Crossing the Line of Good and Evil

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ingeredients: White Skin, Expectations, Cultural and Language Differences, Fear, Poverty, etc

We are debating the Good and Bad people of Bali, we have people being dissappointed in Bali (see o.a. the post by Balibounder1), we have the people that praise the Balinese and their culture, and the people that will never come back. We have the people that see corruption as an allmost daily menace, and there are people that never address the issue. There are people that seem to be stuck in the "He is rich and I am poor, lets go for it" game, and people that know how to handle this without loosing the respect of the local people.

Now, what "does it take", not to get swamped by the obvious present less praisable parts of Bali, and enjoy a life here?, what "does it take" to not wanting to post things like Balibounder1 and others have posted?



New Member
Nov 24, 2005
Hi to you all,
Sorry to butt into your forum but I visited Bali for the first time in Sept/Oct of this year and reading some of the recent posts I hope my observations will be of interest.
Firstly we (my wife and I ) found the people of Bali unbelievably nice, we have so many memories of kindness and unasked for generosity.
I did not take long to work out how much more we were paying than the locals but we made a decision to keep it all in perspective, yes if we were going to give the traders fistfuls of money they would take it. We had to decide how much things were worth to us, then if we paid 5 times what a local would pay so what! it is what it was worth to me.
As soon as we relaxed and stopped worrying about being ripped of we stopped being ripped off.
Some people should look inside themselves a bit more, the world can be an unfortunate mirror, we had the opportunity in Bali to be open and honest, we were rewarded with friendship and kindness and I can't wait to go back.




Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
The subject of this string, introduced by Bert is “Crossing the Line of Good and Evil.” For me, that hits hard at the essence of Bali Hindu/dharma. In Bali, yin and yan, good and evil, exist on equal planes, and the balance of these forces is what life here is all about.

Crossing the line, be it evil to good, or conversely, good to evil, is essential in understanding and adopting a balance in the middle. We all have to cross those lines at one point or another in our lives. In all men and women, the Balinese understand that equally opposing forces challenges us all, and each force has to be dealt with in their lives.

Balance is what Balinese life is all about. Seeking balance is what all Balinese pray for. For the Balinese, finding that spot that they can rest, without a resolute battle of good over evil, or evil over good, is the ultimate place to be.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
What I tried to say, was not so much related to religion, but more to how people perceive Bali... and how this perception may lead to failure or success when trying to make a life here...

Maybe a bit to much pretentious this title...


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
how people perceive Bali...

Apparently the perceptions are not so good as it is quieter than a Trappist monastery around here! When I flew home to Bali this past Sunday from BKK, the plane was almost empty. I had to entertain the flight crew with my Mr. Bean imitations just to pass the boredom.

Making the rounds yesterday, and catching up with current gossip, it was all “doom and gloom.” Ubud was so empty, even I, (who hasn’t driven in Bali in over seven years) could have been blind folded, and likely made it through without killing anyone.

I was told by several GM’s that current occupancy rates in the Ubud area are from zero to 20% at best.

Why? It seems (as usual) there are several factors. Terrorism threats, very serious travel warnings, the Avian flu scare....and whatever else. Too bad, because for tourists right now, Bali couldn't be better.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
No Lee, not that one, rather the movie where he represents the British Museum in LA upon the acquisition of Whistler's Mother. I'd like to see that turkey episode...what's it called?

My boys are nuts about the animated Mr. Bean, which is on TV (Indovison) twice a day. It's a bit scary though as our youngest, (Komang) who is just a little over two, always points to the TV and says, "daddy." :shock:

Hell, on a forum, one can get kicked, punched, trampled, run over, and beaten senseless...but it ain't nothing like the sobriety and abject simplicity of what your kids tell ya! :D


Nov 4, 2004
I can’t recall the name of the Turkey episode, but Mr Bean is on Trans TV every Wed or is it Thurs at around 8pm.

Always good for a laugh :lol:


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Roy
interesting what you said about Ubud
I drove through there last week of Oct 2005 and to my surprize there were the usual tourist milling about like nothing ever happened,oblivious to everything going on.
Jimbaran was totally empty,Kuta was totally empty all over the south was empty,easy to move around for me but not good for the economy.
I did see for myself the places that were hit by the several bombs that went of this last time,not a pretty sight.
Gina Tyler


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Everyone is wishing for a good Christmas/New Year season...only time will tell.

January, Feb and March are looking very bleak at this point. Historically these are slow months....but totally dead?

Next time you are in Ubud, please give me a “heads up.” I would enjoy meeting you if were similarly inclined.


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear bert
A comment regards white skin.
From being half dutch half indonesian i have seen the balinese world through objective eyes,many dont know i'm indonesian when i'm in bali my skin is light eyes light blue (the rest of my family is dark skinned black eyes) but my facial features are asian/indonesian. When i walk on a busy sidewalk the caucasian tourists think i'm indonesian and practically push me out of the way.When my "dutch aunt' walks in front of me they move for her she,is verry obviously european looking. I have always been in the middle of two worlds,two cultures totally different from each other.
When my family came to the usa (my brother has really dark skin/eyes) he was tortured by the kids calling him names. I was fine,so i wander through this planet with everyone asking me "where are you from?" because of my odd looks.
I speak with great difficulty my indonesian tongue with a strong dutch accent. I see the pre conceved judgements many throw my way. But truly the balinese have not judged me once,always so open to my commings and goings.
Ok enough ranting.................................
Gina Tyler


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
This “skin thing” has been driving me nutty for many years. It makes me crazy when I watch the various adds on Indonesian TV for skin whiteners....making a case for pearl like skin color.

Hey! Not for ME! I don’t like white skin. It’s lifeless, void of character, and it’s never as smooth as brown skin....again....just my opinion (and taste), (no pun intended).

For me, (and this is entirely a personal preference, and I hope I’m not going down a road that I shouldn’t), the average skin tone and color of Balinese women, and Thai women from Isan is absolutely perfect. Moreover, their skin is like silk, and there nothing I’ve ever experienced that is like it!

It’s so amazing to me...the western culture of tanning in the Summer months. Hell, the best parts are still as white as a turkey breast! YUK....tan lines!

Oh, I know I’m going to get a very bad spanking, but hey...that’s my take! Give me pigment and smooth texture any day....for an appetizer, an entre, or even better, dessert! :p


Nov 4, 2004
It’s so amazing to me...the western culture of tanning in the Summer months. Hell, the best parts are still as white as a turkey breast! YUK....tan lines!

Ditto for the men.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
You ladies of course deserve to have it your way. What's good for the gander is also good for the goose!


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Hello again
Yup,same goes for me,prefer darker skin,my husband has the most beautifull dark br. skin from his Navajo Indian tribal background.
I do agree the balinese women (and men) are the most attractive humans on this planet (perhaps its their skin) but i really think it is more than
skin' deep and we all know that.
As for the rest of the world,lighter colors in skin tones are marketed as 'beautifull'.....i really dont understand,perhaps it's just the media propaganda.

Another subject;
Roy by any chance do you know ibu robin from the birthing center? Do you know the Ashram across the street from the center?
Gina Tyler