Drunk foreigner bashed in Kuta


Well-Known Member
I saw an article in Indonesian in the newspaper about a foreigner who was killed at a disco in Kuta.

I couldn't find any mention of the story on English news sites. Anyone know what happened or has a link to the story?
Hi spicyayam,

Don't have a link, but read it in the paper too.
It was a guy from New-Zealand together with his wife on Holiday.
They went to 'Bounty' a club in Kuta, once there he and his wife wanted to go to the second floor, but were stopped at the stairs by supossebly a 'bouncer' dressed in white, he (bouncer) said it was too crowded upstairs so they had to wait till people would came down and then they could go up. Then some 'words' were exchanged by the N-Z guy and bouncer, and the N-Z guy was offended to the point he threw his glass of beer at the bouncer, don't know if he just threw the beer or the glass too, anyways one thing let to another and he was beat up outnumbered 6 to 1. Outside the wife tried to get a ambulance, since her hubbie was bleading from the nose, mouth, ears and the back of the head. Ambulance wasn't reacheable so somehow they (don't know who) got him to the cottage/bungalow they rented. Once there the owner of the place called again for an ambulance, but was told by the hospital there has to be paid 3 million first then the amblance would come. Around 6.00 that morning the N-Z guy died on the bed in the bungalow. Then there was something about that there was no contact made yet for repatriation of the body to N-Z, Cause of death was diagnosed by a doctor and said "probably head-injury". Also the 6 attackers are not yet found by police.
That was about it.....
Friendly greetings, Gilbert.
Thanks for posting. The article I read mentioned of course the guy was drunk and he threw the first punch. Of course unless you were there or this is some video of the incident no one really knows what happened.
In my paper was a pic of the guy, based on that pic...he doesn't look like a guy who would take part in a fistfight, let alone against 6 others, even if he was drunk.
I think it's very sad it ended the way it did, or how it started for that matter.
Any idea when this happened? I haven't been to Bounty in so long. It's fun every once in a while, but for the most part the Bali party scene is kind of boring after you've done it a few times over.

Too bad for the guy though, and the ambulance requesting 3 million upfront before any action was taken. May still be alive if it weren't for that. I had a friend crash his motorbike on JL oberoi, luckily right in front of a medical center that was open 24 hours. They sent him to the hospital in their own ambulance, and only asked for 1 million. Now that i think of it, I don't think anyone ever paid that. Oh, well.
Hi. I have just read about it - front page of the NZ Herald. He was a 22 year old ex NZ soldier (did some time in Timor) - traveling without insurance. They have arrested 6 guys but no charges yet. There are mistakes in the heat of the moment and then there is a lot lot worse. 6 (or so) on one and what happens suggests that it might have been more than the guy falling the wrong way - or whatever... I think the real problem is (other than a guy is dead and some other guys lives are probably going to be ruined) is that negative hit on the reputation of Bali and the Balinese people. I know that these things happen in other countries too but bad front page news is never a good thing.
Hmm.... don't get hurt in a drunken bar fight in Bali, don't get hurt at all, unless you've got good insurance or a couple of mil. on hand for the ambulance or, air evacuation.

Hi Sumatra. That can be said for just about anywhere in the world - and in most SE and central Asian countries, South America, Pacific Islands etc. Here in NZ we provide free medical and hospital care to accident victims - at a huge $ cost to New Zealanders. However, we would rather have people come here and have to pay the medical costs of a few than not have them here. Then again, perhaps basic travel insurance and a good dose of common sense should be compulsory for all travelers.
This kind of violence is not new here. Dont get into a fight here and expect to be able to duke it out "the old fasioned way". Being a woman in this country will not afford you the same mercy is does in western countries (generally) either. Best to walk way (even with your dignity in tatters) here, the rules of the game are comletely different and unfortunatley some dont find out way too late. I think the only thing that will stop this kind of thing hapenning time and time again is for the media to cover the story, but all to often this kind of negative publicity is swept under the carpet.

What i dont get is how you are supposed to fork out the cash before the ambulance accepts the job if u r alone and unconcious??? In this case there was someone else there, but what if there wasnt? You could have the best insurance in the world and it wouldnt help unless you had the cash poking out of your top pocket......

Me and my girl were only talking about this the other day. I have complete mediacal coverage from my employer here. I have my insurance card in my wallet all the time, we are still waiting for hers.Ive told her to photocopy her policy and carry it in her wallet. She argues it doesnt matter, what good will a card do??, they (emergency services) need to be paid cash up front and then you can claim later (regardless of what your policy claims, apparently this is what some service providers demand now in dire situations when you dont have time to argue).

Anyone shed some light on this?
Hinakos. I am intrigued - and also a little worried about what you are saying. In most other countries unless the 'opposition' is P'd out of their mind, insane, trying to get membership of a rather hard gang or has an overly strong religious position on certain issues (that include making extreme violence OK) then there are usually (except for a random accident, say when one falls down and hits one's head the wrong way etc) levels of agression, retaliation etc. like is usually meet with something similar and not an over the top (except in the above circumstances) reaction. Are you saying that in Bali the situation is different - and much worse? If so, what causes this - and does it happen in 'local vs local' situations as well?
I think the real problem is (other than a guy is dead and some other guys lives are probably going to be ruined) is that negative hit on the reputation of Bali and the Balinese people.

