Indonesia Launches Second-Home Visa


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
The website of the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, has publicly announced the rules surrounding the launch of the much anticipated second home visa policy.

The policy is stated in the Circular Number IMI-0740.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning the Granting of Visas and Limited Stay Permits for Second Houses issued on Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

“Towards the implementation of the G20 Summit, today we officially launched the second home visa. The goal is to attract foreign tourists to Bali and various other destinations,” said Acting Director General of Immigration Widodo Ekatjahjana at the launch of a second home visa in Bali, Tuesday (25/10/2022)

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Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
It is not mentioned in the article but the IDR 2,000,000,000 funds are to be deposited into an Indonesian bank account. Sounds more like "second money down the drain" than "second home". Your first call will be from the taxman wanting to know where the rest of the money is (Indonesia tax wordwide income).

They want the CV attached to the application but there is no mention about what kind of work is going to be allowed (if any).

I will wait for all the fine details to be hashed out before final judgement.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
This is going to replace the retirement visa right? I cannot imagine too many retirees wanting to have 2 billion rupiah kept in an Indonesian bank account.
Yes, this replaces the retirement visa. All current retirement visa holders would have to apply for the new scheme if their visas expire in the next 180 days, or transition to the scheme otherwise (in both cases, proof of funds is required). As currently written, the law is going to be a big problem for many retirees who cannot or don't want to lock Rp. 2 M in an Indonesian bank account. It's still not clear if an agent can front the Rp. 2 M, but one could imagine the fee for this if they can... It's possible, however, that the concern the new scheme is already causing could result in some modifications.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
Agree with those waiting to see what really happens once someone has given some consideration to the repercussions of this in the latest of wonderful ideas. After being here over 21 years have seen more of these proposed changes than recalled which either quickly vanish or never come to fruition.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I just wonder what these people are smoking!?

Jokowi comes along and gives all of them a smack on the wrist to get their shit together and deliver on his plan to simplify and rationalize the entire visa process and this is the mess that comes out of it.

This "plan" will fill all the planes home with destitute, homeless pensioners and fill their places with exactly nobody.

Who in his right mind would deposit 2 billion (Mark, not million) of "dead" money in some low rate Indo bank account just to be able to stay for a few years here?

What are they smoking?


Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
Re that article on, quoting the Press Release from Imigrasi. The Press Release has now been amended to remove the word "work" from the allowable activities. The 2nd Home Visa/Kitas is definitely not for working in Indonesia. Here's the latest version:

