Just when things had been quiet for a while....


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Another 2 bombs went off in Jakarta today, targeted at, and killing, a few foreigners. I had thought that maybe the place had finally got it's act together but apparently not :roll: . I hope this finally might be the end of the nonsense....we will see..... :shock: :roll:


Jul 10, 2008
Yea, well it just happened a few hours ago, but it is all over the TV. I don't think any place in the world can ever fully be free of terrorist bullshit no matter what they do. You can't stop a bunch of fanatics, from keeping their skewed views on the world.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Plus a car bomb now too, in north Jakarta..... :shock:

I don't think any place in the world can ever fully be free of terrorist bullshit no matter what they do

True enough, but lightning seems to strike often in the same place, don't you think? Why not Sydney, Tokyo, Auckland, Singapore.....????? :roll: :roll:


Jul 10, 2008
Yea, I heard about the car bomb, if things keep going like this, there won't be much left of the city by the end of the day.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
things keep going like this, there won't be much left of the city by the end of the day.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe not such a bad thing, give the place a good clean and start again..... :lol:

Then hopefully they can start on Perth. 8)


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Plus a car bomb now too, in north Jakarta..... :shock:

I read that was a false alarm - probably understandable under the circumstances. Seemed a car caught fire and the explosion was its petrol tank going.

On another Bali forum a letter has been posted that has gone to hotels etc about tightening security, however no check for me & Made going into the Galleria this afternoon.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Hi Mimpi,

however no check for me & Made going into the Galleria this afternoon

That doesn't surprise me in the least. Sadly security around Bali seems to have slipped back to the complacency stage that was evident post 2002 and pre 2005. Anyone who thinks Bali security is up to scratch is dreaming - I have NEVER seen any security checks whatsoever at the Gilimanuk - Ketapang ferry terminals. Sadly, anything is possible...... :(


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
We have never had the car checked going Lombok - Bali however they do check all ID. a few times we have had staff come over from Lombok and they have been turned back at Padang Bai as they have not had a KTP. Now we always make sure anyone coming over has a KTP first.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Maybe we all have a better grasp of what happened today in Jakarta.
If you're a fan of CNN's "coverage", you might be thinking why you subscribe to their "news" channel. In one word...hopeless.
Sadly security around Bali seems to have slipped back to the complacency stage that was evident post 2002 and pre 2005. Anyone who thinks Bali security is up to scratch is dreaming...
Huh? Say what? I was present at the bombing in Jimbaran. I was amazed the next morning going into a supermarket in Sanur (Hardy's). Absolutely no "security checks" whatsoever. I thought that was a bit strange, but what would I know? Even today, (oops...yesterday), the "security" there is about as useless as one could imagine. I wonder if I go there tomorrow, would anything have changed? Personally, I doubt it.

The two bombed hotels in Jakarta supposedly had the best, tightest security measures possible. Obviously, not "secure" enough. I was moderately entertained by an interview with the head of security for all the Marriott hotels, worldwide. He was in the Marriott at the time, on the 23rd floor. He didn't hear the bomb go off. The interviewer asked him what went wrong, what new measures would he take in the future, etc?

Count me as a "cynic", (someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing), but I hoped his first answer would have been "I'm looking for a new job".

It's not his fault - when the Indonesian government(s), to this date, have not outlawed JI outright, it makes you wonder why? Certain big-mouthed "Islamic clerics" should have been behind bars years ago. For example..the so-called "spiritual head" of JI in Indonesia (Mr Bashir in Solo). Why it's not illegal, to this day, to be a card-holding member of JI baffles me. Hopefully, that might change soon.
- I have NEVER seen any security checks whatsoever at the Gilimanuk - Ketapang ferry terminals. Sadly, anything is possible.....
I have, but nothing to get confident about. "Security" and "complacency" in Bali are nearly the same thing, unless you live in a tightly controlled village where the satpam stay both vigilant and awake.

I guess that part of the Jakarta bombers' statement to the rest of us is: "Your top security-protected hotels are not beyond our reach. Think again, Infidel."

Or whatever these whackos think at all, if they even have brains.

Another attack on Bali is probably on the cards.
I hope that these latest atrocities in Jakarta give the Balinese another wake-up call!