This has nothing to do with balinese people at all anybody trying to connect the two would have to be some what narrow minded !
If anything this is probably alchohol related but firstly any newspaper account can not be taken seriously as the media have a habit of stirring up peoples emotions,its a shame that somebody has lost there life due to a night out and strange that somebody on holiday hadnt enough money to pay for a ambulance so things dont add up when you consider the media account.
I find indonesia quite free of violent crime against foreigners compared to what is happening eslewhere in the modern world and i dont consider kuta as indonesia more like a foreign enclave run by indonesians on behalf of both expats & indonesians.
As for free healthcare in NZ well nothing is free ask the tax payer !

Sorry for being so abrupt but Bali is one of the few places on this planet that deserves success after all the bad publicity brought on by outsiders such as bali bombers, bali nine, etc so give bali a break please :mrgreen:
Anton. I did not say health care in NZ is free - I live here. What I said was that we pay for visitors health care when they have accidents here, self invited or otherwise. However we would rather have visitors than not. You have not understood me - but this latest one DID happen in Bali and IS being seen by many people world wide who Bali depends on for income. If it happens local it IS a local problem. I have been there 17 times pre, during and post bombing but if you think the media divorces Kuta from the rest of your fantastic island then you should join the crew on Lost so no one else can find it. Bad things happen everywhere so share the good word about Bali and I would still love to hear back from Hikanos re the violence issues.

Sorry - yes, they should have had insurance or the $ to pay, as I stated. However, not that odd when Bali markets itself to so many bargain seekers (as many places do). Simply very unfortunate for all involved - the wife, the dead guy, the guys who may end up in jail and the wider local population. Cheers - Stu
Stu i wasnt criticising your post only making the point of the media and the actual incident , without knowing the full facts one really cant say much though these kinds of incidents are common place the world over so that was all i was trying to say, nz is a rich country and can afford to pick up the health tab from its foriegn guests and many have reciprocal agreements but you cant expect indonesia to pick up a foreigners tab when it doesnt pick up its own nationals tab even without medical insurance im still berwildered why there wasnt enough cash between the party to get the man to a doctor just sounds dumb watching somebody die so i really would want to know the real account rather than the profit driven media, bali's tourism is expected to increase from such countries as nz,aust,and other nations in the region because it a great place to be and its cheap :D

Kind Regards
It sounds like they maybe didnt realise how serious the injury was. Surely if they couldnt afford an ambulance they would have least taken a taxi? Got someone to drive them?
Hi mimpimanis,
they could afford the ambulance, but the hospital wanted the wife to come to the hospital first to pay the 3 million in advance, then the ambulance would go there.
as for the condition of the guy, he was unconscious, bleeding from mouth, ears, nose, so it's better not to move a 'patient' like that at all. Don't think a taxi would take on a passenger in that condition, I know in Amsterdam they wouldn't, but also would not be needed, since the healtcare system is pretty good.
I can imagine the wife didn't want to leave her husband alone on the sidewalk there. Just wondering why nobody helped them. The story is written as if there was nobody in the vicinity, who wanted to help...no other tourist around? pretty strange don't you think?
Okidoki y'all, now my eyes falling shut.....my bed is calling me.
friendly greetings,,,Gilbert.

As for free healthcare in NZ well nothing is free ask the tax payer !

That's a dumb remark. Of course, nothing is free: someone has to pay for the "free" health care.

Here in the USA, the tax payers pay through the nose in taxes (federal, state, and local taxes, sales' tax, social security, etc), but not for "free" health care, because that "socialism." This year's military budget is in excess of $1/2 TRILLION (with a "T"), which is more than the military expenditures of the WHOLE rest of the world combined, and when you add all the items which fall under the "defense" budget, it adds up to more than $1 TRILLION :!: But still no "free" health care…However, we have free F-22s, about 10 aircraft carrier groups (very useful against Somalian pirates), multo atomic submarines, etc., which I bet NZ does not have. So, eat your heart out NZ. :lol: :lol:
I didn't know about this story but I have seen some fights in Legian area in the previous years. Also one at Bounty.

From the few times I have seen fights between party guest and bouncers it is usually the drunk guests who are initually wrong. But in my opinion the bouncers are not proffesional in the way they handle the problem. In the west to be a bouncer or security I think it's very important to know how to keep your calm and definitely not start hitting with 6 bouncers to one guy. I think they should not fight back but only defend themselves and get the problem out of the premises, but from what I see, some bouncers actually get an adrenalin rush and start to get very aggressive.

Maybe bars and discotheques should screen their security before they hire them or there should be some kind of quality label or an organization of bouncers / security?
Balibule, I have been thinking about this the past few days and thinking about the bouncer system we have in Oz. Problem is these guys are probably getting paid a pittance and I doubt there is anyway you can expect them to take courses in crowd control.

I heard some good advice from a bouncer once. If you want to get a drunk person to do what you want, you need to say something like, "Mate, can you help me out here." and then ask for your request. If you say something like "dont do this" then they can get aggressive.

If the bouncers had some basic training they would know dozens of ways to use restrain a person, causing them enough discomfort to the person so they can then be removed from the club.

It's a tragedy that no one was willing to help them. It's not just Bali, but these kinds of things happen anywhere around the world.

The hospital could hold your passport or something until the bill was paid.