Hi! love your forum and would like to say a big hello !


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Dont worry FINIT, when I first posted I wanted to do some REC. gold mining and got everyone in a frenzy... but then went to bali and reallly found out what you can and cant do- still have alot to learn though!!--- I suggest read alot more of this forum- visit Bali for a month or two or three and get a feel for whats going on there before you make any jumps.....


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Lynwood, Perth
I don't post much BUT I cant help with laughing at Dashas posts. He may ramble & go off slightly BUT what he says is quite true.
Bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Villa building & interior design unless you have something SPECIAL you will have nothing, & if you do have that something special it wont be yours for very long.

I am a Perth Girl!!! (Also a Dockers supporter!!)


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Fin, the bottom line is there are more expats than there are opportunities to employ them here. This makes for lots of competition and the resulting failures and the sad tales that go with them – thus the jaded folks who live here!

Here's some advice from a long-time designer/builder of custom homes - and this applies to any locale (and this is general advice so no need to take it personally Fin). If you’re successful at home in the same field and your skills are in demand that’s a good start, if not then that’s not good. The low start-up costs often found in a foreign country is not a recipe for success, experience and knowledge are. Planning - building - selling - renting - managing real estate (commercial and residential) are different skills that one should be very experienced in prior to jumping into the villa development business - then add the occasional events organizer, advertising manager, tour guide, nurse, etc., etc.

And, yes, one thing Bali is not lacking in is creative talent in the design/building arts, both local and expat. It is also not lacking in available hotel rooms and villas for rent, and that’s a fact.

Oh yea, welcome to the forum Finit!

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
when I am I gunna get banned Bert .. I wanna join Roy in Retirement

Why do you think you will be banned? 8)

I am thinking about adding an alcohol test to the post button, but the investment is a bit high....

I heard that you are a funny guy Dasha (IRL), and you talk a lot.

Still, it is, and not only for you, difficult as it seems, just to express yourself without phrases like:

People like you who come on the site will always continue to piss people like me off

It is not very polite to say things like that, and it may put people off to ever post again.

And, even if you think someones plans are not good, because of the "situation" or whatever, its their plan, and it still may succeed.. You want samples??

And, if you find ladies on this forum attractive, please tell them by private message.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
And, if you find ladies on this forum attractive, please tell them by private message.


I find all ladies attractive. I was watching a movie on TV last night and there was a lady scientist in here 70's and I thought to myself what an attractive woman and what she must have been like in her youth.

I love women in all shapes sizes, ages and colour. They are mostly more intelligent than men and make much better friends, are far more sensible and practical than us and in addition can give us sex.

If women ran countries we would have no wars, no child beating and abuse and the budget would balance. I am sure that anyone married to an Indonesian lady would agree. I know who wears the trousers in my house :)

PS I am off home tonight for 10 days to see my best mate and discuss all of the above in detail :)


If women ran countries we would have no wars, no child beating and abuse and the budget would balance. I am sure that anyone married to an Indonesian lady would agree.
Jimbo, I know this is just a tongue in cheek comment but I wonder if people know that when all forms of child abuse are considered the majority of perpetrators are women.


Mar 24, 2007
Thank you for your comments, concerns and cautionary advice.

Though, I must say that I have a few issues I would like to raise. I stay in Bali on average 3 months a year, some trips quite short and others for month or so. I do not stay in hotels and I do not really do the "tourist thing" as I have been there too many times now.

Over the past year or so there seems to be a noticeable difference in terms of the tourism trade in Bali. Whilst there has always been a large number of Australian, German and Dutch visitors , more recent times point to a much wider diverse and cultural group of travelers, e.g., from Japan, Italy, Eastern Europe, Britain, Russia, India etc. At one time such diversity didn't appear so evident, with a large majority of tourism coming from Australia. Given that Mr. Howard and his merry crew, assisted by the Australian media of course, are still constantly crying cautionary warnings for Indonesian travel, as well as the fact that many Australians seem unable to move forward and put the past to lie, has consequently altered the profile of Bali's tourism trade. Let’s just hope that political scare tactics become old news and the Australians return to Bali!! However, having said that, and on a more positive note, it seems that the attraction of a beautiful island like Bali is now appealing to a wider global market and hopefully will continue to grow.

We are all aware, and are deeply sorrowed by the devastating and tragic terrorist events that occurred in Bali. Sadly, this has resulted in much heartache and headache for the business community and, needless to say the beautiful Balinese people whom for many rely so much on the tourist trade for survival. But life goes on and we must move forward. It was pointed out to me in an earlier thread that business, especially building villas in Bali is difficult given the current economical and tourism climate, however, as Bert rightly said there are still many successful businesses out in Bali and sadly there are many still suffering.

I was given the following advice:

"If you did some research (given your wonderful insight into how things tick) into this site as well as many other expat Bali/Indo sites then you would understand that many expats as well as locals are pissed off with the idea."

This is rather a subjective comment given that the statement is supposedly made on behalf of the wider Expat community!!

Personally I know several Expats in Bali who are in the business of villa building/sales. Both operate on a small scale, building only a few properties at any one time. Both manage to sell their properties before completion by implementing clever global marketing strategies. Of course life is not always this easy, whether building or doing anything, for that matter, in a foreign country can become a headache with many unknown hurdles to face. There are still many success stories out there. Neither of these guys make big $$$, but are able to live comfortably in Bali by making enough money to pay their way. They have by no means hit on a “quick, get rich scheme” but it was not there intention anyway, nor mine alike.

I was rather disturbed to come to terms that there are some sad people out there who perceive people do things only to benefit themselves. Extract from a previous thread: “pat them on the head and then piss off without supporting them with long term arrangements”.

Ha Ha!! All I can say is that there are many wonderful people in this world who are prepared to give but expect nothing in return. I have made many friends in Bali, many being Indonesian. I expect nothing from them nor them from me, only our friendship. It has been my choice to have supported 2 Indonesian families by helping to fund new small business ventures to help support their families during hard times. They no more expected this of me than I ever expected any return from them.

There are many, many good people in this world. Thank goodness!!


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Well said Finit - and I agree with you that some builder/developers are doing well. The bulk of residential building (for westerners) here is either for pure and obvious commercial interest or vanity builds by owners lucky enough and with the fortitude to do that here. There is the available niche for low volume high quality producers, but again homework required. Good luck.