
New Member
Hopefully I want get my head bitten off by anyone ( it is rather precious to me!)
And the question may have been posted before, but perhaps different people are here to add their stories to it.
My friend and I were busy at work discussing or future life in Bali. We would like to pose the question particularly to those that are NOT on a working visa....
What do you do each day in Bali What does an average day entail?
Look forward to some varied answers
I'm not in Bali & not on a working kitas, so my answer won't matter too much. I go to my wifes business in the morning (9.30), for a swim at lunch if not raining & then back to check on what all the workers are doing. At the back of my wifes factory I have a area were I play with my toy:icon_mrgreen:. I must put some pictures up of my next project (police auction next month). In Surabaya we don't have many tourist things, I think only local stuff, lots of driving on the weekend, always plenty to look at.
That's a good question, and of course would differ person to person, and depend on your circumstances. I have lived here off and on since the early 80's, and my daily interests certainly have changed!!

Currently I am involved with local projects, eg: ban the buses from ubud, anti plastic campaign, clean and green, that sort of thing. Temple activities when there is something significant on. Swim (when it is not pouring) dinner with friends, music. Generally relax, which is why I am here, love every moment (or nearly) of it. Hope this helps :icon_biggrin:
Thanks. I was beginning to think no one wanted to own up to what they did!
It has got to be better then what I do,
For example, currently ( not living in Bali) this might be my normal day;

Get up, dressed etc and go to work. Fight the traffic, ( ok I do only work 5 mins from home!). Work all day, no stopping for lunch or any breaks.
leave work, pick up groceries if needed. Get home, start dinner, cook, eat, tidy up.
Do housework or iron, or wash, etc, whatever needs doing. To grocery shopping if we need food!
Then sit down and check out the forum!
Go to bed,
Then start all over again!!!
And yes Scout, your answer sounds great and that is what I had hoped to hear more of!
Hopefully I want get my head bitten off by anyone ( it is rather precious to me!)
And the question may have been posted before, but perhaps different people are here to add their stories to it.
My friend and I were busy at work discussing or future life in Bali. We would like to pose the question particularly to those that are NOT on a working visa....
What do you do each day in Bali What does an average day entail?
Look forward to some varied answers

Last year a lot of my time was spent learning my way around, learning to drive in Bali, learning a little about the culture, and getting to know new friends. It was my orientation year. This year I’m committed to learning Indonesian before the end of the year so I’m spending a fair bit of time studying. I also do some writing. Reading, cooking, gardening, stopping for a coffee in a cafe or lunch at a warung, and exploring Bali take up a chunk of time. And then there is the fact that this is Bali and friends want to come to Bali so we often have people staying at our house and that means showing them around. I haven’t yet reached the point where I feel comfortable sending them off on their own. But that may soon happen. Much as I like the Green School campus another tour doesn’t excite me after having done a number of them. Somehow there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done even when we don’t have guests.
I do much the same here as I did back home in Aus - i work, i exercise, play with my kids. But the big difference is that neither of us spend all that time we used to on housework. And that has to be a good thing!
One thing about Kochie's post it reminded of me when I was working a regular job your whole like revolves around the clock, even social activities. In Bali I wake up when I wake up, haven't had to set the alarm for a long time now, eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are tired. It is easy to lose track of the days and I rarely pay attention to what day of the week it is. When I was working, every day I was counting down the days to the weekend and to my next holiday.

We have had a lot of family visiting recently so that does take time. I just enjoy being outside whether it's gardening, swimming or walking the dog. Some days are spent doing things like paying bills, shopping etc. Many of these things take longer than what you are probably used to. We also enjoy just visiting another part of the island even if it is only an hour or two away. Even though prices have gone up, you can still find some great places to stay that are very cheap. Like Phil, if there are things you don't like doing like cleaning the house, you can easily find staff. The weather is warm year round, most people are friendly, so if you are looking for a quiter and less hectic lifestyle, Bali is a great place to live.
Hi spicyayam, That is why i decided to post what I do in a day, to remind people that it is different in Bali, and for us "bali lovers" that have not managed to get there yet, we do love hearing about it
what you say about no alarm, no timetable really sounds wonderful, and it sounds what life should be like!
Thank you for sharing - that is exactly what i am looking for and I will bew there as soon as I can!