Imigrasi - Press Release 25 Oct 2022
Thanks for clarification as I was wondering what they needed the CV for. So it like B211 extended to 5 or 10 years with the added "benefit" of transferring hard earned USD 130,000 into local bank and exchange the USD using a crap rate into IDR. It will be a miracle if this visa can be obtained without "help" and "sponsorship" from an agent charging a handsome fee. We will see.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Who in his right mind would deposit 2 billion (Mark, not million) of "dead" money in some low rate Indo bank account just to be able to stay for a few years here?
Mark was correct with his statement about "2 M" deposit. "M" stands for milyar in Indonesian, meaning billion in English.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
FAO. 1. Heads of Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for attention of Head of Immigration Division, throughout Indonesia
2. Head of Immigration Offices throughout Indonesia
NUMBER IMI-0740.GR.01.01 YEAR 2022
1. Background
In 2023 global economic growth is expected to slow down along with predictions of economic recession and inflation in various countries. The government needs take strategic steps to minimize the impact of the economic slowdown the global against Indonesia. In addition, along with the pandemic Covid-19, the government is again focusing on realizing Indonesia's Vision 2045.
Based on the results of the cross-sectoral evaluation in the Coordination Meeting on 09 October 2022, easy and fast visa and stay permit policies are required for facilitate foreigners who will stay in the territory of Indonesia for a long time. Immigration policy is one of the non-fiscal incentives that can be a stimulus for certain foreigners to stay and contribute positively to the economy Indonesia is in the midst of increasingly dynamic global economic conditions.
Referring to Government Regulation Number 48 of 2021 concerning the Third Amendment to Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013 on Implementing Regulations of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, Visas and ITAS, the Second Home Visa and ITAS allows foreigners to stay in the territory of Indonesia for a period of 5 years or 10 years without requiring a Sponsor, by depositing an Immigration Guarantee.
Based on these things, the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights takes strategic policy steps to encourage implementation of a second home visa.
2. Purpose and Goal
The purpose of the issuance of this Circular is to provide stimulating policies and ease of immigration facilities in the form of a Second Home Visa and ITAS to stay in Indonesia for a period of 5 (five) years or 10 (ten) years.
The purpose of the issuance of this Circular Letter is as a guideline for Immigration Officials/Officers and
related stakeholders to provide ease of immigration services in the form of a Second Home Visa and ITAS.
3. Scope
The scope of this Circular Letter is the granting of Second Home Visas and Stay Permits, which include services for granting visas, granting stay permits, and change of immigration status, as well as its oversight.
4. Basis
a. Law Number 6 of 2011 on Immigration.
b. Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation.
c. Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration.
d. Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013 on Implementing Regulations for Law Number 6 of 2011 on Immigration as amended several times, most recently by Government Regulation Number 48 of 2021 on Third Amendment to Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013 on Implementing Regulations of Law Number 6 of 2011 on Immigration.
e. Government Regulation Number 28 of 2019 on Types and Tariffs of Non-Tax State Revenue Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
f. Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 29 of 2021 on Visas and Stay Permits.
g. Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 41 of 2021 on Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
h. Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 9/PMK.02/2022 on Urgently Needed Non-Tax Revenue Tariffs for Immigration Services Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
5. Contents of the Circular
This Circular is addressed to Main Leaders within the Directorate General of Immigration, Head of the Immigration Division of the Regional Office of Law and Human Rights, Head of Immigration offices throughout Indonesia, and stakeholders, to be carried out according to policy direction with the following systematics and materials:
Chapter 1
In this Circular Letter what is meant by:
1. Immigration is a matter of traffic of people entering or leaving the Indonesian Territory and its oversight in the context of maintaining the upholding of state sovereignty.
2. Visa of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as Visa, is a written statement, both manually or electronically provided by the authorized official to travel to the Indonesian Territory and become the basis for granting a Stay Permit.
3. Stay Permit is a permit granted to a foreigner by an Immigration Officer or foreign service officials both manually and electronically to be in the Territory Indonesia.
4. Second Home Limited Stay Visa, hereinafter referred to as Second Home Visa is a non-work visa that is given to foreigners and/or their families who reside in Indonesia for 5 (five) years or 10 (ten) years after fulfilling certain conditions.
5. Second Home Limited Stay Permit hereinafter referred to as Second Home ITAS is a limited stay
permit not in the context of work that is given to foreigners and/or their families to stay in the territory of Indonesia for 5 (five) years or 10 (ten) years after fulfilling certain conditions. 6. Second Home Permanent Residence Permit, hereinafter referred to as Second Home ITAP is a Permanent Stay Permit not in the context of work that is given to foreigners and/or their families to stay in the territory of Indonesia for 5 (five) years, or unlimited, after meeting certain conditions.
7. Guarantor is a person or corporation that is responsible for the existence and activities of foreigners while in the Indonesian Territory.
8. Property is property in the form of land and buildings as well as facilities and infrastructure which constitutes an inseparable part of land and/or buildings, which means that land and buildings owned by foreigners, in accordance with statutory regulations.
9. Proof of Fund is a sum of money, or property in the luxury category owned by a foreigner, and is recognized as proof of having an immigration guarantee.
10. Followers are foreigners who join their husband, wife, children, or parents holding Second Home Visa or Second Home Itas.
1. Application for a Second Home Visa is submitted by a foreigner or guarantor to Immigration Officer appointed at the Directorate General of Immigration through an application attaching:
a. A Passport valid for at least 36 (thirty six) months;
b. Proof of Fund in the form of an account owned by a foreigner or guarantor with a value of at least Rp.2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah) or equivalent;
c. Recent color photograph with a size of 4 cm x 6 cm (four centimeters by six centimeters) on a white background; and
d. Curriculum Vitae (Curriculum Vitae).
2. The granting of a Second Home Visa is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations.
1) Application for a Second Home Visa for Followers is submitted by a foreigner or guarantor to the Immigration Officer at the Directorate General of Immigration through an application attaching:
a) A Passport valid for at least 36 (thirty six) months;
b) Recent color photograph with a size of 4 cm x 6 cm (four centimeters by six centimeters) on a white background;
c) Valid Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS belonging to husband, wife, children, or parents;
d) Proof of having a family relationship with a foreigner holding a Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS in the form of:
i) Marriage certificate or marriage book, for husband/wife of the holder of a Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS, or
ii) Birth certificate or family card (KK) stating that the foreigner is the parent or child of the holder
of a Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS, translated into Indonesian by a sworn translator except if in English.
2) Granting of a Second Home Visa for Followers is carried out in accordance with the regulations set out in legislation.
1) Holders of a Second Home Visa and/or their followers are required to apply for a Second Home ITAS to the Head of the Immigration Office whose working area covers the place of residence of the foreigner a maximum of 30 (thirty) days after the Entry Stamp is given.
2) In the event that the application for Second Home ITAS is not submitted within the time period as referred to in number 1, a fine is levied in accordance with the provisions of legislation.
3) Second Home ITAS can be given to stay for 5 (five) or 10 (ten) years.
4) Application for Second Home ITAS is submitted by a foreigner or guarantor to designated Immigration Officer at the Immigration Office by application attaching:
a) Passport that is valid and contains Entry Stamp;
b) A statement of commitment stating that the foreigner applying for a Second Home ITAS for 5 (five) years has Proof of Funds in the form of:
i) Account belonging to the foreigner concerned at a State-Owned Bank with a value of at least Rp. 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah), or
ii) Proof of ownership of property in Indonesia with luxury category in the name of a foreigner in accordance with the legislation in the land/agrarian sector,
c) Reporting the Proof of Fund as referred to in letter b) to the Immigration Office that issues the Limited Stay Permit within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days after the issuance of the Second Home ITAS; and
d) Do not transfer and/or use as a guarantee the Proof of Funds as long as the foreigner concerned holds the Second Home ITAS.
5) The statement of commitment as referred to in number 4 letter b is not required for the application for Second Home ITAS submitted by a Follower.
6) The granting of the Second Home ITAS is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations.
7) The validity period of the follower's stay permit cannot exceed the validity period of the stay permit holder of the Second Home.
8) Extension of the Second Home as referred to in number 3, can be given since the Second Home For a maximum of 5 (five) years is issued during the entire period of the validity of the second house is not more than 10 (ten) years.
Application for Transfer of Status of Visit Stay Permit to Second Home ITAS is submitted by foreigners or Guarantor to the designated Immigration Officer at the Immigration Office by application in accordance with the laws and regulations by attaching:
a. A valid and valid Nationality Passport and Visit Stay Permit; and
b. Follow the provisions as referred to in CHAPTER IV number 3 to 8.
1) The holder of a Second Home Residence Permit must report the original Proof of Fund in the form of:
a) A letter from the bank (surat keterangan bank); or
b) Certificate of property ownership in Indonesia with luxury category,
according to the provisions in this Circular Letter to the Immigration Office issuing the Stay Permit in no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of issuance of the Second Home ITAS.
2) The obligations as referred to in number 1 are not applicable for Followers.
3) If the obligations as referred to in number 1 have been carried out, the Head of Immigration stamps the proof of reporting according to the format attached to the passport of the holder Second Home Stay Permit and Followers under the registration of their stay permit.
4) The Head of the Immigration Office is required to update the data on the Second Home Stay Permit and their followers after receiving the Proof of Fund reporting on SIMKIM.
5) In the event that the holder of the Second Home Stay Permit does not report as referred to in number 1, the Stay Permit of the Second Home Stay Permit holder and his followers can be canceled and they must leave the territory of Indonesia within a maximum of 7 (seven) days in accordance with the laws and regulations.
1. Immigration Supervision of Second Home ITAS/ITAP holders is carried out in accordance with statutory regulations.
2. In the event that an indication of a violation of the commitment statement is found, the Head of The Immigration Office may ask the holder of Second Home ITAS/ITAP to show bank account, bank letter (surat keterangan bank), or proof of property ownership in Indonesia in the luxury category.
3. In the event that the foreigner concerned cannot prove the show bank account, bank letter (surat keterangan bank), or proof of property ownership as referred to in number 2, or is not in accordance with the minimum amount of Proof of Funds, the Stay Permit of the foreigner and his followers may be canceled and subject to Immigration Administrative Action.
4. The provisions as referred to in number 2 are not applicable for Followers.
1) Holders of Limited Stay Permits or Permanent Stay Permits in the context of Foreign Elderly Tourists whose stay permits are still valid for more than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the enactment of this Circular Letter, are required to change their Stay Permit into a Second Home ITAS or ITAP according to this Circular, through the Transfer of Position mechanism.
2) The obligations as referred to in number 1 do not apply to ITAP Holders in the context of Foreign Elderly Tourists who have indefinite validity, unless there is an intention to change Guarantor or to be without Guarantor in accordance with the provisions of this Circular Letter using Proof of Fund scheme through the transfer of guarantor.
3) Permanent Stay Permit of Foreign Elderly Tourists who have an unlimited validity period, must fulfill Proof of Fund obligations no later than 90 days from the date of this Circular Letter and must comply with the provisions as referred to in in CHAPTER VI.
4) In the event that the changes as referred to in points 1 and/or 2 cause change of guarantor through guarantor transfer mechanism, at the time of application for ITAS/ITAP Second Home, the applicant (foreigner or guarantor) must also attach a statement of no objection and willingness to release, from the previous guarantor.
5) Change of position, change of guarantor, transfer of status, ITAP report, or extension of Stay Permit in the context of Foreign Elderly Tourists, which results in becoming a Second Home Stay Permit for the first time, then the Proof of Fund obligation applies no later than 30 (thirty) days after obtaining a Second Home ITAS or ITAP in accordance with this Circular Letter.
6) If the provisions in points 3 and/or 5 are not met, the stay permit can be canceled since the Proof of Fund obligation is not carried out in accordance with this circular letter.
7) The validity period of the follower's stay permit cannot exceed the validity period of the stay permit of the second home ITAP.
1) Payment of the Second Home Visa PNBP Tariff can be paid outside the territory of Indonesia through the PNBP payment portal.
2) In the event that the PNBP payment portal is not technically possible to implement outside the territory of Indonesia, the payment of the Second Home Visa PNBP Tariff shall be made by Guarantor in the territory of Indonesia.
3) ITAS for Elderly Foreign Tourists and/or Second Home can be transferred to a Second Home ITAP as long as they have lived for at least at least 3 (three) years in Indonesia using a Elderly Foreign Tourists ITAS and/or Second Home ITAS in accordance with the regulations in this circular.
4) If the Second Home ITAS or ITAP ends, the Second Home Stay Permit of his followers also ends.
6. Cover
This Circular Letter is effective 60 (sixty) days after its issuance.
Thus this circular letter is for your attention and implemented as well as possible, thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Stipulated in Jakarta on October 25, 2022
1. Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia;
2. Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia;
3. Secretary General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia;
4. Inspector General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia;
5. Primary High Leaders within the Directorate General of Immigration; 6. Head of Immigration Detention Centers throughout Indonesia.
Dltandaiangani secara elektronik oleh :
NIP 197105011993031001
Appendix I
Director General of Immigration Circular
Number : IMI-0740.GR.01.01 Year 2022
Date : October 25, 2022
I, the undersigned below:
Name : .........................................................................................................................
Date and place of birth ...................................................................................................................................................................
Nationality : ......................................................................................................................
Work : ..........................................................................................................................
Passport number/validity:.......................................................................................................
Followers/Relationships : 1 ...........................................................................................................
2 ...........................................................................................................................................
3 ...........................................................................................................................................
Address in Indonesia : ..................................................................................................................
Phone number : ..........................................................................................................................
E-mail : .........................................................................................................................
Hereby declare that:
1) I undertake to have a Proof of Fund in the form of an account belonging to and in my name at a State-Owned Bank with a value of at least Rp. 2,000,000,000 or proof of ownership of property in Indonesia owned by me with luxury category;
2) I am willing to report the Proof of Fund as referred to in number 1 to the Immigration Office that issued the Limited Stay Permit within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of issuance of Second Home ITAS/Itap;
3) I do not transfer, assign, and/or pledge Proof of Fund as referred to in number 1 as long as I hold the Second Home ITAS/Stay with any reason;
4) I will report any changes in civil status, Immigration status, and changes my address and Followers;
5) I am willing to provide all costs incurred as a result of whereabouts and activities while in Indonesia until the return of me and my followers to my home country;
6) My followers and I will respect Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia;
7) My followers and I will not spread any ideas, ideologies, and teachings that are contrary to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and laws and regulations;
8) That my followers and I will respect ethics, customs and religious harmony applicable in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;
9) That my followers and I are willing to participate in maintaining public order in society; and
10) My followers and I are willing to comply with all laws and regulations in Indonesian territory.
Thus this statement letter I made in truth and if in the future the information above turns out to be incorrect, so I am willing to be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions legislation.
(City of Residence), ................................ 2022
Stamp Rp 10.000,00
(Full name)
I, the undersigned, below:
Full Name : .......................................................................................................................................
Place, Date of Birth : ......................................................................................................................
Nationality : ......................................................................................................................................
Occupation : ......................................................................................................................................
Passport Number : ...................................................................................................................
Date of Issue : ............................................................................................................................
Date of Expiry : ............................................................................................................................
Companion : 1 ...............................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
3 ..........................................................................................................................................
Address in Indonesia : ....................................................................................................................
Phone Number : .......................................................................................................................................
E-mail : ................................................................................................................................................
Hereby declare that:
1. I undertake to have a Proof of Fund in the form of an Account owned and on my behalf at a State-Owned Bank (in Indonesia) with a value of at least Rp2,000,000,000 or proof of property ownership in Indonesia owned and on behalf of me with the luxury category;
2. I am willing to report the Proof of Fund as referred to in number 1 to the Immigration Office issuing the Temporary Stay Permit within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from the issuance of the Second Home Temporary Stay Permit and Permanent Stay Permit;
3. I do not transfer, divert, and/or make as collateral the Proof of Fund as referred to in number 1 as long as I hold the Second Home Temporary Stay Permit and Permanent Stay Permit for any reason;
4. I will report every change of civil status, immigration status, and change of my address along with my Companion;
5. I am willing to provide all costs incurred as a result of my presence and activities while in Indonesia until my return with my Companion to my home country;
6. My Companion and I will respect Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;
7. My Companion and I will not spread ideas, ideologies, and teachings that are Contrary to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and other laws and regulations;
8. That my Companion and I will respect the ethics, customs, and religious harmony in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;
9. That my Companion and I are willing to participate in maintaining public order in society; and
10. My Companion and I are willing to comply with all laws and regulations in Indonesia.
Thus, I make this statement in truth, and if, in the future, the above information turns out to be untrue, then I am willing to be charged under the provisions of the laws and regulations..
(City), ................................................... 2022
Stamp of Rp10,000
(Full Name)
Set in Jakarta
on October 25, 2022
Prof. Dr. WIDODO EKATJAHJANA, SH, M. Hum. NIP 197105011993031001
Appendix II
Director General of Immigration Circular
Number : IMI-0740.GR.01.01 Year 2022
Date : October 25, 2022
5 cm
Has Been Report
For Second Home
Regulation ◄—
----- Arial 12 . font (Blue)
Set in Jakarta
on October 25, 2022


