Indo Stock Market


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Just curious Bert, but have you or Dewi “played” the Indonesian stock market?

Eri has, and I guess that’s just one of the myriad of things I really love about being married to her. She can “salt away” 100k here, 200k there, and it doesn’t get my attention... I don’t miss it, so I don’t ask.

She opened a fund with 3 million 7 years ago with a Lippo mutual fund account, now Ciptdana, and the account is worth 38 million.

She also opened another mutual fund investment account with Citibank, and that was only 6 years ago and with 5 million. That is now worth 56 million.

I’ve heard these kind of stories from other expats, and what can we say? It’s brilliant!


Mar 20, 2008
Re: Indonesia Investment Coordination Board

Good thread. And if anyone is expert on Investment and could give a few tips here and there, that'd be most welcome.
You see, I've invested so far of an amount of Euros 65.401,63,- in a period of 10 years already as a long term Investment that would end in 20 years which means another 10 years to go. However, I'm now breaking that agreement and the Company has agreed but with regret as for them to do this is "bloodbath" as per described by them. My decision is because I had to. What does that mean? In short, I'd end up with E 20.000 which we have calculated already and agreed to which I will receive in November. I know it's not wise but at the same time I'm not willing to part with my money for another 10 years in order to reach Euros 100.000,-++ as it entails to my paying almost Euros 900.00 every three months.
I'd ask you, if this is within your line of profession or knowledge. Is there any other way to withdraw my investment without losing such a vast amount which is more than double from what they are willing to return?
I'd appreciate it if anyone could give me input on this although my request to withdraw has already been submitted and is under process.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Roy said:
She opened a fund with 3 million 7 years ago with a Lippo mutual fund account, now Ciptdana, and the account is worth 38 million.

She also opened another mutual fund investment account with Citibank, and that was only 6 years ago and with 5 million. That is now worth 56 million.

I’ve heard these kind of stories from other expats, and what can we say? It’s brilliant!

Sounds good.

No, we didn't.

Sometime you hear those things about accounts with high interest rates here, but I never trust them...

Mutual Funds, dunno :shock: Will look it up in the wiki some day...

(I split the topic because these kind of investments are quite different from the ones in my post)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Bert, very briefly, mutual funds are investment accounts where your investments are applied to shares expressed as units of ownership in a broad portfolio of several different stocks which make up the entire fund. Very often these mutual funds are geared towards specific types of companies, for example, mutual fund utilities, mutual fund manufacturing, mutual fund pharmaceuticals, etc, etc. The advantage of mutual fund investing is that the investment is spread over many companies whose stock is included in the fund, thus spreading the investment risk over a wide portfolio and minimizing the investment risk. The down side is that the returns are generally not as rewarding as say picking the right company and investing only in shares in that company.

Milan, your investment fund sounds more like an annuity type of investment account which generally have very severe penalties attached for withdrawals prior to maturity of the fund.

Depending on the severity of the penalty, you might consider a loan for the funds you need using the investment fund as collateral for the loan. Some annuity type investment funds can be used as collateral, and others cannot. The variables in annuity type investment funds are as numerous as with life insurance policies.

In any event, getting back only 20k euros when you already have a principal investment of 65.4K euro, sounds ridiculous. Given the extremes you have described, I would consult an attorney as 65.4 euro is a serious amount of money. In general the penalties associated with early withdrawal of invested funds is limited to the earnings on those funds, and not the principal invested. In a nut shell, it sounds to me like you are being ripped off big time!


Mar 20, 2008
Roy, thank you. You hit it right on the nail as my husband and I have already suspected on all those points you've written. Since we now have agreed to take the E 20.000, we'll plan to hire an Attorney when my husband returns from his overseas assignment for the balance owed based on the fund invested and its earnings although you are right, the Company is currently under the impression that they're going to get away with this rip-off thing given that we're tacit about it.
But let' see now when would we be able to take this next step as I would be away in Indonesia from late October or early November to March, 2009. My Husband would be in Congo from end of this month until I don't know when although we're hoping that he'd be able to fly in to Jkt from there for the Christmas holidays. Don't know.
It gives me headaches!
Thanks again.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Good luck Milan.

I have yet to meet an Indonesian lady who is incapable of getting really fired up when it come to money! :shock: And "that's a good thing!" :D


Mar 20, 2008
Thanks Roy! And by the way, compliments to Eri. You're lucky to have her as your wife.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
You're lucky to have her as your wife.

Amen to that, and if you searched the archives here, you will "hear" me saying the same a million times. I hope you get to meet her some day, and of course, I hope I get to meet you some day too!


Mar 20, 2008
Amen to that, and if you searched the archives here, you will "hear" me saying the same a million times. I hope you get to meet her some day, and of course, I hope I get to meet you some day too!

Amen back. With pleasure! Especially knowing Eri can take durian and you, oysters. I'm game with both. :lol: The same with my husband.


Mar 20, 2008


I'm sure they're nice people, so I trust that they wouldn't... :)

And you and your wife, any of you like oysters and durian or either.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Durian with oysters? I don’t think so. The image isn’t terribly revolting, but the memory of those tastes in combination surely is. Hasn’t someone come up with a pill yet? :shock:

Back to the stock market...Eri had a dream early last week, and unknown to me, cashed out her mutual fund accounts on Thursday, 9/11 of all dates.

“Black Monday” before yesterday, and I was ready to console her...but, she had a big surprise for me! :p

Now I’m thinking that I have to take my “savant dari Wall Street” to New York where she can make a fortune, and the millions she trades aren’t IDR anymore!

