Hi! love your forum and would like to say a big hello !


Mar 24, 2007
Hi, I would like to say hello to all and say that I am really glad that I found your forum. My husband and I intend on iving in Bali in the next 18 months or so, as soon as we have tied up business here in AUstraia. We visit Bali around 3-4 times a year on both hoidays and business. Woo hoo!! be there 3 weeks on Sunday and this time holiday.

We intend on building villas over there for both rental and wholesale but am a bit concerned that I wont have enough to keep me occupied!! Dont get me wrong, a bit more time to ourseves rather than work, work, work!! will be nice but maybe I will need something else. I know that finding a job over there is almost impossible so self employment with a PMA is probably the best option for me. However, I am a qualfied psychoogist and have aso owned my own upmarket homewares, furniture and interior design store in Perth for over 10 years. What do you think my chances are at getting work, other than being sef-employed?

I would love to hear from anybody who has some advice?

Thanks. finit


Mar 24, 2007
Hi, Thankyou for your repy.
Yes, I am going to learn to speak Indonesian anyway, so teaching may be an option. However, I would imagine that there woud be an abundance of expats able to teach so am wondering how easy it would be to get work. When you said, "no money in it", have you any idea of how much people are charging per hour session?

Also, wondering whether there woud be much call for Interior designers. I have much experience and really enjoy it.

As far as my Psychology goes, cutural differences in how mental health is perceived and understood would certainly prevent practice in the field with many Indonesians. Having said that, maybe expats coud make use of a counselloror but there again, maybe life in Bali is just too good and stress-free!!


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Hi finit, welcome to the forum
To make a go in Bali, it is really up to you to generate the business. As an interior designer there may be a business opportunity for you decking out the masses of villas that speculators like yourself are throwing up all around Bali. And don't forget Lombok - same sort of development going on their too.

There are also rich people who build big houses in Bali that might want an interior designer to do all the leg work for them finding all the right decor. The trick would be sourcing your suppliers, not always as easy as you think, and time consuming, but it is an idea.

You would learn from your own experience villa building and take it from there.

As to psychology, what sort of psychology? Could you for instance work with conference facilitators doing motivational work? Or if it is clinical, you could see if any health organisations have any interesting projects going - might not be in the part of Bali that you want to live though..

Alternatively you could set something up in Singapore or Perth and commute (week about or something).

Teaching - well you need at least some sort of qualification if you want to be paid (eg. TEFL), and there are plenty of jobs in remote parts of Indonesia. But a real long queue for the plum jobs in Bali. To teach at an International School you need to be degree qualified.


Mar 24, 2007
Hi al,l and thankyou for your replies.

Freogirl, thanks for your reply. I am more into the research side of Psycology with my Phd being based on qualitative methodologies and having a cross-cultural focus. Clinical, yes I can do but prefer not to.
Just a thought...incase I get bored over there.

I think interior design woud be easier there. What are the current fashion trends over there for interior design? Here in Australia the trend is moving away from the modern minimalistic feel to a more classical and timeless decor. In Australia we import most of our own furniture items from both Indonesia and Europe, Maybe we will do the same over there...who knows where Bali may take us!!


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Gedday Finit

How are ya luvey,

What kind of business brings you to Bali 3 or 4 times a year - could it be more pleasure than biz maybe? .. assuming the two of you go that often.

I would have thought that someone who visits that much would know that the concept of flogging Villas "rentals or wholesale" is pretty much, not a good idea post the second bomb. Given the fact that most speculative villa owners have either gone broke or off loaded their inventory ( the smarter ones) as the occupancy rate plummets, down to under 2 days a week, for high end renters. Judging by your last post - I think you mean that kinda market.

Have you and your husband actually taken the time to study this idea with any sort of business plan arrangement with your Australian / Indo bean counters or did you just jump on the forum a cuppla weeks back after a few Chardies and think this might be a good place to land and tell all of us I'm a Physiologist cum interior designer - probably the latter I think (and not such a goodie if you need to be employed there) given the way you spell your field of work.

Withstanding being cast a smarty pants ,Finit, my research is more into the bullshit detection side of Psycology (note the spelling folks - you too can use spell check if you know how - no degrees here ) with my Phd being based on look for big bloody words and having a cross-cultural focus on what you are reading on this site. Clinical bullshit, yes. But I also prefer not to.

As for getting bored over THERE ... I never have . It just aint possible if you have a life.

Nice work on that last post Jimbo - I got it ... no tongue in cheek required old son.

What is it with you WA chicks?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Do a search of this forum regarding "business in Bali", etc, Finit. You should find many previous posts that might help, plus links to other sites.

As far as jobs related to your psychological training go, I'd say you're pissing in the wind. I know of one English psychologist in Sanur who set up a Counselling practice. Not sure how she's doing.

There has been an explosion of all kinds of fringe "services" in Bali in the last couple of years. Numerology, Tarot, Reiki, "spiritual healing", yoga, past-life mumbo-jumbo, shamanism, you name it. If you have enough charisma and some gift-of-the-gab, you could go down that road.

The main psychiatric hospital in Bangli will probably not be an option for you. I haven't looked at it for years but even ten years ago, it was still in the 15th century. (By the way, I am a retired psychologist.)

Psychological "problems" abound in Bali (and the rest of Indonesia, for that matter). Legitimate "psychological services" are far and few in between and don't forget, most locals can't afford them. They're also more likely to call upon their priests and/or magicians, be they black or white.

Best of luck. You might need it.



Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Any chance of comi'n outa retirement for me Phil.