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
There is no security against someone that is willing to offer his or her own life to prove a point!

Not my words but I believe they are very true.

What would you do? Ban luggage in hotels? Strip searches before entering? Airport like security in front of every Hardys?

Bad as this is lets try and keep it in perspective: How many people were murdered in the good old U. S. of A. today? Any guesses? New York alone had in 2008 517 murders and there were 4537 for the whole country. For those without a calculator that's 12 a day. Expecting any "travel warnings" for there? Bet there's one out for Indonesia already!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
What would you do? Ban luggage in hotels? Strip searches before entering? Airport like security in front of every Hardys?

Enable poor people to get a decent wage rather than leaving them open to temptations in order to make a buck. Provide more education and job opportunities. Easy to say...much harder to do. Pray more and harder. You never know - there could be Something listening.

The Jakarta bombings suggest to me an "inside job". I don't know, of course, but "security" was obviously compromised, in some way or other.

Bad as this is lets try and keep it in perspective: How many people were murdered in the good old U. S. of A. today? Any guesses? New York alone had in 2008 517 murders and there were 4537 for the whole country. For those without a calculator that's 12 a day. Expecting any "travel warnings" for there? Bet there's one out for Indonesia already!
How about Washington, DC? I thought that was the murder capital of the USA. Anybody got murder statistics for Indonesia?

I saw something on Indonesian TV yesterday claiming that the real Michael Jackson's body was found buried in Neverland. Supposedly been dead for 20 years. The other guy was an impostor and nobody noticed. Yeah, right.

I was both surprised and intrigued by this and did a quick search of reputable news sites. Found nothing to substantiate this amazing claim and in the process, came across sites asking if Jimi Hendrix was murdered by his road manager.

I bet there are many Whacko Jacko fans in Indonesia who now believe he was murdered years ago.

Last point - How did Michael learn his Moon Dance in the first place?
Ducking and dodging his abusive father.
Bad joke, I know.



Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Bad as this is lets try and keep it in perspective: How many people were murdered in the good old U. S. of A. today? Any guesses? New York alone had in 2008 517 murders and there were 4537 for the whole country. For those without a calculator that's 12 a day. Expecting any "travel warnings" for there? Bet there's one out for Indonesia already!

Yeah but thats America and we all know the Yanks are a strange breed. They love to preach to the rest of the world but can't even get things right back home. My oath there should be a travel warning for the US - Americans live there :lol: :shock: 8) .

But seriously, terrorism and murder are two separate issues. Why not throw in car crashes, bee stings and shark bites if you want to head down that path? Terrorism should be preventable but signifies an underbelly of poisoned thinking that this event all to seriously demonstrates still exists in Indo and probably isn't being taken seriously enough by the locals. Just picture if it did occur in Bali. OK, only 9 lives may have been taken which in itself is tragic and no big deal, but what effect would that have in the overall scheme of things? Massive, I'd imagine and I doubt things would recover as quick as post 2002 and 2005, if at all. You would think the Balinese would be a bit more paranoid about security, but apparently not. My (Javanese) wifes most recent journey from Java to Bali sums it up perfectly. The scum Cop was more concerned with the packets of cigarettes (for me) in her handbag than anything else, including the contents of her massive bag of luggage. When it was clear she wasn't going to be intimidated into handing over the fags, the insinuation that she was a hooker began in another attempt to extort some form of 'extra' payment. Thankfully the Aussie visa in her passport made him pull his head in, which is lucky 'cos he would've lost it if I was there. I mean, fair dinkum, what chance of having any real effect is there when this sort of behavior is the norm, rather than the exception??? You think at a place like Gilimanuk there would be a bit more focus on a job well done, wouldn't you?

But I guess the root cause of these problems is indeed the likes of Bashir, who should have been standing alongside Amrozi, Mukhlas and Imam Samudra and this Malaysian fella (also apparently involved with the 2005 Bali bombings) who has apparently masterminded the latest attacks. Gossip mills run hot in Indo, I'm sure it can't be that difficult to have not found him since 2005. But then, maybe some don't want him found :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock:. I bet Suharto would've had no problem.... :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
JohnnyCool said:
Enable poor people to get a decent wage rather than leaving them open to temptations in order to make a buck. Provide more education and job opportunities. Easy to say...much harder to do. Pray more and harder. You never know - there could be Something listening.

