Busines guide to Bali


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I am thinking of researching and writing a guide to starting and running a business in Bali. It's one of my goals for the year.

My question is, if you were interested in such a guide/book, what kinds of things would you like to read about? what questions would you like to see answered?

I also want to do interviews with successful entrepreneurs, maybe you would like to be interviewed, maybe you know someone who has an interesting story to tell :?:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
hai Spice,

sounds like a good idea that book/guide on "how to start your business on Bali". Maybe it's not for the experienced businesspeople, but more for the first time starting a business people. Do you want to make it like a step by step guide, as in 'you want to start your own business on Bali...now what do I do? Step 1:........., step 2:.......,step3:.......etcetc..?

-I think it would be great if the guide had some clearcut answers, as to the PT., CV. and PMA constructions. The pro and con of said constructions in regard to field of business, innitial investment, tax obligations, licensing.
-Why begin a new company, or buy an existing company in regards to licensing/ownership?

You've got your work cut out for you spice, I think it's quite a challenge to write such a guide...Not to get the actual information, but to make it coherrent and interesting. I think it's smart to interview some people who succesfully started their business here on Bali and are still operating after 3 years, that should make it more enjoyable to read :) .

I wish you all the best with this project buddy.
friendly greetings, gilbert.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Thanks for the suggestions. I have a few ideas to try and make it interesting to read without it reading like some kind of legal document. Personally, I love hearing about business success stories.


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
Hi Spicy Ayam,

I would buy such a guide if it dealt specifically with the type of business I want to set up.
So maybe you could do a first part about setting up a business in Bali in general and a second part where you talk more specifically about the most common types of business people want to set up in Bali : Export company, bar, guest house...

I also think doing it in form of a E-guide would be better (and better for the environment :), as you could give templates of legal documents, excel sheets, forms, letters... to be used to run the business... I would definitly buy that.

Hope this helps.

Good luck for your poject.



New Member
Mar 8, 2010
great idea,
i would buy the book for sure. Trying to get hold of information concerning a PT or CV and its a jungle out there..
good luck and keep us posted with your news..


Feb 3, 2010
I would also buy it. Get those fingers typing and let us know if you decide to go ahead.


Feb 16, 2010
I think business investors might ask some statistics about the tourism, population and competition in Bali. Also if there's enough people to accommodate their business especially the tourists.


Apr 20, 2009
Denpasar, Bali
Sign me up for the pre-orders!

I'd like a guide for small first-timers in Bali who wants to set up their own business. Like somebody already suggested, what's involved generally, what are the constructions, requirements, legal prerequisites, etc. I'd be happy to provide feedback since I will be doing this journey my self during this year.

Kind regards


Jan 15, 2009
Seminyak, Bali
Starting a business...

Um, a list of the crooks to avoid???

I take my hat off to you if you can put together a guide on starting a business in such a corrupt country. I'd love to know more about what is legal and what's not. So many people just seem to do whatever they can get away with.
Understanding the basis of the Legal system (Civil law) would be massively helpful especially for people who enter in contractual agreement with Indonesians (Joint ventures). Much of it isn't worth the paper its written on sadly.

So helping people know what sort of agreements they can enter into from opening a simple Warung to developing land.....

I am thinking of researching and writing a guide to starting and running a business in Bali. It's one of my goals for the year.

My question is, if you were interested in such a guide/book, what kinds of things would you like to read about? what questions would you like to see answered?

I also want to do interviews with successful entrepreneurs, maybe you would like to be interviewed, maybe you know someone who has an interesting story to tell :?: