Import of flower and vegetable-seeds


I was wondering if anyone know the current regulations for import of seeds? :?: I enjoy gardening and would like to have seeds sent here, but i'm not sure what the "book" say. I have brought smaller amounts of flower and vegetable-seeds before, but would like to have a larger quantity sent instead. Any ideas anyone?
Tommy, I’m curious. What specific vegetable and flower seeds would you look for that aren’t already available in Bali?

There are a number of excellent and trully organic farmers in Bali, many located up North in Bert’s area that are outstanding. I also enjoy gardening, and never before have I encountered so much variety in flora than here in Bali. Why would anyone think of importing seeds?

If you need some great lotus seeds, I get mine from the lotus pond at the Pura Saraswati in Ubud, on the grounds of the royal palace of Ubud. And, speaking of Saraswati, tomorrow is her day, so Bali will be abuzz properly making tribute.

Funny thing about Saraswati, is that as the goddess of knowledge and learning, it’s forbidden on Bali to read books on her day. I never could find a Balinese to explain that irony to me.
oh i want seeds for various roses and other flowers that aren't very exotic, but not available here. i'd also maby get a few kilos of regular grass-seeds for a trial-out. i can only get grown grass here and seeds seem to be unavailable for some reason?

Selamat hari raya Saraswati to Pak Roy & Pak Bert.

Now stay away from reading this forum tomorrow! :)
oh i want seeds for various roses and other flowers that aren't very exotic, but not available here.

Huh? Rose plants are very available here in Bali. In our house, we have six or seven very happy rose bushes that produce wonderful flowers on a regular basis.

Thanks for the Saraswati greeting. Fact is, if I was a serious Bali/Hindu, I wouldn't be on line today! :p
We do have rose-plants too, but the quality is not what i'm looking for. They are too small, too week and not wild enough. I would like to get either seeds or plants of big strong wild roses that can stand more extreme temperatures, but as i said before... i need to know what the "book" says about imports of plants or seeds. what other plants do you have at your compound roy? any vegetables or fruits? we have 1 manggo tree, one nangka, 2 sotong putih and 1 sotong barak (red guava.. soooo sweeet) and some other plants for medical and food-use.
I did some checking, both with Stefan Reisner, who is in the middle of building the new botanical garden in Ubud, and my “cousin” who works in customs. Both relayed that the “legal” importation of any plants or seeds, requires quite a lot of paper work and documentation that such plants and seeds are free of infestation from any critters that aren’t welcome. Moreover, a quarantine period may apply, and that’s not good. And by the way, those laws apply even to inter Indonesia plant exports.

Both also said however, that if you have any friend coming to Bali in the future, if they had some sealed seed packs from acknowledged seed producers, it likely would not be a problem (depending of course on the plant!).

Stefan’s question was, “what possible plant would one want here that isn’t already available from the many greenhouse and plant sellers in Bali?”

Plants in our compound? It’s a laundry list way to exhaustive to list. Probably the most favorite though are the durian trees.
Thanks for the info. Roy. I reckon i'll ship sealed seed packs from acknowledged seed producers in smaller quantities for try-out. :wink: Bringing sees&plants here in the luggage is probably abit risky and i won't take any chances. How would would 5kg's of grass-seeds look in the luggage? I think customs very well would assume one to be a drugtrafficer.. :shock: and that's definately not worth it.

The plants, fruits and veggies i'm intrested in growing here are scandinavian. We have many flowers, plants and trees that bloom during the summer-season that can't be found here. I would like to try to grow different fruit-trees and berry-bushes (especially the summer ones since the climate may suit these better). Back home i live near to a national park which is a part of the "world heritage" with a rich diversity of rare flowers and plants. I am allowed get a few of those plants&flowers, though not all since they are protected by law.

mm durian. i recently planted seeds for the big and sweet chinese durians. I also planted avocados 3 years ago and they have grown quite big.. though for some plants/trees it'll take a few years before the gold drops down. :wink:
5 kilograms of seed? I agree, not a good idea. Have a few packs, (15 to 30 grams tops) sent by DHL...very good as they by-pass Jakarta, or even try the mail, (with no value declared), and have them described as "spices as gift.”

"Chinese durian" I agree, they are much better than the indigenous durian found here. As you say, they are much larger, and they yield almost twice as much fruit as local durian. My wife LOVES Thai durian!

Avocados do very well in Bali. Our good friends, Ben and Blair, who started off with organic farming in Bali some years ago, have had great success with avocados. It's pretty funny actually. Who, 5 years ago, would have even dreamed of locally grown avocados?! But, from what I’ve been told, (by Ben and Blair) it’s better in the north of Bali for these kinds of vegetable growing.

You say you want to introduce some plants common in Scandinavia to Bali. Why not? But as you well know, many plants do not do well in climate variations…and Scandinavia to Bali is about as extreme a climate variation as one could possibly imagine. But yah! I think what you want to try out is superkalifragisticexpradalagogous! Why not try?

If you ever want some good lotus seeds from the lotus pond at the Pura Saraswati in Ubud, just let me know. These seeds are about the size of a black olive, and the plants they yield are immense and the flowers about the size of a dinner plate.

Good luck with your botanical experiments.
Who, 5 years ago, would have even dreamed of locally grown avocados?!
Funny, I thought that avocados were growing in Bali since quite a while ago. When I first came to Bali back in 1979, I ate quite many that were delicious and I remember having been introduced for the first time to avocado juice then, in Kuta, and I was drinking it almost every day 8) . It feels strange to discover now that they were all imported avocados ! I remember I also had strawberries, but there I am sure that they were growing in Bali !
loads of organic farms selling seeds and seedlings........
We sometimes give away seedlings when we have too many.
But no passion fruit vines at the moment.
Just buy/steal/beg the type of passion fruit you want to have - your choices are the green and the purple as far as I know. Throw the seeds at the piece of ground you want to have them on and jump back. They grow furiously.