The Jakarta bombings suggest to me an "inside job". I don't know, of course, but "security" was obviously compromised, in some way or other.

Been sucking up the methylated spirits again there Johnny? Don't know what the Editor decided to delete of your post but to judge from what was left I would guess you should call the authorities cause there's a bad batch still knocking about :lol:

The only "Something" listening is that strange and spooky voice on your electric toothbrush telling you to "Kill, Kill, Kill the non-believer". And that's, namely, the same voice that's talking to the fecking idiots that are, according to you, the poor people not on a decent wage. Don't know what the wages are for suicide bombers but I bet the line isn't very long on payday :lol:

Security was obviously compromised - boy, now that's a blindingly insightful statement. Sorry, but what security would you suggest we, as a planet or society, all allow to hinder 9 deaths from some splinter group of nutters? America could stop thousands and thousands of deaths at a stroke by banning the possession of guns by its citizens - but they don't!

Apparently the saving of human life isn't the question - not knowing what the answer is either but more security, better wages aint it. I would agree that better and more education would be a good beginning. Ban the Madrasas for a start - how can any society, be it poor or rich (Saudi) think that limiting the learning of its young people to one book is a good idea?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
bombs..well, with all respect to the people who supossedly died, I have set off bigger bangs on newyears eve..
Maybe harsh, but please if some kind of well organised organisation was behind these attacks, they could have picked a better spot and time...
As for security against these attacks, forget it... to expensive and after time attention flaws.
As for banning the existence of JI, in my opinion is impossible...do I dare write it...maybe because of some ties with the government, or another reason maybe because it would be unconstitutional? Money is what makes the wheels turn, and alot of money is coming to Indonesia through the mosques..I never heard of a dog that bites the hand that feeds him, If you know what I mean?
anyways, whenever, wherever, it will happen again.... Just my humble opinion.
friendly greetings......Gilbert.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Surprise, surprise - it seems one of the suicide bombers was apparently schooled by one A. B. Bashir and was also a former classmate of one of the geniuses who blew themselves up in the second Bali bombing. I don't know why, but I didn't even blink twice when I heard that news, kinda expected it really :roll: :roll: .

When ARE they finally gunna reign in that scumbag Bashir and send him on his merry path to 70 virgins? At the very least, SBY seems to be taking things very, very seriously (while, is it just me, or do Kalla and Wiranto seem to be very unsympathetic???) and maybe (hopefully) it might send him down the warpath finally on these fruitloops. If only Suharto had got the job done earlier it might have saved a whole lot of unneccesarily wasted lives :roll: .

but more security, better wages aint it. I would agree that better and more education would be a good beginning

Actually Markit, JohnnyCool is spot on, better wages are indeed the answer, but they're only going to be the byproduct of better education. If you spent some time in rural Java you might understand things a bit better. Sadly there ain't a whole lot to do there - work nigh on non existant, not much infrastructure/things to keep people occupied and a whole lot of impressionable youth dreaming of a life with a whole lot more meaning that what their menial existence affords to them. Very easy to brainwash, if you get my drift and the riches of the afterlife are too big a tempation compared to the shit they deal with every day of their lives. Its NO excuse for blowing yourself up along with as many people as possible, but it certainly is the reason.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
If better wages were a cure for religious fanaticism then there wouldn't be a Mormon, Born Again Christian, Jehovahs Witness, Southern Baptist, Wahabi (in Saudi) or Hasidic Jew left on the planet.

The world is full of people, unfortunately, that don't earn much money - some of the poorest people on the planet are in Africa. Hear of any suicide bombings come out of there? Any? One?

Engage brain before allowing fingers to wander across keyboard :oops:


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
by aquaman on Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:17 am

Adam said:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 00448.html

[quote:20aifjbo]Engage brain before allowing fingers to wander across keyboard

Absolutely 8)

oooooh a killer blow to that arguement :lol:

and a killer blow to constructive posting :D :lol:

which I'm now guilty of :oops: