Groupy Headquarters


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
OK girls and boys now that we are all gathered to praise the ONE I would just like to open these proceedings with some personal thoughts:

Been here on this forum now for some time and have talked and disputed with most of you here and please don't think it hasn't been fun but the only thing that has been missing from the Bali Expat Forum has been, yes you have probably guessed it by now, the only thing that has been really missing from the Bali Expat Forum has been... Bali Expats!

Now don't get me wrong you guys and girls that have visited Bali on the odd 2 week vacation have been real fun to talk to and occasionally informative. Yes, there has even been the occasional Real LIve Expat raise his worry worn brow quickly above the bamboo wall and contribute a scathing remark about how they are sooo busy knitting baskets in Paradise they just don't have time to demean themselves by being rude to the rest of us, but as a general rule most of the contributors to the Bali Expat Forum have been tourists and wannabees like me.

So I would hereby like to declare Roy to be a "TRULY WORTHY INTERNATIONAL TREASURE". Before his greatness' head should get too large for even a Bali Bandage (or is that an old head wound?) I would also like to point out that The Infallibility Rule does not apply and much of what he does say is a load of old sh*t. Occasionally, very occasionally though some of it does make enough sense for this club to be meaningful.

Who so ever feels that this is syncophantic bullshit be warned we will not let you worship at the Roy Shrine.

Please also note that even though his greatness is on "limited time" he manages to contribute more than all the rest of us put together.

Anyone else that feels they are, or know of, someone worthy of TWIT (truly worthy international treasure) status please apply in writing here.

All hail on him that writes


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Hi Markit

Well I have been living in Bali for nearly a year now and in neighbouring Lombok for 10 years before that so I consider myself a Indo Expat at least. I dont live in bamboo or knit baskets and Im not too busy to contribute but I only contribute where I actually have somthing to add, or ask!

I have to say the threads that get all heated I tend to avoid and there are quite a few of those :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
You are as wise as you are beautiful - the next shrine will be dedicated to you any interest in the TWIT award?

All Hail


Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii

"Please also note that even though his greatness is on "limited time" he manages to contribute more than all the rest of us put together."

A spot on observation! Nothing gets by your keen eye, eh? Do I detect a bit of jealousy in that statement? I'm just wondering if you might have anything positive to contribute other than the constant pot-stirring?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I would not class myself as a Roy synchophant but I would suggest you argue on the merits of his posts with him. What he says he believes even if some of us disagree with him and we say so.

As long as Roy is relitively polite in his answers and does not revert to his previous style of attack and personal abuse Bert has made him welcome. I personally do not think he will be able to keep it up for long but I genuinely hope he can because as you say he has a lot of knowledge to add.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
A spot on observation! Nothing gets by your keen eye, eh? Do I detect a bit of jealousy in that statement?

This is a little rich coming from someone that has managed to just scratch together a total of 45 contributions in the last 3 years... :roll:

As to the reference to jealousy? Sorry, I just don't get it - what am I supposed to be jealous of? I don't live on Bali therefore I can't contribute much more than some questions and observations to the entire proceedings - these I give and to the best of my humble ability I also try to make them meaningful and interesting.

What I am getting mighty pissed off about is the number of whining Winstons that skulk around the borders of the discussions only to jump in and release their mouthful of bile and then run again. Either join in or shut up.
I'm just wondering if you might have anything positive to contribute other than the constant pot-stirring?


Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii
Ah, yes... the quantity vs. quality issue. A quick search through the archives for "Markit" is quite revealing on both counts.

It has been previously pointed out by others that you seem to have a need for conflict. Your original post starting this thread would seem to confirm that need. I also believe that one of Sanurian's last posts directed towards you sums up the Markit experience nicely.

I, therefore, and in the spirit of your original topic post... nominate you for the award. In this case, however, TWIT would be an adjective rather than an acronym.


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Markit. Can I suggest you do yourself a big favour. Get on plane to Indo, go up to Ubud and meet Roy for yourself.

You will be pleasantly surprised.

Behind the sting in the Roy tail is a warm welcoming big guy from America who will give you war and peace on just about any topic. That's what he is like.

Weather you have been burned by him or disagree with him is beside the point. All forums are full of Roy T's who from time to time we don't like or agree with. So for your own sake get off his case and go and meet him and then be a judge back in the good old UK.

Like Bert says play the ball not the man and if you have any probs just PM.

I have made the time over the past 18 months to go and meet the true expats - Phil Roy Bert Mats Freogirl etc etc on this site and It's funny how when you meet these guys in person, your perspective changes. They are all top people I have met in life.

My 2 cents Markit .. but dont take it the wrong way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
You misunderstand me Dasha - I'm totally grateful for Roy's contributions and I said so. I tried to express my appreciation in a humorous and interesting way. I repeat - got no problems at all with anything he's written even if it sometimes is considered by many
(myself included) to be BS - I'm a firm believer in BS (this should bring the maggots out of the woodwork) and have always said "I'd rather an interesting line of heartfelt BS, than a boring truth".

What I do find a little discouraging is that (and please don't take this the wrong way Dash or anybody) is the level of reading understanding. What do I mean? Well, it doesn't seem to matter what is written or by whom but it will be soundly mis-read, misinterpreted or misunderstood by high majority of responders. Now this may be due to late night alcohol intake (or early morning for that matter) lack of English (both written and read) fluency or, in some deluded cases, intentional misunderstanding. Why do I even bring this up?

If you are going to reply to something READ IT AT LEAST TWICE.

There, I've done it and let the sh*t storm begin!

Dasha I will take your good advice and visit Bali in April whether I meet any of the illustrious expats here or not I do intend to enjoy it to the full and I hope to have equipped myself through my time on this forum to do just that, but - I hope so.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
When someone can figure out what Markit is struggling to say, will they kindly either repost a translation, or send me a PM, please. That would be much appreciated.

Dasha, many thanks for your supportive words. I have to admit I enjoy reading when an ozzie has to tell a pom how to change their ultra dry adult Pampers. :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Ha, ha, OK, I give up...

A stranger was sitting next to a little girl on an airplane when the stranger turned to her and said 'lets talk' Ive heard flights go quicker when you strike a conversation with a stranger. The little girl who had just opened her book closed it and said slowly "What would you like to talk about".
Oh, I don't know" said the stranger. "How about nuclear power?"
OK she said "that could be an interesting subject. But let me ask a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat grass - the same stuff. Yet a deer excretes little pellets. while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?"
The stranger thinks asbout it and says, Hmmm, I have no idea".
To which the little girl replies "Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know shit.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ha, ha, OK, I give up...

If that is a promise, I highly doubt it will be missed at all. :p

Truth be told, and as you have admitted yourself, you wouldn’t know fact from fiction about Bali, (or BS as you like to write) if your life depended on it.

Take the hint, and selamat jalan.


Oct 27, 2007
santa cruz, california, usa
Its good to see a real expat talking here.
Im not talking about me.
My plans keep getting put on hold here in california.
But i still plan on coming there to move for a while at least.
looks like not until september 2008 now.
Lots of family things to do here.
It sure is tough to get away.

Roy great job keeping this forum going.
Bert you are always there with a lot of help for everyone.
And everyone else that contributes to this forum, Thankyou !!!