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
Imagine the confusion with the many thousands who have villas or houses and then suddenly have to pack up and leave.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
By "forcing" existing "Foreign Elderly Tourists" into this new "second home KITAS", there is risk that
a) Many will have or choose to leave on short notice and
b) Fewer will apply in the future.

So what could possibly be the motivation for this new permit scheme? The "Foreign Elderly Tourists" have not contributed to all the shenanigans around Bali and outrage I have read about in the news? So it is not about getting more "quality" tourists.

As the 2 Milyar funds must be frozen until KITAS expire it looks like this new regulation will benefit the banks and their loan to deposit ratio.
- The KITAS holder may get 5% annual interest (IDR 100 Juta per year) that is usually subjected to income tax.
- The bank can lend out equivalent 2 Milyar for (lets say) 10% interest and earn IDR 200 Juta per year. Over 10 years the bank make profit of 1 Milyar for each "Foreign Elderly Tourist"!

Looks like regulation was inspired by banks [make money] and taxation office [more taxes] and BI [more foreign fund inflow]. Nothing that will improve things for "Foreign Elderly Tourists".
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Imagine the confusion with the many thousands who have villas or houses and then suddenly have to pack up and leave.
Or switch to B211 social visa.....
Anyway, wait and see for the modification, exemption, revision....
Note : Having just got my 5y KITAP last year (and paid a hefty price) you may imagine how I feel....


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Or switch to B211 social visa.....
Anyway, wait and see for the modification, exemption, revision....
Note : Having just got my 5y KITAP last year (and paid a hefty price) you may imagine how I feel....
Mine is 2 years old now. Funnily I haven't noticed any info where we can contact and get the years "overpaid" refunded, you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Mine is 2 years old now. Funnily I haven't noticed any info where we can contact and get the years "overpaid" refunded, you?
And on top, I just renewed my yearly rental contract.....

No panic, as they say in the army "before executing an order, always wait for the counter order"

There will likely be modification, additifs, exemptions, etc ..... once somebody proof read the text.
If not, sur the visa agencies will find a way !


Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
The xenophobes are already up in arms over the new second home visa, stating that "this visa is very dangerous because there will be a massive migration of C...ese citizens and threaten the stability of the country":

This is reported via several less known local news outlets.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The xenophobes are already up in arms over the new second home visa, stating that "this visa is very dangerous because there will be a massive migration of C...ese citizens and threaten the stability of the country":

This is reported via several less known local news outlets.
Is there some sort of mass hysteria that I missed going on? Has someone legalized weed and not told me?

What is wrong with these people?

Does this guy reckon that millions of Chinese will now rock up, all with $100k trousered to then take over Indonesia by... by ... being Chinese?