Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's off to the forum we go....


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I'm possibly the only one finding it amusing that posts almost religiously stop on weekends?

Almost as if the members think "that's work and I'm damned if I'm gonna work on weekends!!!".
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Jun 28, 2023
I'm possibly the only one finding it amusing that posts almost religiously stop on weekends?

Almost as if the members think "that's work and I'm damned if I'm gonna work on weekends!!!".
Good morning Markit. My Sundays are taken up with a long phonecall to my daughter in OZ then a longer one to my bestie in Ireland. The usual conversation between two married women, husbands, kids, clothes, hairstyles etc. Probably bore the life outta you. Now I’m getting ready to go to our local weekly market, well I’m thinking about it, it’s blowing a gale and I’ve turned into a ‘fair weather shopper’. Then it’s a lazy day. His lordship will be watching the Manchester Derby and I’ll probably scroll through instagram and save stuff like diets, fitness advice, style advice , must have cleaning devices and how to organise under my sink………..none of which I’ll ever look at again.

whatever you’re up to have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali

Good morning Markit. My Sundays are taken up with a long phonecall to my daughter in OZ then a longer one to my bestie in Ireland. The usual conversation between two married women, husbands, kids, clothes, hairstyles etc. Probably bore the life outta you. Now I’m getting ready to go to our local weekly market, well I’m thinking about it, it’s blowing a gale and I’ve turned into a ‘fair weather shopper’. Then it’s a lazy day. His lordship will be watching the Manchester Derby and I’ll probably scroll through instagram and save stuff like diets, fitness advice, style advice , must have cleaning devices and how to organise under my sink………..none of which I’ll ever look at again.

whatever you’re up to have a great day.
Sounds remarkably domestic. I'm guessing you could do the exact same here but in a better climate? Your motivation in thinking of moving?


Jun 28, 2023
No dont get me wrong, it’s blowing a gale but it’s 24 degrees. We really haven’t had a winter here in south east Spain this year. Little to no rain which will cause problems in the summer. We will still be able to eat lunch outside ( sheltered from the wind ).


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Well, on my side the Missus is off to Java for Galungan with the family, and I am in "bachelor" mode.....
No need to explain I guess....
BTW @Dori I have a son living in Barcelona.


Active Member
Jun 11, 2016
We were in Barcelona a couple of years ago. We absolutely loved the place. As with most tourists we've seen dozens of churches and Cathedrals but nothing compares to La Sagrada Familia…simply awe inspiring.
What about the poor bastard who designed and built it, Anton Gaudi. A genius for sure but he steps back in the street to admire his magnificent achievement and get run over by a passing tram..?.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
We were in Barcelona a couple of years ago. We absolutely loved the place. As with most tourists we've seen dozens of churches and Cathedrals but nothing compares to La Sagrada Familia…simply awe inspiring.
What about the poor bastard who designed and built it, Anton Gaudi. A genius for sure but he steps back in the street to admire his magnificent achievement and get run over by a passing tram..?.
I am amazed how people put so much energy into churches, cathedrals, and such when they were poor and hungry! While the people groveled, they gave tons of Gold and Riches to the churches, cathedrals, temples, mosque, etc. doesn't anyone question this, when they see their religious buildings and priest dripping in Gold, while they go hungry and their children uneducated! They have been brainwashed to think if they don't do this, then their God will be angry with them, and they will suffer! It looks like a huge Scam to me, No Thanks! For me Personally! I think all that wealth should have used to improve the common people's lives! Not to live in fear from a God they cannot see, and be told what to do by their priest!


Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
Much of the gold in the great Spanish cathedrals is dripping with the blood of Aztec and Inca Indians with an estimated 50 million killed by the Spanish.
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Much of the gold in the great Spanish cathedrals is dripping with the blood of Aztec and Inca Indians with an estimated 50 million killed by the Spanish.
How sad! I will never understand why humans want to conguer other people and their lands. Where is their compassion and love, that their religion teaches them? It has been this way since the beginning of time. One day I think we will all see, due to our ignorance, that these so called precious metals and gems will be worth nothing! We will gladly give all the gold and diamonds away for clean food and water!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Yeah and the Aztecs or Incas never conquered anyone or murdered others for land or resources....give me a break.
They'd all be dead and buried now anyway but the real tragedy is that their fantastic artwork and culture expressed in gold was all melted down to bricks. Almost impossible to find any Inca/Aztec artwork now.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
They'd all be dead and buried now anyway but the real tragedy is that their fantastic artwork and culture expressed in gold was all melted down to bricks. Almost impossible to find any Inca/Aztec artwork now.
Destroying art and culture for money is a tale as old as time. We're watching it happen now in Bali. Someday, when Bali looks Singapore, people will say "what a tragedy the white man destroyed the beautiful Balinese culture for their own greedy desires."


Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
Yeah and the Aztecs or Incas never conquered anyone or murdered others for land or resources....give me a break.
Of course, but does that make the Spanish clear of responsibility. 50 million is an awful lot of people. One might take the same argument to the Nuremberg war criminal trials. Herman Goering might well have stood up and said, "What about all the lives that were lost with British colonialism and what about the Soviet massacre at Katyn? Give us a break."


Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
Of course, but does that make the Spanish clear of responsibility. 50 million is an awful lot of people. One might take the same argument to the Nuremberg war criminal trials. Herman Goering might well have stood up and said, "What about all the lives that were lost with British colonialism and what about the Soviet massacre at Katyn? Give us a break."
Nah, the Spanish were huge assholes who killed a bunch of people. When did I ever say they are clear of responsibility? I'm just saying the natives they conquered weren't exactly angels either. All humans are assholes throughout history. It's kind of our speciality.

Nazis, British, Soviets, Americans, Navajo, Azetcs....you name it. They all suck and did evil shit.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
Nah, the Spanish were huge assholes who killed a bunch of people. When did I ever say they are clear of responsibility? I'm just saying the natives they conquered weren't exactly angels either. All humans are assholes throughout history. It's kind of our speciality.

Nazis, British, Soviets, Americans, Navajo, Azetcs....you name it. They all suck and did evil shit.
On that we agree. As we were talking about Spanish cathedrals I was reminded of how impressed I was by the amount of gold but could not help but think of where it came from and how Spain got it. Mind you if I inherited that gold I would probably see it in a different light. A bit of pain and suffering in this life, and a few deaths along the pathway of righteousness didn't matter if it would help some of those heathens see the light. So it was meant to be that my Spanish forefathers should take the gold and use it to praise the one true, Christian God.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
On that we agree. As we were talking about Spanish cathedrals I was reminded of how impressed I was by the amount of gold but could not help but think of where it came from and how Spain got it. Mind you if I inherited that gold I would probably see it in a different light. A bit of pain and suffering in this life, and a few deaths along the pathway of righteousness didn't matter if it would help some of those heathens see the light. So it was meant to be that my Spanish forefathers should take the gold and use it to praise the one true, Christian God.
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Hah! That's Funny Harryopal! Every self righteous person claims their religion and their God is number one! That is such sad statement that it was meant to be and they helped those people by killing their husbands, wives, and children! And destroying their lands and culture.and stole their wealth. I can't believe you or anyone can condone this barbaric behavior in the name of their God! There will be a heavy debt to pay for these acts of violence! Karma comes to all! Even self righteous Christians!


Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
Hah! That's Funny Harryopal! Every self righteous person claims their religion and their God is number one! That is such sad statement that it was meant to be and they helped those people by killing their husbands, wives, and children! And destroying their lands and culture.and stole their wealth. I can't believe you or anyone can condone this barbaric behavior in the name of their God! There will be a heavy debt to pay for these acts of violence! Karma comes to all! Even self righteous Christians!
I was not condoning that behaviour but simply referring to the kind of rationalization that we all make when our own interests are challenged.
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
On that we agree. As we were talking about Spanish cathedrals I was reminded of how impressed I was by the amount of gold but could not help but think of where it came from and how Spain got it. Mind you if I inherited that gold I would probably see it in a different light. A bit of pain and suffering in this life, and a few deaths along the pathway of righteousness didn't matter if it would help some of those heathens see the light. So it was meant to be that my Spanish forefathers should take the gold and use it to praise the one true, Christian God.
View attachment 4054
Well Catholics misinterpreting the Bible is nothing new. Perhaps they identified as Christians by name only but anyone who is familiar with the Bible knows that the God of that bible would absolutely disapprove of the Spaniard's behavior in that period. If there is a Hell, they are for sure in it.
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New Member
Mar 19, 2024
It's an interesting observation! Weekends often signal downtime for many, including forum members. Perhaps it's a collective unwinding period or simply a reflection of typical work-life balance priorities. Regardless, it's all part of the rhythm of online communities.