Life in Bali – Why do I Stay in Bali?


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Life in Bali isn’t all that you would want; for some people it’s more, and for others it’s a string of one disappointment after another. The last post explained why I came here. Why do I stay in Bali?

Once, years ago during my first attempt at retirement, I fell into just what I said that I wouldn’t – hanging out with expats, most of whom had one story of disappointment or another: older men with younger wives who found that their true love had a Balinese guy on the side, older women with younger men who found out the same thing, entrepreneurs who wanted to open the latest nightlife spot, guys who wanted to trade stocks on the internet for a living, the occasional lowlife who preyed on anyone who might come up with a buck or two. Why did I do this? Well, it tends to be our nature to want, at some point, to hang out with those who are like us.

Hmmm. What does that mean? We want to speak English or French or Spanish, we want someone who can connect with our stories, we want someone who understands our references and jokes and little pleasures and pains.

Moving between two cultures, as I had for many years, I wasn’t prepared (although I was sure that I was both by training and inclination) to live completely inside an Indonesian culture. “Going native” was how anthropologists used to put it, sniffing a bit and looking down their noses at the anthropologist who fell prey to the temptations of living locally on a full time basis. I was sure that I would never do this.

So, like so many others before me, I began hanging out with the local expat crowd. Of course, that included drinks before noon, a few mindless beach games, and a lot of gossip about whomever wasn’t at the bar or restaurant where we happened to meet that day.

I lasted all of six months before I crashed and burned and was looking for any way out of Bali. I found it when a job offer came out of the blue. It took me nine more years of wandering around the world before I was ready to get back to it.

The Balinese have this wonderful philosophy that centers on balance. I needed a little of that in my life which has moved wildly from one extreme to another.

So I wake up in the morning; the sunrise comes through my east windows and wakes me on those mornings when I’m not up before sunrise to wake my children and prepare them for another school day. On school days, I’m up at 5:30 when there is only a glimmer of purple on the eastern horizon. I climb down the steep stairs from the third floor to wake the children who are sleeping on the second floor; then I continue on to the first floor to wake the other children who are sleeping on the first floor.

As they queue up at the bathrooms for their morning ablutions, I gaze out at the sun slowing climbing up through the eastern sky – just a little glint of red now mixed in with the purple. The sounds of water running and mandiing being done.
My wife and I put out bowls of cereal, glasses of juice, plates of toasts for the children to choose from for breakfast. Like a lot of children around the world, there is always at least one who rises late, and still full from a late night snack sneaked from the refrigerator, doesn’t want breakfast. She can buy something to eat at one of the small warungs outside the school grounds.

My wife and I split the children up and drive them to school on our motorbikes. As I leave the kampung (neighborhood), I nod to the traffic cop on the corner. We weave our way through the Singaraja morning traffic as my daughter calls out to classmates, “Aku duluan.”

I return home and check email, then sweep and dust and mop the third floor while my wife makes breakfast for the two of us. We eat together and discuss what we have planned for the day. It’s rarely the same plan; she has her routines located in a lifetime of living in this small, poor neighborhood in North Bali, I have mine based on the internet and my writing. At some point in the day though, we manage to do something together despite our different schedules.

The children return home hot and sweaty and hungry. They’re fed by my wife while I ask about homework and how school went. The Mom and the Teacher- we’ve lived these roles for so long that they fit like a comfortable skin that we wear on top of our core selves.

In the afternoon, everyone naps at some point. It’s a lovely point of living in the tropics for those of us who aren’t constrained by the rigors of everyday work. Later as the sun goes down, we all meet again for dinner and a little talk about the day. As we finish the dinner dishes, kids wander off to visit friends or finish up homework. I climb the stairs one more time to do some evening writing, my wife moves outside to chat with friends.

Why do I stay in Bali?


Mar 20, 2008
drbruce, I enjoy your writing/story and I definitely will buy your E-book but it would be nice if you had a paperback edition so I could give as a gift to someone.

Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Doc, I think you hit the nail on the head with the pursuit of balance. For new expats, especially those who haven’t an Indonesian spouse, I think the desire to hang out with other expats, be they the bar scene expats, or the AA scene expats is normal...a familiar environment and a place to network for information.

That singular advantage you point out about e-books...instant and easy updates to keep it current is surely a huge advantage over printed books. The other of course is that e-books are GREEN. One can say....“no trees went into the publishing of this book.”

Cheers and keep up the good work!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes, you can now get a Paypal account using an Indonesian bank, but only for purchases...which is fine for you.

For merchants, Paypal is useless, as it cannot be used to receive payments.


May 4, 2008
That's a great story drbruce, thanks for sharing it with us. I couldn't agree more with Roy. The less trees we kill the better. Where I work, we are trying so hard to do electronic paper work, but bad habits died hard. :(



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Dr Bruce

Your account of the day is excellent and to some extent mirrors my own. Although there is a place for expat friends i have found during my extensive travels that intergration with the nationals is the only way to get not just involved but to to truly understand the people and country that you are in. My admiration of the likes of Roy, yourself and others who live that life on a daily basis also gains my respect.

In the last month I have only spoken Indonesia being totally immersed with my Indonesian family and I enjoyed it immensely but I know in my heart of hearts that there will be times when I would like to truly understand all that is being said or even what I say and this can only be done in my own language.

Next year will see the plans of the last years come to fruition and if things go well I look forward to being able to talk to those like yourself face to face. Keep writing I enjoy your insites tremendously.


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Indeed Liz. One of my areas of "expertise" when I was teaching was the use of technology in education. My colleagues would print out all the memos, emails and websites that I would send them. Sometimes multiple copies! Old habits doe die hard.

Thanks Jimbo. Language is an interesting area for expats. I do get these times, as you noted, where I just want to speak English to someone - fortunately my best friend up here speaks English as one of his many languages so I can always call him. And now that I am at home on a full-time basis, I'm back to teaching the kids the English that they forgot during my years in Pakistan.

Now I have to learn Balinese. Everybody my age speaks Balinese whether they are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist, and as it is their first language, they use it in casual conversation. So, for me, it's learn it or get left out of a lot of small talk.

Looking forward to your retirement.