Legality of Singapore visa runs


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Copy and paste from FB:

My son and I are on a visa run to Singapore, arrived at terminal 4, but being detained by Singapore immigration , even though I have hotel reservation, and my return flight is for tomorrow, they are keeping us in a detention room behind immigration counter terminal 4. We were told to wait here until they can find 2 seats on a flight back to Bali. I told the guy who put us here that we were being harassed, with so many questions as if we are criminals. I’m over 70 yrs., tired n hungry, and upset. He asked why I am angry, I said I am, because I am being treated like a criminal, like never before. Just a warning to all who want to go to Singapore. Despite having visited Singapore x times, this is the first time in my life that I am sentenced guilty, for wanting to visit Singapore

Has anyone investigated the legality of doing a visa run to Singapore? I wonder what the problem Singapore has with this?

I remember a similar case a few years ago:


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Obviously, the lady met with an immigration officer with a hair up his ass!

Of course, there are no established regulations about entering Singapore only for a short time, as there are many reasons for doing so, the main one being that the place (figuratively) stinks (does the “Third Reich with palm trees” rings a bell?) .

But there are many reasons to go to Singapore only for a short time, the main one being for medical treatment or a medical check up. Many people also take a day trip to Singapore for shopping or to enjoy a good meal in one of its fabulous restaurants, etc, etc. So, it just comes down to a power play by the immigration officer.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I'm always reticent to trust stories like this unless verified. I've searched and cannot find any verifiable source for this FB post.
The Coconuts story is an example where we never got the full details and results so blaming Immigration and causing others to be worried may have been a red herring. Hundreds of expats living in Indonesia go to Singapore to do visa-runs...IMO there would have to be something else that prevented entry.
There was another story about a Dutchman staying in Jakarta's terminal (in the carousel area after Immigration) for 10 days but we never heard the reason...seemed like someone just wanted to emulate Tom Hanks.
We also know about another Dutchman who secretly filmed police at Lio corner taking fines and putting in their pockets and even buying the Dutchman a beer with his own money.. This did cause an uproar but it was a 'set-up' by the 'so called' journalist just to get a story.

I'll believe the FB story when there is more reliable information and details.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Well, the story is short on facts, but it seems like it could be a very strict interpretation of the rules by Singapore immigration. See the following, Bullet point number six indicates that a requirement of entry to Singapore is evidence that you can enter your next destination (eg., a visa). If one is on a 'visa run' then the purpose is to obtain a visa for the onward destination (in this case Indonesia) and therefore the immigration officer may have some concern that the traveller for whatever reason does not get the visa and is subsequently denied entry by Indonesia and sent back to Singapore. Like I said, a strict interpretation, but well within the rights of immigration.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
It looks like this has happened again:

Was recently detained for hours and denied entry into Singapore (and returned to Bali). My best guess: Maybe all the stamps I have going in and out of Sing on visa runs? Now they have me on some weird visa status where I need to apply for one way ahead of time and get approved. Just wondering if anybody else experienced this lately? Or are they just picking on me because I'm so drop-dead sexy that it would cause major civil unrest among the jealous haters there? (please say it's this!)


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
Nothing useful to add except that now you can emphathize with the millions sitting without documents in refugee camps and wondering what do do next


Jun 4, 2015
Im wondering if perhaps they are looking at how little time you or anyone on a visa run actually spends in their country,i recently had a meeting with a visa agent in Bali and she says that they expect people to stay a minimum of 2-3 days,guess they want us to spend some $$$$ before leaving ,i have done visa runs in the past but went to KL rather than Singapore,


Active Member
Sep 7, 2006
Interesting. I am planning a visa run to Singapore at the end of this month. I was going to depart and arrive on the same day. I'll ask my visa agent for her thoughts on Monday. Will keep you posted.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2018
It looks like this has happened again:

Was recently detained for hours and denied entry into Singapore (and returned to Bali). My best guess: Maybe all the stamps I have going in and out of Sing on visa runs? Now they have me on some weird visa status where I need to apply for one way ahead of time and get approved. Just wondering if anybody else experienced this lately? Or are they just picking on me because I'm so drop-dead sexy that it would cause major civil unrest among the jealous haters there? (please say it's this!)

Hi Spicyayam,

Show me your photo and I'll give you my honest opinion :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Show me your photo and I'll give you my honest opinion

lol. Actually I just pasted this from facebook.

Does this mean you're now in jail somewhere in Indonesia?

no, it wasnt me. I made a mistake overstaying in China one time and I would prefer to avoid immigration troubles.

It does make me wonder though, if weren't allowed to enter Singapore and sent back to Bali, would that mean you never technically left Indonesia? Or would they still give a new tourist visa?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I haven't heard of Singapore rejecting a visa run from RI for no reason. There's usually some other infringement that facebookers are loathe to tell but just love to pass on their limited crap info.
In any even ...even if rejected to land in S'pore, a return to RI can be achieved by applying for the free VOA on arrival.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2006
I spoke to my agent about my planned same day visa run to Singapore. She is certainly not aware of any problems with Singapore immigration in this regard. So I will be flying out on 25th for a few hours pottering about before flying back. Can't say I'm looking forward to the trip.


Jun 4, 2015
Wish you good luck,it could be like Davita said that its was someone ranting on and not telling the whole story,

My agent was referring to me having to pick up my retirement visa in Singapore,which i wont be doing until next year at the earliest,thats when she said i would have to stay a number of days there,but who knows they all probably have a different version of things,
Earlier this year i flew to Kl instead of Singapore,i would leave on the last flight from Surabaya and return on the first flight the next morning,which means i wasn`t going and coming back the same day,,but even that made me very nervous when coming back in,thankfully i didn`t have any problems,


Active Member
Sep 7, 2006
The visa run went as I expected. No problems at either end. The bali immigration officer did mention that I was doing back to back visas and reminded me about the extension in 30 days but no implication that I was doing anything wrong. I noticed that I was not the only person departing and returning on the same day. My seat companion on the way out was also on the same flight back.
Singapore was stinking hot but the food was great. A large Tiger beer now $7 in the local eateries.
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New Member
Feb 16, 2010
I did have a similar issue at Singapore airport a few years ago. The immigration officer questioned me for at least 20 minutes. Asked me about my activities in Indonesia, why I had so many Indo visas in the last few years etc. She did eventually let me enter Singapore though. My return flight was the next day and I didn't have a hotel reservation to show her. So yeah, if you want to avoid trouble I'd suggest staying more than a night and having a reservation. That was the only time that happened though...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Classic! I always want to punch all those "happy, shiny faces"....
Lived in Singapore for a long time and while I saw lots of shiny faces due to the heat and humidity, few were happy...