Nah! That’s a bad idea.


Nov 21, 2005
London, UK

Indonesia's stock exchange halted share-market trading for the first time in eight years after a 10 percent plunge in the benchmark index.

Trading will remain suspended until further notice, the exchange said in an e-mailed statement. Trading was last halted in September 2000 when a car bomb damaged the exchange building and killed 15 people. Exchange President Erry Firmansyah couldn't be immediately reached on his mobile phone to comment.

``People are panicking,'' said Suherman Santikno, head of research at Jakarta-based PT Batavia Prosperindo Sekuritas which manages about $573 million in assets. ``With uncertainty in the global economy, it's best to hold cash.''

The Jakarta Composite index was down 10 percent when the suspension came into effect. The measure is down 21 percent this week, the worst weekly drop since at least April 1983, data compiled by Bloomberg showed. The rupiah declined 0.4 percent to 9,603 per dollar, trading near its lowest level in three years.

Credit-default swaps on Indonesia's government debt widened 75 basis points from Oct. 6 to 525 in morning trade today, ICAP Plc prices show. That means it costs $75,000 more a year to protect $10 million of the country's debt from default for five years. :(


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Eri was brilliant in cashing out when she did, wasn’t she? If she held fast, those funds would be half their value today from just four weeks ago.

If there is a “tip” in here, it might be what many of us expats married to Indonesian ladies have learned over the years…listen, and let them have their own independence to act unilaterally. :)


Mar 20, 2008
Roy writes:
If there is a “tip” in here, it might be what many of us expats married to Indonesian ladies have learned over the years…listen, and let them have their own independence to act unilaterally. :lol: What music to my ears... Thank you my dear friend!

Yes, like the Italians would say: "BRAVA Eri!".

Back to Oysters and Durian. Guys, I don't mean together. I meant do you eat durian. But do you also eat oysters. Not at the same time nor the same day either... :lol: :lol:


Apr 24, 2008
mimpimanis said:
Indonesian stockmarket > durian & oysters. Do you see why you were topping the poll by 87%yesterday before it was deleted!

I eat oysters and durian for breakfast lunch and dinner, 7 days per week.

But seriously,
i read this article back in February 2007 and it got me thinking and acting regarding the shocks and scares market, and this is when i exited the game; i apologise for the controversy and im not stating i beleive the entire article. okay ?

Crash, Bang, Wallop

S. W.
February 28, 2007

Over the last few weeks I’ve been pushing hard to get my members to sell their stocks as a matter of extreme urgency. I hope you all got out as suggested. The Dow Jones fell 546 point (Feb 27th) and then it recovered a bit with short covering to show a net fall of 416 points on the day. In comparison, on the day after 911 the market dropped 684 points. Panic selling in China triggered this current fall and that market was down 9.2% on the day, wiping off $109 billion dollars from the value of Chinese companies. Bloomberg’s said, “Durable goods orders in the US fell 7.8 percent in January, reflecting the biggest slide in business equipment demand in three years, according to figures released yesterday by the Commerce Department in Washington.” And the dollar went out a cent to 1.3250 until the Feds stepped to prop it up as usual, it finished the day slightly firmer at 1.3200.

So the game’s on but the big panic is still to come. I’ve seen a vision of a stock exchange event that in the vision was called Black Friday, whenever that it. But that is when the world falls apart.

The stock markets have triggers in place to stop a free fall, if say, the market loses 500 points the system closes for the day to stop a precipitous fall. Then it opens the next day but the problem is that when it reopens are there any buyers for a falling market or not? It could easily fall 500 points every day for a week in a real crisis.

Many very powerful very influential newspapers in Europe just ran stories of the imminent attack on Iran as a given fact, and the legendary American journalist Seymour Hersh wrote an article in the New Yorker saying the same thing. So the war’s on but there may have to be a few bombs going off to justify it all. Recently the American’s Homeland Insecurity Department, were testing emergency procedures for IEDs (improvised explosive devices) that might be going off in major American cities. So watch for a bit of crash, bang, wallop in selected American locations just before Iran is hit (expected March 22nd), as there was the same phony anti-terrorist rehearsal at the Twin Towers just before 911, and the also the authorities had a phony practice bomb caper on the day of Blair’s big adventure and the July bombings in London. Our governments bombing our own people isn’t considers kosher in spiritual circles but there you go, what to do? Empire of the Snake and all that.

If you have not sold your ‘shocks and scares’ you have time as nothing goes down in a straight line and the only other worry is the property market. Prices fell 3% in America last month and sales are sluggish as there a loads of homes on the market. But if you need to sell there is always a buyer that will take your property if you’ll give a tad to get the deal done. Out is better than in right now, as cash will soon ascend to the throne as king of the world. I know many of the members have just sold their properties, which is a great blessing, ’happy for you.

Anyway, don’t panic if markets unravel as the New Order Falls apart in the end and the Taliban made a terribly good attempt to wallop the king of the reptiles Cheney, when he was sight seeing in Afghanistan recently, twenty people died but Cheney walked. A table leg saved Hitler, not sure what saved Cheney.

When things unhinge it helps us, for once people get over it all they become softer and more compassionate and the world changes. That is why I have wanted to see the Grand Flop sooner rather than later, as eventually the Grand Lies fall as well. This is the death of the global-ego that I first predicted back in the mid1990s in Whispering Winds of Change, and we get to act as its silent pallbearers, and when people feint in our arms we’ll care for them and love them and help them. We might find honest work after all.