
New Member
Apr 26, 2011
Hello everybody, I'm looking for someone who's interested to invest and start a very good services business here in Bali.

Please email me at riobali[at] and I will reply you for the details (serious only!)

Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I agree with Gilbert. Rio, you need to sell us your idea. Have you ever seen the Dragons Den in the UK or Shark Tank in the US?

Coming up with the idea is the easy part. The hard part is taking action and taking it further from just an idea into a real business.


New Member
Apr 26, 2011
Hi Gilbert and Spicyayam (sounds delicious) :) thanks for the reply!

How are you ? I hope you guys in a good conditions..

Look, I totally understand what you guys are asking (for me to give the details) I realize that it will help. But you know, beside the capital, honesty, hard work and strong will to be success, an IDEA is also one of the basics from all business there is right now.

And it's not because I'm being negative thinking to all the people that visiting this page/forum or afraid that my idea will be copy by other people's, but please understand that I will be more comfortable if I discuss MY IDEA in private, that's why I put my email address here.

So really, if you guys or there's anyone that interested to start a business that it's not too complicated, can be start with a relatively not too big capital and can give "not too bad" incomes.. please, feel free to send an email to me so we can discuss it.

Thank you guys!

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
hai rio, you're welcome for the reply..
not to big investment - ussualy automatically means not to big of a return :icon_wink:
having an idea is one thing, realizing it is another...but from your reply it's obvious you realize this.
To make my point (without knowing if you know Bali or better yet are on Bali) there's this forum for people who dream of living on bali, so people who live here can share their experiences/insights of all things here on Bali. Ofcourse it's up to the 'dreamer' to believe/trust what is being told by expats here.

So let me turn this around, if you want to share your idea, in return for some well meant advice or even an investment (silent partner) you can email me :icon_mrgreen:
send my email by PM..


New Member
Apr 26, 2011
Hi Gilbert, yes I'm in Bali now..

You sure great to turn things around :)

Of course before I posted my offer here, I already done my "homework" about this business idea that I'm offering. I already made all the estimation about this.

Well, to be honest with you and everyone who's reading this, my business idea is not a new business, but I'm sure that it still has a very good market here in Bali. Why I can be so sure of this ? Well, it's because I already have all the things that needed to run this business (The connections, knowledge, experiences etc.) except the capital :( That's why I'm looking for a good partner to start this business :)

Yes you're right, USUALLY a business that only needs "not too big" investment automatically gives also not too big in return. But it's not ALWAYS like that. For me, one of the challenges in business is "how can we make a big return from a small investment ?" (Of course the amount of big and small here is relative) hopefully I can beat that challenges in this business.

Okey Gilbert, I already received your email address.. I'll send the detail to you via email so we can continue this discussion and see if you're interested. I can imagine that you will be a good partner.
