.

After a great day (and night) it is now time for the much more simple civil and legal procedings that actually

make them man and wife by law. The go to the loacal civil office this time with just a few family members a

a couple of expats as witnesses. The official forms are filled in, they are pronounced man and wife and the

fee's are paid. The very stern faced official now smiles and asks if they will give a "present"

Now man and wife they go back to the company supplied apartment and get on with their daily lives. He to

work and she to english language school.

A few weeks later he is called in front of his boss. He has a good relationship with him and wonders about

the reason for the call. He appears at the appropiate time and his shocked to learn that his contract is to

be terminated. He asks why and is told that its not his work but that the company has been informed by the

local immigration department that is will only be given so many visa's as they must have 25% of locals in

the company and that the training period for those local employees will not be extended. Unfortunately his

position is to be taken.

Shocked he goes home and tells his wife he has to leave the country with 4 weeks.

To be cont.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Lots of tears ensue from both of them at this devastating news. What should they do? What can they do? They settle down to some planning and agree that he will go first to prepare the way for her to follow. First things first and that is to get a passport for her and to get application forms from the european embassy for her to go to there. In the weeks that follow there is frantic activity. She tells him that the best way to get her passport quickly is to let some money change hands. He knows its more expense but really wants this to happen quickly.

The embassy is also asking lots of questions and is by no means starightforward. They want details and proof pf his history and parentage. They want birth certificates, death certificate, marriage and divorce cerificates none of which he has with him. Also he has to get translations and have copies notarised. The four weeks are up and his passport is stamped with his exit certificate and he has it in his hand along with his air tickets. His mind is going around and around at the thought of being parted from his wife. His new found family are a bit more practical and ensure he has left enough money for her upkeep whilst he is away.

The day has dawned and there are tearful goodbyes at the airport. He boards the plane and is on his way not knowing when he will see his wife again. Arriving is somewhat of an anti climax but it is still nice to see the rolling green hills of his birthland. He begins to take stock of his situation. No Job, no home, a little money left in his savings account and no wife with him to comfort him. He goes to his sisters and asks to stay there fore a while until he gets his own place. He takes the opportunity to see his children and is suprised that the reception is not as frosty as he thought it would be from his first wife, Its nice to see the children again after all this time. He feels pretty sorry for himself and also lonely.

Looking for a job is not so easy. The money he is being offered is only half of that he was getting whilst abroad but he has to find something. The weeks pass and his wife contacts him to say that the passport is taking longer because they need more money can he send some also her younger brothers school fees are due can he help with those as well. He arranges a telegraphic transfer. He is offered a job locally and takes it. He rents a small one bedroomed flat and furnishes it with mostly second hand furniture. He knows it is a bit dingy but thinks all will be OK with a womans touch.

His wife writes with the good news that she has the passport and the other good news is that she is pregnant. He is totally gob smacked at this news as he had no plans for children just yet and this is a bit of a blow. Still he is also a little bit proud. Life in the old dog yet he thinks. Now he has gathered all of the certificates needed for the embassy and sends them off along with the money. Two weeks later he is asked to go for an interview at the immigration office. He explains everything to them and after an hour or so he is told to submit his wifes passport for an indefinate stay Permit. He feels over the moon at the thought of seeing his wife again.



Dec 19, 2005
just an intermezzo :)

top 14 humor of getting married

Getting married is like going to a restaurant with
friends. You order what you want, and then when
you see what the other fellow has, you wish you
had ordered that.

At the cocktail party, one woman said to
another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on
the wrong finger??" The other replied, "Yes, I am. I
married the wrong man."

Before a man is married, he is incomplete.
Then when he is married, he is finished.

Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his
bachelor's degree and the woman gets her
master's status.

A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much
does it cost to get married??"
And the father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still
paying for it."

CASE 6: Young son: "Is it true, Dad, I heard that
in some parts of Africa, a man doesn't know his
wife until he marries her?"
Dad: "That happens in most countries son."

Then there was a man who said, "I never knew
what real happiness was until I got married, and
then it was too late."

A happy marriage is a matter of give and take; the
husband gives and the wife takes.

When a newly married man looks happy, we know
But when a ten-year married man looks happy, we
wonder why. Affair?

CASE 10:
Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of
marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year, the woman speaks and the
man listens.
In the third year, they both speak and the
neighbors listen.

CASE 11: After a quarrel, a wife said to her
husband, "You know, I was a fool when I married
And husband replied, "Yes, dear, but I was in love
and didn't notice it."

CASE 12:
A man inserted an 'ad' in the classified: "Wife
The next day, he received hundreds letters. They
all said
The same thing "You can have mine."

CASE 13:
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife,
you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new
or his wife is new.

CASE 14:
A woman was telling her friend: "It is I who made
my husband a millionaire."
"And what was he before you married him?" the
friend asked.
The woman replied, "A billionaire."


Oct 14, 2004
The advantage of a mixed marriage is in most case you are not waking up next to an old bag every morning.......as Bert would say....Thats it


New Member
May 11, 2005
New Zealand
Come on Jimbo! We've been waiting hours now. Please tell the next part. This is like a really great book you just can't put down.