I need a spot on magician/sharman/tarot reader/fringe services specialist right here in down town Melbourne cos all the charismatic qualitative methodologist type cross-cultural focusist psychologists from WA are departing our beloved country with their highly unqualified real estate speculator type hubbys destined for Bali to take up, what could be quite possibly a frightening (for any unsuspecting punter) carreer in interior design in the endless pusuit of a lifetime of boredom.

I wil meet you at Bangli private for a few sessions - that oughta do the trick.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
No problem Dasha

I will always give you a "morning price".

Being a retired expat in Bali prevents me from "working". And unless things have changed dramatically in the Bangli mental bin, I'd stay as far away from it as possible. Some of the staff there were very good at tying all kinds of knots, using ropes and chains. It might be better these days but I'm too freaked-out to go and look again for myself.

At least there's been a huge decline in the number of Balinese crazies stomping around Denpasar attached to a ball and chain. I'm not joking. Don't see too many tethered to trees any more, either. I guess that's progress.



Mar 24, 2007

Have you never had keyboard problems??

For the record, no not just throught of this idea over a "charddie". We have been in business for a long time and had a number of very successful businesses I must add!!

Yes, sadly Bali's economy has suffered somewhat since Bomb 2, but there are many villa developers that would certainly have a very different opinion to yourself and are very successfully selling their properties.

I suppose that it depends on how clever you are in business and thankfully I have been much more successful than most!!! It is the same world-wide.....be smart, do your homework and succeed. An idea "over a Charddie" , I don't think so! Thanks for your reply!! A wise and yes!!! very educated WA Chick!!


Aug 3, 2006
Houten, The Netherlands
In the Netherlands we say: Hoogmoed komt voor de val.

Wich means something like: If you think you are the best, tell you are the best and be blind for any critic or warnings, then the good fortune will end soon.

I believe you are succesfull, but putting it the way you do, doesnt sound very friendly.

Another downside to it: If I hear someone talk like this, I certainly wouldnt by any property from this person.
Because "smart" can be a lot of things: 1. Knowing the country and buying everything at good prices, 2. Using inferior material be hide that very good. 3. Using spots that are nice now, but will be neigbors to a nuclear plant next week. Or combinations of those things mentioned above.


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Finit - ignore Dasha he probably had one too many, again.

Dasha - I remember when you first came onto these forums and asked some pretty naive questions, I don't recall people stomping on your dreams so give the lady a break. There really is no need to get sarcastic and condesending.

As to us WA chicks, what's with us? Where with it! And you Vics will never get it ! 8) :lol: :p


Mar 24, 2007

Thankyou for your responses especially after the what I wrote to Dasha. My response was given in anger at the way that somebody could write a reply thread in such a mocking and very shallow minded fashion. I suppose that it takes all sorts in this world!! My reply was certainly not intended to boast about anything, but rather to write an angry response back to a person who obviousy has a few hang-ups with life and in particuar W Austraian women and their ability to get on in life. Having said this, I am a new member on this forum because I believe that we all have so much from the stories that people tell and the rich knowledge that can be shared. That is why I joined this forum to ask advise from those in the know, not to respond in such a defensive manner.


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Look out girls here i come .. I'm bored again.

Now where is it .. Mozilla .. Exploer.. Firefox ... Safarri . So many things on this dashboard cum Dock .. I can't find Bert and his wonderful merry band of people from the Indo sites anywhere,

Oh right there you all are. Yes well.

Ok from the top ... Freo ... can't wait to meet you .. you sexy thang. You know me so well. But for heavens sake don't tell these birds from you hometown state that I'm just a pretender.

Where is Tink? I hope I have not frightened her away. I was only kidding. Sheeeesh.

Finit my friend. You a e a pretender of the utmost.

Firstly darling, Rule number one is - - - - We all hate development in the nature that you are talking. Bali is not a place to come and think ..I am going to whack a up a shitload a villas to make a shitload of dough. Not only from a money making perspective but from simply the fact that it just anint cool. Kapeeesh???

If you did some research (given your wonderful insight into how things tick) into this site as well as many other expat Bali/Indo sites then you would understand that many expats as well as locals are pissed off with the idea.

Freo gave you a clue when she said "have you anything to offer with your level of education in the locale of Lombok". She actually asked you some pretty serious questions about how you can help out and make a difference and even pointed out the fact that you may have to try hard to do this as you will be required to live in a remote location of which other well educated people are trying hard to take such positions.

But instead (as Phil and I tried to point out to you) you have taken the low road of ... I'm gunna be a property developer with my hubby... HELLO - if you came to Bali 4 times a year you would know that this is not a good idea.

People like you who come on the site will always continue to piss people like me orrrrfff. Cos you come on with hair brain schemes of making a quid and boring us with ,,, shit what am i gunna do with all this cash I'm gunna make when in fact you are not.

Just ask Peter Reiger (Bali.com incase you don't know who I mean) what he did at the end of last year, He offloaded 28 x 1 million US dollar properties from his well balanced inventory. Because guess why.... there aint no money in development in Bali no more cos the BOMBS went off.

And now a lotta Balinese people can get on with there lives and not keep there hopes up waiting around for people like you and your hub (who always meet wonderful local Balinese people and just pat them on the head and then piss off without supporting them with long term arrangements) to build a bloody villa that will one day go broke leaving them with a lotta hard work done and nothing to show for it. BEEN THERE SEEN THAT!!!!!

sorry to belt the shit outa ya Fina but go and help some Balinese people with the qualities in life that you have been trained with.

Don't speculate in their town go and do it in you own - you said your were up-market surely you can make a quid in WA and just visit from time to time.

There I go again. Sorry I haven't been to the footy this time - I jut got on the piss again HA HA HA

when I am I gunna get banned Bert .. I wanna join Roy in Retirement,