
New Member
Jan 16, 2011
I have been looking through some of the forums and I see a lot of housing prices quoted yearly. Do you need to pay rent for a year all upfront or are other payment options available? I also see a lot about houses and nothing about apartments....I know that it is not a very urban area so there are probably more houses than apartments but are apartments available? Is there a big difference between renting an apartment and a small house? I would of course prefer the latter but am happy living in an apartment. I will be making about 6 million rupiah monthly..am well aware that English teaching jobs are low-paying and I will also have income from a steady freelancing position with a company in the States that pays per article and I can write as little or as much as I want. I will be living with one other person. I know that Southern Bali is comprised of many different areas and pricing will vary but generally, what could I expect to pay for let's say a one bedroom house with relatively easy access to civilization? I am not sure of the exact location of the school, it just says Bali but I think it might be Depensar?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
You can rent by the month but most prefer longer term residents and the cost is considerably cheaper. As for apartments these are mostly holiday home developments and are few and far between and only in the south etc.

Prices for a years rent vary a lot but I would suggest you can get a reasonable place between 2 and 3 thousand dollars a year. Kosts are availble much cheaper.

Best bet as always in to get a cheap hotel for a couple of weeks and have a good look around. I am suprised however that the company employing you and providing your visa etc does not help you.


New Member
Jan 16, 2011
Thanks for the info Jim. I wrote this before I actually interviewed for the position..big on law of attraction and proceeding like the job is already mine :) They are going to assist me as well as provide a housing allowance so I will be getting some guidance.