Im Chris, nice to meet everyone :)


New Member
Feb 28, 2017
I just needed to have some questions answered and most guides are not so specific to the line of my questions so joined this site and happy the process was so fast and easy :)

thanks admin


New Member
Feb 28, 2017

I'am 25 live in Australia and my girlfriend is 17, lives in Jakarta
she has all required documents, ID card, passport, birth cert., etc

1. I'am unsure if I should ask my sister/mother to sponsor her or be the sponsor myself?
(as age gap and they might worry she will not return)

2. Is it better to have 5k AUD and show my bank statement and agree to pay for everything?
or put the money suddenly into her account?
(or put money in mothers/sisters account and get them to make bank statement)
(im happy to do any option stated above, yes she has bank card)

3. Will asking for 3 month visa make it hard to get a first time visa accepted?
(or should we just ask for 1month)

4. Is it possible to make new visa for Australia when she is here?
(or would it be best to make a trip to bali/jakarta and re-apply for new visa)

Hopefully no hate or silly comments, as I'am seriously curious and would like to apply before the week is finished


Active Member
Sep 7, 2006
Hi Chris

I presume you are talking about a holiday visa? I have done this before with no problems.

You say she has all her documents - does she have a job in Jakarta? It is important for Immigration to have proof that she will return and a statement from her employer showing that she is currently employed will help.

1. I think you should be the sponsor. Don't worry about the age gap, it is not relevant in your case.
2. Keep the money in your account and use your bank statement as evidence of your ability to support her. How long have you known her? Sending somebody $5000 with no security would not be something I would be doing in a hurry.
3. Don't know the answer to that one but I suspect a 1 month visa would be easier.
4. Definitely not. A tourist visa cannot be renewed in Australia.

If you are planning on a permanent move to Australia for her then a holiday visit that was completed in line with the visa will assist in your application for a fiancee visa (if that is your intention). That is a long and frustrating process but if you follow their guidelines you should have no problems.

Good luck.


New Member
Feb 28, 2017
yes it is a holiday visa,

yes previously she was working but quit 1 month ago

1. thank you, I will be sponsor then
2. almost 8 months, and she barely accepts me paying her $140 rent and has been nothing but trustworthy the entire time
3.ill research it but as I hear the minimum they give is 3month visa regardless of how long you apply for?

yeah the ultimate goal is to get PMV in a year or so

thank you for your help