changeing religion


Sep 2, 2004
Sorry for the late reply. ehm...well, why I'm not so comfortable with changing to muslim? I really don't know...must have something to do with the bad news of the last couple of months/years....but I know many good muslims also, so it's not that I think everybody with that religion is bad. and of course there are bad christians, it's just a feeling....but sometimes when I think about it I think that it's not even that bad to changing into muslim. if there are no other possibilies I'll do it, I'm sure..because the love to my fiance is much bigger than my strange feeling towards changing to muslim.


Aug 9, 2004
Ziggy i understand where your coming from about the different scenarios
when changing religion. I wont even mention what faith i my family and i am from as i dont think people really want ot or need to know this. I basically believe in the simple process of Good and Bad and believe that whatever happens to us all when we move on, we will not be judged on what religion we practiced on earth at all, but basically have we been a Good or Bad person in life. This i think is the way it should be as someone can be a great follower of thir religion and worshipper of their God yet be truely evil. A good example of this is for example in Bandit country in Afghanistan you would get the bandits killing and raping people and then just after it getting there prayer mats out and kneeling down to pray. :?
Also after the recent horrible events with the Tsunami we can see the Good side of people regardless of any religion in coming together to help the unfortunate. I have nothing against any religions and in some cases do like the way it unites people to show warmth and generosity in offering prayers for others, although i dont like the way people have killedeach over over religion. :? :?

So folks lets religion for the time being and show our good sides by digging deep and giving what you can afford to the unfortunate.

Regs Sparky


Hallo Sparky, very interesting comment " we will not be judge on what religion we practiced and I have nothing against any religions" but in the same time you judge the whole country as bandit and raper and describe how they pray

is this another double standards from " yes your majesty " land ?...

sorry little bit harsh.

put your own history as example is much wiser and genuine for better world.


I think you have misunderstood what i ws trying to say, or perhaps i have not stated what i meant properly. When i said 'Bandit country' i did not mean the whole country is full of Bandits, :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: but just the parts of the country where Bandits roamed. So apoligies if i have offended anyone, but that was not the idea as i was only trying to make a point using the subject as an example. I am sure most people get the point and aslo it is one hundred percent true what went on and believe me still does.

Regs SParky


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
That would depend on whether you mean to only refer to native born Balinese living on Bali, or would want to include Indonesians from other parts of Indonesia that have migrated to Bali, and foreigners that live here.

If you mean the former, than at least 99% would be Hindu. The other 1% would be the small number of Balinese who have converted to Islam or Christianity.

If you mean the later, meaning the population in Bali as a whole, then the numbers of Muslims and Christians increases dramatically as the population of non Balinese in Bali increases yearly at a rapid rate.