Crossing the Line of Good and Evil


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Agree, do go on "bolli" or do you think both Bert and I need a nanny? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :p :p :p :p :p


May 11, 2005
I have no preferences regarding skin-color. my fiancé is brown and i'm yellowish (due to gilberts syndrome).


Aug 8, 2005
Re: RE: Crossing the Line of Good and Evil

Sparky said:
I mean while some people are trying to lighten their skin the rest are lying on a beach doing untold damage to their skin to try and
obtain what some Indonesians are trying to be rid of. Confusing to say the least.! ).

As I grew up in Bali, I recall most that my of my girlfriends wanted to have a lighter skin (putih, mulus or kuning langsat) and a western nose (hidung mancung).

I used to stay away from the sun and religiously put on “Citra” lotion (I don’t know whether they still sell this). This lotion allegedly could lighten one’s skin re. my nose, I used to massage it every morning in the hope it will grow a bit taller (just like a ‘bule’ nose). This probably sounds funny to western readers but I am not joking here.

I did not appreciate my skin colour and nose style until I moved and lived in the west. I moved to a small pleasant town in the Midwest in the US where 90% of people were white.

In my US high school most of my friends said they wished to be tanned like me. I thought at first they are being funny. What shocked me most were they even made nice comments about my little nose or in Indonesia they called it “hidung pesek”. They say “the proof is in the pudding”, I got lots of offers to go to the prom night.

I love my little nose and my skin. I actually would prefer to be darker, unlike many Balinese.

The darker the berry the sweeter the juice.


May 11, 2005
Good for you that you like your nose and dark skin poochster. The Citra-company is still very much alive and well in Indonesia. I don't think it's strange at all for dark-skinned people to prefer lighter. As you mention, many light-skin people prefer a good tan. No dilemma or controversy for me. They are trying to achive the same thing but from different standpoints. Worth to mention is that it's probably more healthy "skin-wise" to aspire lighter skin since all the "whitening"-creams include UV-protection while the ones who wish to get a tan less often use sunblock.

The *cough* best example which most of you already know of if you've wandered through the links here would be Mrs.Dracula herself. :shock: :lol:


Nov 28, 2005
Re: RE: Crossing the Line of Good and Evil

Bert said:
bolli said:
mmm. ..........................well frankly my dears, I find statements saying,
" I know which skin colour I prefer" just as distasteful as . . .. . . . . . . .

Yes go on?
Can't go on, forgot where I was taking it, I got too engrossed in Roy's
"this is not a porn site, " porn site. :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
My wife always complains about "hiding pesek" but as I tell her many times that her smile makes her the most beautiful woman in the world for me.

Having visited or worked in 41 different countries to date my observation is that all women are beautifil no matter what the colour of the skin.

Have a look at the latest Miss World competition ( Not of course I condone such sexist displays-escapes Poochie and Masaleh's anger adroitly) and you will see every shade and all gorgeous. I do not believe in limiting myself from all the delights of woman by specifying any aspect of their character. (When I was single of course) :) :)


Aug 8, 2005
Re: RE: Crossing the Line of Good and Evil

Jimbo said:
Having visited or worked in 41 different countries

WOW :shock: That is amazing :p

I notice in this thread you have been proclaimed as:

Roy said:
Jimbo! "dad of the forum"

As “Dad of the forum” we would very much appreciate if you can enlighten us (the young-ish generations) as to how you came about to travel to so many countries :?: I am sure it will make for a very interesting story.


Dear All

I think we need “Mum of the forum” :idea: to bring a more feminist side to this forum :)

Matsaleh is already a moderator. As a moderator she should be impartial whereas as the “mum of the forum” needs to be stern, and able to spank the bad boys :lol:

I should like to nominate JILL as “mum of the forum”. On her “web news” thread, she shows herself as a no non-sense lady. She is a mom of 3 8) in her real life (see Pet Survey).

Jill said:
1 x very cute dog
1 x turtle red eared
3 x my little pigs . on no there my kids lol

Jill, I came across your picture album today. Is that your dog “leo”? I am no fan of dogs, yet, but I should like to admit your dog is indeed mega cute. Here is Jill’s dog: ... ode=search

Isn’t he adorable??? That is a very good 'artistic' picture of a dog. I am in love with your dog. :oops:

Bert, I never got a picture of yours, please post picture or link.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
And there was a lot of us guys hoping you would do the "spanking" :) :)

To sit down and write the story of my life and travels is something I have promised myself when I retire. The short answer is that first the British Army and then my work took me to to many places. Most for a short time and some for much longer. I have been very fortunate in one way and not so fortunate in another.

My first marriage for example lasted 14 years but I was away for 11 of them. Not all at once of course but the absences did the damage. On the other hand I would not have met my wife of 23 years (in April) but on the downside there we have been apart for around 15 of those years.

On the plus side again I have seen and done so many things that most will not. Like most people I have had good and bad experiences and have myself been both good and bad.

I am afraid that for the details you will have to wait a while longer but the proposed title of my book is:

"Trials, Tribulations and Travels of an Engineer"

I am sure it will never get published but should keep me occupied during by forthcoming retirement and in between enjoying a cold Bintang and my extended family.


Aug 8, 2005
Kepada Bapak Jimbo 8)

Terima kasih atas ceritanya. Cepat-cepat ditulis riwayat hidupnya, saya sudah ingin baca. :wink:

Salam hormat

Ni Luh